Ahmad, A. Fadli, F. and Oosterhuis, K; (2021) Game Set and Match GSM4Q 2019 Conference Book of Proceedings- Edited Book, QU Press.
Fadli, F (2021) Essay/Book Chapter; “Medinas: From Vernacular to Smart Sustainable Cities and Buildings” in GSM4Q book of proceedings-QU Press.
Alsaeed, M., Fadli, F. (2021) Smart Interactive Buildings [SIBs]: The use of Ambient Intelligent Systems [AMIS] to enable Smart Interactive Settlements [SISs] in GSM4Q book of proceedings-QU Press.
Zverovich, P. Boguslawski, L. Mahdjoubi and F. Fadli (2021), Emergency Response: Navigable Networks and Optimal Routing in Hazardous Indoor Environments, 109-212, In: V. Zverovich, Modern Applications of Graph Theory, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021, 416 pp.
Fadli, F; Alsaeed, M (2020) Smart Interactive Cities [SICs]: The Use of Computational Tools and Technologies [CTTs] as a Systemic Approach to Reduce Water and Energy Consumption in Urban Areas in Data-driven Multivalence in the Built Environment (Biloria, N. Eds.)-Springer International Publishing.
Journal Papers
Sohail, S.S.; Himeur, Y.; Kheddar, H.; Amira, A.; Fadli, F.; Atalla, S.; Copiaco, A.; Mansoor, W. (2025) Advancing 3D point cloud understanding through deep transfer learning: A comprehensive survey. In Information Fusion; Elsevier Publisher. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2024.102601
Mahnoor, H., Fadli, F., (2023) Street Re-Design for the adoption of Autonomous Vehicles- Case of the City of Doha, Qatar. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment-Emerald Publishers.
Mogra, S., Khamidi, F. M., Fadli, F. (2023). Insight into vegetation inclusion along urban roads: A pilot study on the preferences of expatriate roadside users in downtown Doha, Qatar. Landscape Online. DOI: 10.3097/LO.2023.1108
Bousbiat, H., Bousselidj, R., Himeur, Y., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., Fadli, F., Mansoor, W., and Elmenreich, W. (2023) Crossing Roads of Federated Learning and Smart Grids: Overview, Challenges, and Perspectives. arXiv preprint. arXiv:2304.08602; April 2023.
Copiaco, A., Himeur, Y., Amira, A., Mansoor, M., Fadli,, Atalla, S., Sohail, SS. (2023) An innovative deep anomaly detection of building energy consumption using energy time-series images. In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119, 105775. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2022.105775
Cabibihan, J. J.; Gaballa, A.; Fadli, F.; Irshidat, M.; Mahdi, E.; Biloria, N.; Mansour, Z.; Abdulrazak, H. (2023) A Guided Approach for Utilizing Concrete Robotic 3D Printing for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry. Construction Robotics Journal –Springer.
Himeur, Y., Elnour, M., Fadli, F., Meskin, N., Petri, I., Rezgui, Y., Bensaali, F., Amira, A., (2022) AI-big data analytics for building automation and management systems: a survey, actual challenges and future perspectives. In Artificial Intelligence Review-October 2022. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-022-10286-2
Himeur, Y., Elnour, M., Fadli, F., Meskin, N., Petri, I., Rezgui, Y., Bensaali, F., Amira, A., (2022) Next-generation energy systems for sustainable smart cities: Roles of transfer learning. In Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 85. Elsevier., V,85- October 2022. 104059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2022.104059
Bahrami, P., Fadli, F., Zaina, S., Daemei, A. B., Darvish, A., and Abbaszadegan, S. M., (2022) Plant performance analysis of biofacades in a hot, arid Region of Qatar. In: Urban Ecosystems, Springer Nature. https://10.1007/s11252-022-01257-0
Elnour, M., Himeur, Y., Fadli, F., Mohammedsherif, H., Meskin, N., Ahmad M. A., Petri, I., Rezgui, Y., Hodorog, A., (2022) Neural network-based model predictive control system for optimizing building automation and management systems of sports facilities. In: Applied Energy, Elsevier, V.318, 15 July 2022, 119153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119153
Elnour, M., Fadli, F., Himeur, Y., Petri, I., Rezgui, Y., Meskin, N., Ahmad M. A., (2022) Performance and energy optimization of building automation and management systems: Towards smart sustainable carbon-neutral sports facilities. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier, Permagon Publishers. Volume 162, July 2022, 112401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112401
Zaina. S., Fadli, F., and Hosseini, S. M. (2022) Evaluation of smart irrigation systems in hot-arid climates for green roofs and walls: case of Doha, Qatar. In: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN: 2046-6099
Fadli. F, Bahrami. P, and Zaina. S., (2022) The Design and Applications of an Innovative Irrigation System for Biofacades in Hot Arid Climates. In: International Journal of Global Warming, Inderscience Publishers.
