1-Amara, Mahfoud, External assessment panel of BBC’s regional sports coverage, March 2007

2-Amara, M (2010) ‘Open Agenda’, Football and Society, TV Broadcast. BBC Arabic TV (40 minutes)

3-Amara, M (2012), 22 April, Interview Skynews (Live): 3 pm news (4 minutes). Sport and Politics in Middle East: F1 in Bahrain.

4-Amara, M (2012), 16 May, invited to Aljazeera Sport Programme (Doha, Qatar), Sport and Economy (24 minutes live on Aljazeera Sport News channel)

5-Amara, M. (2012) Sport and Politics, In-Depth, Aljazeera News Channel, 23 June 2014 (50 minutes) (Link to Video Here)

6-(Link to Full Program) (21 June 2018) BBC Extra كأس العالم ما بين السياسة والتجارة

6-Can sport heal divisions in the Middle East? | Inside Story , Aljazeera English  (3 February 2019). (Link to full program here)


1- Amara, M (2008) Sport Development in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Radio Interview (Radio France International).

2- Amara, M (2008) Muslim women and the Olympics, Radio Interview. (BBC World Service)

3- Amara, M (2005) The 2005 Pan-Arab Games, Radio Interview. BBC World Service

International Press

— La Vanguardia (Barcelona) El Mundial de Qatar 2022 se enfrenta a nuevas amenazas, Andy Robinson, 19/01/2018

— Le Monde (France) , En Arabie saoudite, les femmes gagnent du terrain par le sport, Anthony Hernandez, 07.01.2018

—- Volkstrant (Netherlands) “ Vrouwen in Saoedi-Arabië mogen voor het eerst voetbalwedstrijd bijwonen, maar wel in speciale vakken” , Rob Vreeken 12 januari 2018.

—Featured in La Nacion (Costa Rica) Sector turismo es hipócrita con el deporte, 1 April 2017

—Featured in O Globo (Brasil) Blindado na bola, exposto na política: Egito busca retomar protagonismo na Copa Africana, 2017 – JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP

—Featured in Le Qatar joue aussi la carte du sport féminin – La Croix, Feb 2, 2016 by Jean-François FOURNEL (France) Featured in Le Golfe contrôle – Libération, Nov 26, 2015, by Thierry Thirault (France).

– Interview: Hit the ground running! | Doha Stadium Plus, March 16 (Qatar)

-Amara, M . (2014) Le débat sur le voile dans le sport rebondit aux Jeux asiatiques, Interview, Le Monde 25 September, (France), 2014 ( link to full text) 

الفيفا وشبھات الفساد.. مستجدات للأخذ بعين الاعتبار Aljazeera news webpage (16 November 2014) (Link to full text)  

– Amara, M (2014) Les piliers de la stratégie internationale sportive du Qatar. Quotidien d’Oran (19-1- 2014), (link to full text) (Algeria)

– Amara, M. (2013) The Pillars of Qatar’s International Sport Strategy, Nov 29 2013, E-International Relations, (the US)

– Featured, Algeria Between “la Boulitique” and la Politique: A Tale of Two Youths, by Muriam Haleh Davis, Jaddaliya magazine, (Link to full text) . (The UK)

– Amara, M (2014) foot et affaires souterraines, Le débats (Algeria), 5 February. (Link to full text)

– Featured in Moritz Behrendt, (2012) Interview in Zenith Magazine: Zeitschrift fur den Orient. Dossier:Macht und fussball (business and politics of sport in the middle east), (Germany)

-Amara, M (2012) Des Jeux olympiques et de l’olympisme, Quotidien D’Oran Newspaper (Algeria), 26 January. (Link to full text)

– Amara, M (2011) Interview Dutch newspaper DE VOLKSKRANT: “Het voetbalstadion in Afrika is ookde arena van haat,onvrede en politieke reuring. ‘Sport is het vergrootglasop de wereld”, by Willem Vissers. (the Netherlands)

– Amara, M (2009) Le sport entre Modernité et Authenticité dans la Péninsule Arabe. Quotidien d’Oran newspaper, Algeria. 31 Mars. (Link to full text)

– Amara, M (2008) Vers une professionnalisation du football en Algérie? part 1. Quotidien d’Oran  newspaper, Algeria.    (Link to full text)

– Amara, M (2008) Vers une professionnalisation du football en Algérie? part 2. Quotidien d’Oran newspaper, Algeria.