- Lead Principal Investigator (LPI), Student Grant 2023 Cycle #1 (2023-956), “Triple Action Polyurethane based smart self-healing nanocomposite coatings for corrosion protection of Steel Parts” Funded amount QAR 14000.0 , 5-February-2023- 30-April-2023.
- Primary Research Mentorin HSREP04-1115-220071, “Smart super hydrophobic antifouling coatings for seawater systems”, funded amount 5000.0$ (2023-2024).
- Principal Investigator of the project, Implementation of electrospray technology for the development of corrosion inhibitive coatings”, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) Grant, UBD-Grant/2022-15, 01 September 2022 -31 August 2024, Funded amount: 39100.0 Brunei Dollars.
- Supervisor, Graduate Assistant proposal Grant, “Impact of ceramic coatings on the electrochemical performance of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials at elevated temperature”, QUGA-CAM-101/2022-2023.
- Co-Supervisor, Graduate Assistant proposal Grant, “Polyolefin-based Multifunctional coatings for corrosion protection of Steel in Oil & gas industry”, QUGA-CENG-140/2022-2023.
- Lead Principal Investigator (LPI) of the grant, “Mechanical and Corrosion Assessment of Ni-P-HfC Nanocomposite Coating Synthesized through Electroless Deposition Technique”, QUST-2-CAM-2022-645, QR14000.0, 20th August 2022 to 5th 2023.
- Lead Principal Investigator (LPI) of grant, “Nickel based smart self-healing nanocomposite coatings for corrosion protection of steel”, IRCC-2022-491, 13 Feb. 2022 to 31 Dec.2023, Budgeted amount:93896.0 USD.
- Lead Principal Investigator (LPI) Student grant, “Titanium Boride Reinforced Ni-P Based Nanocomposite Coatings for Corrosion Protection” QUST-1-CAM-2022-341, 09-January-2022-18-April-2022, Budget amount QR15000.0
- Principal Investigator of the project, “MXene Decorated Cathode Materials for High-Performance Energy Storage Applications”, High –Potential projects program (H3P), QPH3P-2021-449, 15 Nov.p. (2021)-20 Sep (2023), QR270000.0.
- Primary Research Memtor for the project, “Microwave assisted chemical co-precipitation synthesis of LiMn2O4–MXene (Ti3C2) nanocomposite cathodes for energy storage applications”, UREP28-028-2-011, Funded amount 30,000.0 USD, Duration:
- Lead Principal Investigator of the project, Silver grafted Ti3C2-MXene nanocomposite as novel anode materials for lithium-ion-batteries”, QUNSPP-(CAM)-2021-(103), QR 8500, 9/1/2021-2/28/2022.
- Lead Principal Investigator of the project, “Smart Polyolefin based self-healing nanocomposite coatings for corrosion protection”, Student grant- QUST-1-CAM-2022-341, Funded amount, QAR 14000.0, Duration January 2021-June 2022.
- Lead Principal Investigator of the project, “Bio Based Smart Coatings for Corrosion Sensing and Corrosion Healing”, NPRP13S-0120-200116, , Funded amount 509857.0 USD, Duration, 2021-2024.
- Principal Investigator of the project , “Design, optimization and implementation of permanent magnet brushless synchronous motor by using 2-D analytical magnetic model” Collaborative Grant, QUCENG. 2021-2023.
- Primary research mentor of the project, “Smart Multilayered Polymeric Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Steel)”, QNRF Project Number, UREP27-004-2-003. Awarded (2020), Funded amount 30000.0 USD. (Jan. 2021-Jan 2022).
- Principal Investigator of the project, “Production of Renewable Hydrocarbon Fuels via Conversion of Algae Biomass Using Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Solar Hydrogen”, IRCC-2021-002, June 2021-Dec2022, Funded amount $302,000.0
- Lead Principal Investigator of the project, “Functional grade nanocomposite coatings for oil and gas industry”, QU IRCC Grant, IRCC-2020-006, Funded amount, 136000.0 USD, 15th June 2020 to 30th 2021.