Regaya. Y, Fadli. F, and Amira. A., (2021) Point-Denoise: Unsupervised outlier detection for 3D point clouds enhancement. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications- Springer.
Hosseini, S. M. M., Fadli, F. and Mohammadi, M., (2021), Biomimetic kinetic shading facade for improving occupant’s daylight performance. In : Journal of Daylighting. V.8., Issue.1, Pp. 65-82.
Zaina, S., Fadli, F., and Khamidi, FM. (2021) Technical review of green roofs in hot arid region: case of Qatar. In: International Journal of Global Warming, Inderscience Publishers.
Bezai, N.E., Medjdoub, B., Al-Habaibeh, A.; Chalal, M.L., and Fadli, F., (2021) Future cities and autonomous vehicles: analysis of the barriers to full adoption. In Energy and Built Environment, May 2020, Science Direct. KeAi Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2020.05.002
Nejat, P; Hasanen, M. H., Fadli, F., et al. (2020) Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Analysis of a Two-Sided Wind-catcher Integrated with Anti-Short-Circuit Device for Low Wind Conditions. Processes 8(7):840. DOI: 10.3390/pr8070840
Regaya, Y; Fadli, F and Amira, A (2020) 3D Point Cloud Enhancement using Unsupervised Anomaly Detection- IEEE-ISSE Xplore 2020.
Fadli, F., and Alsaeed, M., (2019) Digitizing Vanishing Architectural Heritage; The Design and Development of Qatar Historic Buildings Information Modeling [Q-HBIM] Platform. Sustainability 2019, 11(9), 2501; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11092501
Fadli, F., and Alsaeed, M., (2019) A Holistic Overview of Qatar’s (Built) Cultural Heritage; Towards an Integrated Sustainable Conservation Strategy. Sustainability. Sustainability 2019, 11(8), 2277; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11082277
Gorte, B; Zlatanova, S; Fadli, F (2019) Navigation in Indoor Voxel Models, ISPRS Annals for Photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information systems 4(2W/5), Pp. 279-283
Fadli, F; Zaina, S; and Bahrami, P (2019) Smart biofaçades; An innovative living construction technology in Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies Volume 3, 2019
Fadli, F; Kutty, N et al. (2018), Extending Indoor Open Street Mapping Environments to Navigable 3D CityGML Building Models: Emergency Response Assessment. ISPRS Annals/Archives, Delft, Dec 2018.
