1. Thapa. S, Indraganti. M, “Evaluation of thermal comfort in two neighboring climatic zones in Eastern India—an adaptive approach,” Energy and Buildings Volume 21315 April 2020Article 109767 Impact factor (IF): 4.495. Elsevier.
  2. Assadi. S, Mostavi. E, Boussaa. D, Indraganti. M, “Building energy model calibration using automated optimization-based algorithm,” Energy and Buildings  1981 (9) (2019) 106-114.
  3. Liƒçina VF, Cheung T, et al., Indraganti. M, et.al., “Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II ,” Building and Environment 142 (2018) 502-512, September 2018, Elsevier Journals. Impact factor: 4.539 “Won the Best Paper Award from Building and Environment,” best in discipline journal.
  4. Thapa. S, Bansal AK, Panda GK, Indraganti. M, “Adaptive thermal comfort in the different buildings of Darjeeling Hills in eastern India – Effect of difference in elevation,” Energy and Buildings 173 (2018) 649-677
  5. Indraganti. M, Boussaa. D, Assadi. S, Mostavi. E,  “User satisfaction and energy use behavior in offices in Qatar,” Building Services Engineering Research and Technology,  Volume 39, Issue 4, 1 July 2018, Pages 391-405 Sage Journals. IF: 0.820
  6. Indraganti. M, Boussaa. D, “An adaptive relationship of thermal comfort for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: The case of offices in Qatar,” Energy and Buildings 159 (2018) 201–212.
  7. Indraganti. M, “Enquiry-based learning workshop for deep learning in Middle Eastern classrooms – an action research approach,” Educational Action Research’ Doi: 10.1080/09650792.2017.1379423, October 2017, Taylor & Francis.
  8. Indraganti. M, Boussaa. D, “Comfort temperature and occupant adaptive behavior in offices in Qatar during summer,” Energy and Buildings 150 (2017) 23-36.
  9. Takasu. M, Ooka. R, Rijal. HB, Indraganti. M, Singh, MK, “Study on adaptive thermal comfort in Japanese offices under various operation modes”, Building and Environment, 118 (2017) 273 -288.
  10. Indraganti. M, Djamel. B, “A method to estimate the heating and cooling degree-days for different climatic zones of Saudi Arabia,” Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 38(3) (2017) 327-350.
  11. Indraganti. M, Ooka. R, and Rijal. HB, “Thermal Comfort in Offices in India: Behavioral Adaptation and the Effect of Age and Gender,” Energy and Buildings 103 (2015) 284–295.
  12. Indraganti. M, Ooka. R, Rijal. HB, and Brager G, “Drivers and barriers in operation of environmental controls,” Architectural Science Review 58(1) (2015) 77-86.
  13. Indraganti. M, Lee. J, Zhang. H, and Arens. E, “Thermal adaptation and insulation opportunities provided by different drapes of Indian Saris.”  Architectural Science Review 58 (1) (2015) 87-92.
  14. Indraganti. M, Ooka. R, Rijal. HB and Gail S Brager, “Adaptive model of thermal comfort for offices in hot and humid climates of India,” Building and Environment, 74 (2014) 39-53.
  15. Indraganti. M, Ooka. R and Rijal. HB, “Field investigation of comfort temperature in Indian office buildings: a case of Chennai and Hyderabad,” Building and Environment, 65 (2013) 195- 214.
  16. Indraganti. M, Ooka. R and Rijal. HB, “Thermal comfort in offices in summer: Findings from a field study under the ‘setsuden’ conditions in Tokyo, Japan,” Building and Environment, 61 (2013) 114-132.
  17. Indraganti. M, “Thermal comfort in apartments in India: Adaptive use of environmental controls and hindrances,” Renewable Energy,  36 (2011) 1182-1189, Elsevier Press Monthly, ISSN: 0960-1481, Impact Factor: 4.900.
  18. Indraganti. M, “Understanding climate sensitive architecture of Marikal, a village in Telangana region in Andhra Pradesh, India,” Building and Environment, 45 (2010) 2709-2722. December 2010
  19. Indraganti. M, “Behavioral adaptation and the use of environmental controls for thermal comfort in apartments in India,” Energy and Buildings, 42 (2010) 1019–1025.
  20. Indraganti. M, “Adaptive Use Of Natural Ventilation For Thermal Comfort In Indian Apartments,” Building and Environment, 45 (2010) 1490–1507.
  21. Indraganti. M, “Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated apartments: Findings form a field study in Hyderabad,” Applied Energy,  87 (2010) 866– 883, , Number of Citations: 88, Elsevier Press, Monthly, ISSN: 0306-2619, Impact Factor: 7.900
  22. Indraganti. M, “Using the adaptive model of thermal comfort for obtaining the indoor neutral temperature: Findings form a field study in Hyderabad,” Building and Environment, 45 (2010) 519–536.
  23. Indraganti. M and Rao. KD, “Effect of age, gender, economic group and tenure on thermal comfort: A field study in Hyderabad,” Energy and Buildings, 42 (2010) 273–281.