• PhD 2000

    PhD in computer and system engineering

    University De Beasancon

  • DEA 1996

    DEA in computer and system engineering

    L'école d'ingénieurs a Belfort

  • current2004

    Assistant Professor

    Computer Science and Engineering Qatar University

  • 20042000

    Assistant Professor

    Computer and System Engineering Ain Shams University

  • 20001995

    Teaching Assistant

    Computer and System Engineering Ain Shams University

Dr. Elfouly (M’ 06, SM’ 13) received his DEA and PhD from the University of Franche Comte in France, in 1996 and 2000 respectively. He has worked as an assistant professor at the university of Ain Shams Cairo Egypt before joining Qatar University He is currently an assistant professor in the college of engineering at Qatar University.

He has over 10 years of experience in computer network research. Dr. Elfouly published over 40 papers, more than half of them are related to wireless sensing and network security.

Dr. Elfouly has many projects under development related to assistive technologies for people with disabilities. His projects won many national and regional awards.

His research interests include network security and protocols, physical layer security and wireless sensor networks especially in the field of structural health monitoring and health applications.

  • 1988
    Award from the Egyptian Government in the Higher education for having Excellent grades
    This award is given to the top student achieving excellent scores in year 12 studies
  • 1993
    Award from Ain Shams University for being the 2nd and getting Distinction with Honor
  • 1995
    Award from the French Government to prepare the PhD in France
  • 2007
    Award from the CSE department for excellent Achievement
  • 2008
    Award from the AICCSA’08 conference for Remarkable effort in the organization of the Conference in Doha