Boguslawski, P., Mahdjoubi, L., Fadli, F. and Zverovich, V (2018) A dynamic approach for evacuees’ distribution and optimal routing in hazardous environments. Automation in Construction, Volume 94, October 2018, Pages 11-21. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2018.05.032
Zverovich, V., Mahdjoubi, L., Boguslawski, P. and Fadli, F. (2017) Analytic prioritization of indoor routes for search and rescue operations in hazardous environments. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 32 (9), pp. 727-747. Blackwell publishers/ DOI: 10.1111/mice.12260
Koh, S., Nwe, M.T.N., Bahrami, P., Fadli, F, Moen, C.D., Guest, J.K. (2017) Structural topology optimization considering complexity – in Buildings and Special Structures – Selected Papers from the Structures Congress 2017
Boguslawski, L. Mahdjoubi, V. Zverovich, Fadli (2016) Automated construction of variable density navigable networks in a 3D indoor environment for emergency response. Automation in Construction, Volume 72, Part 2, Pages 115-128. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2016.08.041
Zverovich, L. Mahdjoubi, P. Boguslawski, F. Fadli, H. Barki. (2016) Emergency Response in Complex Buildings: Automated Selection of Safest and Balanced Routes, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, V31, Pp.617-632, Aug, 2016, Wiley. DOI: 10.1111/mice.12197
Boguslawski, L. Mahdjoubi, V. Zverovich, Fadli, F. (2016)Two-Graph Building Interior Representation for Emergency Response Applications Edited by Halounova, L et al. XXIII ISPRS CONGRESS, COMMISSION II-Book Series: International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. V3, I2, Pp. 9-14. 23rd ISPRS Congress, Prague Czech Republic DOI: 10.5194/isprsannals-III-2-9-2016
Fadli, Barki, A. Shaat, L. Mahdjoubi, P. Boguslawski, V. Zverovich. (2016),3D Capture Techniques for BIM enabled LCM, in Product Life Cycle Management in the Era of Internet of Things, PLM 2015 (editors Bouras A et al.) Book Series: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology V467, Pp. 183-192
Fadli, H. Barki, P. Boguslawski, L. Mahdjoubi. (2015)3D scene capture: a comprehensive review of techniques and tools for efficient Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Emergency Preparedness (EP) applications, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, volume 149, pp. 85-96.
Barki, F. Fadli, A. Shaat, P. Boguslawski, L. Mahdjoubi. (2015),BIM models generation from 2D CAD drawings and 3D scans: an analysis of challenges and opportunities for AEC practitioners WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, volume 149, pp. 369-380.
Boguslawski, L. Mahdjoubi, V. Zverovich, F. Fadli, H. Barki. (2015)BIM-GIS model integration in support of emergency response applications, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, volume 149, pp. 381-392.
Fadli, F, Sobhey, M, Asadi, R and E. Elserrag (2014),Environmental Impact Assessment of New Districts Development-in WIT Transactions on the Built Environment.142:517-528.Ashurst, UK.
Maimani, A; Salama, A; Fadli, F (2014) Exploring Socio-Spatial Aspects of Traditional Souqs: The case of Suq Mutrah (Oman). Archnet-IJAR-International Journal of Architectural Research, V.8, I 1, PP. 50-65, ISSN# 1994-6961
Fadli, F (2013) Digitizing Vanishing Heritage in the MENA region, case of Qatar, QF-ARC’13, DOI:5339/qfarf.2013.SSHP-029. Doha, Qatar.
Fadli, F (2012) Emerging sustainability assessment tools in the MENA region: An analytical evaluation –QFARF 2012-QNCC, DOI:10.5339/qfarf.2012.EEP93
Fadli, F (2012) The (Im)-possible Mosque, Spatial Mutation and Identity Needs in Northern Ireland – Open House International, Emerald Publishers, V37.No2. Pp.82-91.
Fadli, F and Sibley, M (2008) The Historic Hammams of Cairo Safeguarding a Vanishing Heritage, Journal of Architectural Conservation, V. 14. N3, November 2008, Routledge-Taylor and Francis. UK. Pp. 59-80. DOI: 10.1080/13556207.2008.10785032
Sibley, M and Fadli, F (2008) The Surviving Historic Hammāms of the Medina of Tripoli, Libya: Tangible and Intangible Dimensionsin International Journal ofArchitectural Research. Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2008. Pp.93-108.
Conference Papers
Mohammedsherif, H. and Fadli, F. (2024). Designing for Safety: Innovative Evacuation Dynamics of Mega Sport Venues. International Conference of Smart and Sustainable Built Environment SASBE224, Auckland-New Zealand.
