Dr. Abdelaziz Bouras is Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department – College of Engineering of Qatar University (QU) and Manager at the Office of Research Support (Vice-President of Research and Graduate Studies office). He joined QU in 2013 as Scientific Chair of ictQATAR (Supreme Council of Information & Communication Technology — currently Ministry of Communications and Information Technology).
He obtained his PhD and Research Habilitation in Computer Science from the University of Lyon (France) and has been conferred a Honoris-Causa Doctor degree, in 2011, by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindorn of Thailand (in Chiangmai University).
Before joining QU, he was full Professor (Exceptional Class) at University of Lyon, where he was successively Deputy Director of PRISMA and DISP “Information and Decision Systems” research laboratories and Director of the “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center”. During his tenure in Lyon, he contributed to several Rhone-Alps industry-university initiatives; and to many institutional collaborations through research stays in Mexico, India, Thailand, China and USA.
Dr. Abdelaziz is currently the Chair of the IFIP WG5.1 Working Group on ICT Lifecycle management and contributed to several international programs, such as the NIST Cyber-Physical Systems framework. He led or participated in a dozen of international projects in Qatar (ie. NPRP: Blockchains for Supply chains, Industry integrated education, Knowledge preservation, and Smart Cities) and in Europe (ie. FP7: Smart Wearable Products, Future Internet Technologies for Manufacturing industries, Sustainable e-Tourism…); and contributed to the creation of start-ups (Ginkyo in France, Digital Incubation Center in Qatar).
He has founded or co-founded several international conferences (IFIP PLM Internat. Conf., IEEE SKIMA Internat. Conf., CAD Internat. Conf….) and scientific journals (IJPLM, JMPM, IJPD,…); and is currently editorial board member of several recognized journals (SSMS, JIM, etc) and consulted for governments, organisations and companies in Europe, America and Asia. He is/was member of IFIP, IEEE, ASME, Design Society, GDR-MACS, V-LAB, MICADO… and received several international awards and grants for his initiatives in the field of ICT and their applications.
Dr. Abdelaziz acts as expert for several research/education agencies (Canadian NSERC & FNRT, French ANR & AERES, Italian ANVUR, Greek Ministry of Education) and universities (in Thailand, Jordan, China, Morocco, KSA, etc).