1. 2017: McGraw-Hill Education: Distinguished Paper Award, March 9-11, 2017, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
  2. 2017: Federation of Business Disciplines Distinguished Paper Award, March 9-11, 2017, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
  3. 2017: Best Paper Award, Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing track, Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators. 44th Annual Meeting, March 9-11, 2017, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
  4. 2014: Best Paper Award, Retailing and Services Marketing track, Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators. 41st Annual Meeting March 12-15, 2014, Dallas, TX, USA.
  5. 2014: Best Paper Award, Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing track, Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators. 41st Annual Meeting March 12-15, 2014, Dallas, TX, USA.
  6. 2014: Best Paper Award (student track/my role: mentor of the student). Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators. 41st Annual Meeting March 12-15, 2014, Dallas, TX, USA.
  7. 2013: Second place in the national undergraduate research competition in UAE. (Role: Mentor of the student)
  8. 2011: Best Paper Award in Marketing, 3rd Research Symposium in Business and Economics, Abu Dhabi University, UAE.
  9. 2008: Ph.D. program Scholarship for academic excellence, HEC Montreal, Canada (CAD$5,000).
  10. 2008: Best Paper Award: Managing Service Quality Highly Commended MSQ/Emerald Award, European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), Zagreb, Croatia, (July 2nd, 2008).
  11. 2008: Esdras Miniville Prize, HEC Montreal, Canada (CAD$5,000).
  12. 2007: Best Paper Award: Managing Service Quality Highly Commended MSQ/Emerald Award, European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), San Francisco, USA (June 29th, 2007).
  13. 2006: Society for Marketing Advances Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Society for Marketing Advances, Nashville, USA, (November 2nd, 2006).
  14. 2006: Ph.D. program Scholarship for academic excellence, HEC Montreal. (CAD$5,000)
  15. 2006: Awarded scholarship for doctoral studies in administration, Canada: “Quebec Research Funds on Society and Culture” scholarship for doctoral studies in administration (CAS$60,000).
  16. 2005: Award of academic excellence, HEC Montreal- J.A. De Sève Foundation (CAD$4,250).
  17. 2004: Award of academic excellence, HEC Montreal- Omer DeSerres Chair of Retailing (CAD$2,500).
  18. 2004: Awarded Tunisian Government scholarship for doctoral studies in administration, Government of Tunisia (CAD$120,000).
  19. 2002: Awarded Tunisian Government scholarship for master studies in administration, Government of Tunisia (CAD$80,000).
  20. 2001: Prize of excellence, ESC Tunis School of Business, Tunisia.
  21. 2000: Prize of excellence, ESC Tunis School of Business, Tunisia.