Al-Mohannadi, I. and Fadli, F. (2023) The use of Digital Technologies and Digital Twins [DT2] in Uncovering Doha’s Architectural Past. In Humanities International Conference 2023- Bangkok, Thailand.
Kerdjidj, O.; Himeur, Y.; Atalla, S.; Copiaco, A.; Sohail, S.S.; Fadli, F.; Amira, A.; Mansoor, W; Gawanmeh, A. (2023) Exploring 2D Representation and Transfer Learning Techniques for People Identification in Indoor Localization. 2023 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2023, pp. 173-177, doi: 10.1109/ICSPIS60075.2023.10343825.
Alajmi, A.; Petri, I.; Rezgui, Y.; and Fadli, F. (2023). Social media data analysis of IoT risks in smart cities. IEEE ICE Conference 2023. IEEE Publishers.
Elnour, M., Fadli, F., Meskin, N., Petri, I., Rezgui, Y. (2023). Analysis of Unsupervised Consumption Anomaly Detection in Sports Facilities using Artificial Intelligence-Based Data Analytics: A Case Study. 2023 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing Proceedings. ACM Publishers-ACM Digital Library.
Atour, R., and Fadli, F. (2023) The Challenges and Future Aspirations of Implementing Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) in the Urban Facilities of Mega Sport Events [MSEs] in Qatar. International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction – CIC 2023- Proceedings. Qatar University Press.
Mahnoor, H., and Fadli, F. (2023) Multimodal Transport for Smart Mobility in Emerging Cities- Case of Doha, Qatar. International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction – CIC 2023- Proceedings. Qatar University Press.
Al Midani, D., and Fadli, F. (2023) An Analytical Review of Attempts to Mitigate Visual Pollution in Urban Settings. International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction – CIC 2023- Proceedings. Qatar University Press.
Mogra, S., Khamidi, M.F., and Fadli, F. (2023) Conceptual Framework for Planning Urban Roadside Vegetation to Enhance Air Quality for Roadside Users. International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction – CIC 2023- Proceedings. Qatar University Press.
Copiaco, A., Himeur, Y., Amira, A., Mansoor, W., Fadli, F., Atalla, S., (2022) Exploring Deep Time-Series Imaging for Anomaly Detection of Building Energy Consumption. 2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE). IEEE Publishers.
Atalla, S., Himeur, Y., Mansoor, W., Amira, A., Fadli, F., Copiaco, A., Sohail, SS. (2022) Recommendation System Towards Residential Energy Saving Based on Anomaly Detection. 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS 2022). IEEE Publishers.
Himeur, Y., Fadli, F., Amira, A. (2022) A Two-Stage Energy Anomaly Detection for Edge-based Building Internet of Things (BIoT) Applications. 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS 2022). IEEE Publishers.
Fadli, F., Rezgui, Y., Petri, I., Ahmad M. A, Hodorog, A., Elnour, M., Mohammedsherif, H. and Meskin, N. (2021) Building Energy Management Systems for Sports Facilities in the Gulf Region: A Focus on Impacts and Considerations -CIB W78 International Conference, Luxembourg October 2021.
Elnour, M., Mohammedsherif, M., Fadli, F., Rezgui, Y., Petri, I., Ahmad M. A., Hodorog, A., and Meskin, N., (2021) Neural Network-based Predictive Control System for Energy Optimization in Sports Facilities: A Case Study – CIB W78 International Conference, Luxembourg October 2021.
AlFadalla, E; and Fadli, F (2020) Towards Sustainable Public Open Spaces for Promoting Human Comfort, Health and Wellbeing-Case of Oxygen Park in Doha. In The International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction. Doha, 2-5 Feb 2020.
Al Fadalla, E; and Fadli, F (2020) ‘Smart City Applications: Promoting Comfort Health and Well-Being Through Sustainable Smart Urban Design (S2UD).” In IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies, ICIoT 2020-9089503, pp. 254-261.
