My 13 years of intensive teaching experience include teaching at Bachelor, Master and PhD level. The course I taught are listed below; 

At Undergraduate level: 

  1. General Parasitology                                                              
  2. Animal Histology                                                                   
  3. Human Biology                                                                      
  4. Animal Anatomy & Physiology                                            
  5. Cell Biology                                                                           
  6. Biology II                                                                              
  7. Avian Production and Management                                      
  8. General Veterinary Pathology                                                
  9. Necropsy Practices                                                                 
  10. Systemic Veterinary Pathology                                              
  11. Veterinary Clinical Pathology                                                
  12. Introduction to Poultry Practices                                            
  13. Poultry Farm Management                                                    

At post graduate levels (Master and PhD candidates)

  1. Pathology of Diseases of Camel                                            
  2. Molecular Pathology                                                              
  3. Advanced Clinical Pathology                                                 
  4. Pathology of Intoxication                                                       
  5. Advanced Diagnostic Pathology                                            
  6. Oncology                                                                                
  7. Ruminant Pathology