Kamel (El) Hedhli is currently an associate professor of marketing at the College of Business and Economics within Qatar University. He has earned a three-year university diploma in Management and a bachelor degree (B.B.A.) in Hospitality and Tourism Management from the Institute of Technology (University of the Center) and ESC Tunis School of Business (University of Manouba) in Tunisia, a Master of Science degree (M.Sc.) in Marketing and a Ph.D. in Business Administration (marketing and quantitative methods) from HEC Montreal in Canada.
His honors include several international best paper awards, awarded graduate (Ph.D. and M.Sc.) scholarships from Tunisia, awarded graduate scholarship for doctoral studies (Ph.D.) from Canada, Esdras Miniville Prize and other various academic excellence awards from HEC Montreal, and a Doctoral Consortium Fellowship at the Society for Marketing Advances in USA.
Before joining Qatar University, he has held academic appointments as an assistant professor of marketing at NEOMA Business School in France, Abu Dhabi University in UAE and Algoma University in Canada, as well as a part-time lecturer at HEC Montreal in Canada. He has taught various marketing courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
His research interests lie in the intersection of consumer psychology, retailing and services, and consumer well-being/quality-of-Life studies. His research has appeared in academic journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Review of Marketing Science, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, and Perceptual & Motor Skills.