Al Midani, D; and Fadli, F (2020) An Analytical Review of Sustainable Green Buildings in Qatar; Implementations in the AEC Sector. In The International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction. Doha, 2-5 Feb 2020.
Zaina, S; and Fadli, F (2020) Green Buildings Elements: A Technical Review of Green Roofs. 12th International Exergy, Energy, and Environment Symposium-IEEE 2020.
Regaya, Y; Fadli, F; and Amira, A (2019) 3D Point Cloud Enhancement using Unsupervised Anomaly Detection- 2019 International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). Edinburgh Oct 2019.
Fadli, F.; Zaina, S; and Bahrami, P (2019) Smart biofaçades; An innovative living construction technology in 5th International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, SCMT 2019; Kingston upon Thames; United Kingdom; 14 July 2019 through 17 July 2019
Koh, S., Nwe, M T, Moen, C., Fadli, F., Bahrami, P, and Guest, J.K., (2017) Structural Topology Optimization Considering Complexity The 2017 Structures Congress-SEI-ASCE Denver, Colorado, 6-8th April 2017.
Boguslawski, L. Mahdjoubi, V. Zverovich, Fadli (2016) Two-Graph Building Interior Representation for Emergency Response Applications 23rd ISPRS Congress, Prague Czech Republic 19th-23rd July 2016.
Fadli, F, Dacanay, T, Moen, C, Guest, J, Bahrami, P (2016) Life Cycle Assessment of Tall Buildings in Qatar, A focus on Construction Materials Use and Techniques, Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference-QF-ARC’2016-Doha. 10.5339/qfarc.2016.EEPP3404
Fadli, F, Bahrami, P, Susorova, I, Tabibzadeh, M, Zaina, S and El-Ekhteyar, S (2016) Bio-Facades; An Innovative Design Solution Towards Sustainable Architecture in Hot Arid Zones- Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference-QF-ARC’2016-Doha. DOI: 10.5339/qfarc.2016.EEPP3394
Fadli, F (2015) Recent SATs and Urban Apps, in International Association of Impact Assessment International Conference, IAIA 2015, 20-23rd April 2015 Florence, Italy
Fadli, F (2014) New Generation Sustainability Assessment Models (SAMs)-Application for Urban Districts & Neighbourhoods, World Sustainable Building Congress WSB14-Oct 2014 Barcelona, Spain
Fadli, F (2014) Sustainability Assessment Vs Building Performance; An Innovative Review, PMA 2014-Aarhus-International Conference on Performance Management and Assessment-Aarhus 25-27th June 2014.
Fadli, F, Sobhey, M, Asadi, R and E. Elserrag (2014), Environmental Impact Assessment of New Districts Development-Ancona 13-16th May 2014-Italy.
Fadli, F (2014) Guest-Speaker, Emerging Cities of the MENA & Gulf Regions; An Insight into Sustainability: Concepts, issues and challenges, The Department of Urban Planning & Design-Faculty of Architecture, BME Budapest-April 16th
Fadli, F (2014) Sustainability and System Thinking in Architectural Design. In SB Lab Conference, Rome-Italy, 2014.
Fadli, F (2013)Emerging contextual tools SATS, focus on the MENA region.SB13 Munich-Sustainability barriers and chances, Munich Germany 23-26th April 2013.
Fadli F, (2012) Assessment models in the MENA region: an analytical study of QSAS. In Amoeda, R et al. BSA 2012 – Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Building Sustainability Assessment.
Fadli F, (2012) Lessons from the Past: The Sustainability Capacities of the Islamic Medina and its Urban Fabric and Buildings. Budapest University of Technology and Economy, BME, Budapest (March 2012).
Fadli, F (2008) The (Im) possible Mosque of Northern Ireland Spatial creation and architectural mutation for cultural identity needs. Muslim Geographies Conference, Liverpool 5th April 2008.
Fadli, F (2001) “Measuring the immeasurable- Assessing Sustainability for Tourism Architecture around the Mediterranean” Inter-school conference Proceedings, OxfordBrookes University.