- Principal Investigator of the project, “Development of sustainable thermos-electric materials from earth-abundant, cost effective and nontoxic resource”, QU collaborative grant # 139, Awarded (2019), Funded amount QR285000.0
- Principal Investigator of the project, “Treatment of Carbon Dioxide and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Brine in Seawater Desalination Plant Using Solar-Osmotic-Engineered Electrochemical Process (SOE-EP)”, QU-IRCC Grant#179, Awarded (2019), Funded amount, 112000. USD.
- Principal Investigator of the project of the project, off-Grid power supply solution for portable cabins using solar PV system for Qatar, QU Marubeni Grants-MCTP-CENG-2020-2ed 2019, Funded amount QR 580000.0
- Principal Investigator of the project, Development of Bi-Polar Electrode Materials for Symmetric Sodium-ion Batteries”, QUCG-CENG-20/21-2, Awarded (2019), Funded amount, QR242250.0
- Primary research mentor of the project, “Development of MXene based High Capacity Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries (LIBs)”, QNRF Project Number, UREP25-007-2-005. Awarded (2019), Funded amount 30000.0 USD.
- Consultant of the project, “From waste to wealth: Eco friendly production of super-sorbents fromplastic waste”, Funding awarded by Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) through National Priority Research Program NPRP-12S-0325-19443, Total amount 600000.0 USD.
- LPI of the project, “Synthesis and Characterization of Pulse Electrodeposited Ni-P-TiC Nanocomposite Coatings”, Qatar University student grant (QUST-2-CAM-2019-7), QR 20000.0, 25/8/2019till 28/11/2019.
- PI-of the project “Advanced Reconfigurable Multiphase Motor Drive System for Electric Vehicle Applications”, QUHI-CENG-19/20-2), High Impact Grant (sponsored by Qatar University), Total funded amount 540000.0 QR, (Feb. 2019-Feb. 2021).
- PI- of the Project “Multiple Output Contactless Inductive Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Station”, QU Collaborative research Grant, QUCG-C-19/20-5, Total funded amount 270000.0 QR, (Feb. 2019-Feb. 2021).
- LPI-QU Student Grant, “Polyelectrolyte Multilayered Microcapsules Reinforced Smart Coatings for Corrosion Protection in the Oil and Gas Industry”,QUST-1-CAM-2019-10, 06/02/2019 to 2/05/2019. (QR10,000.0).
- Lead Principal Investigator (LPI) of the project, “Optimization of high voltage cathodes and electrolytes of lithium ion batteries for grid applications in Qatar climate conditions”, Funding awarded by Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) through National Priority Research Program (NPRP11S-1225-170128), Total amount funded: 600000 USD, (Nov. 2017-Nov. 2020).
- Primary investigator (PI) of the project, “Smart Single Layer polyolefine coatings for corrosion protection of steel parts (S2Coat), Funding awarded by Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) through National Priority Research Program (NPRP11S-1226-170132), Total amount funded: 0 USD, (Nov. 2017-Nov. 2020).
- Primary research mentor of the project, “Novel high potential cathode materials for next generation lithium ion batteries”, QNRF Project Number, UREP22-008-2-004. Awarded (2018), Funded amount 30000.0 USD valid from 01 Nov. 2018 to 30 Oct. 2019.
- Lead Principal Investigator (LPI), Multifunctional Coatings (MFCs) for Protection of Rusted Operational Pipelines in Oil and Gas Industry, QUCG-CAM-2018\2019-3. The approved funds for year 1 is QR 300000.0 valid from 14/01/2018 until 31\12\2019.
- Primary research mentor of the project, Development of Ni-P-ZrO2 nanocomposite coatings through pulse electro-deposition process”, QNRF Project Number, UREP21-108-2-047. Awarded (2017), Funded amount 20000.0 USD.
- Primary research mentor of the project, “Fabrication of thermo-electric generator (TEG) and integration with photovoltaic (PV) module for enhanced efficiency in Qatar environment”, QNRF Project Number, UREP21-144-2-056. Awarded (2017), Funded amount 24998.0 USD.
- LPI of the project, “Smart corrosion protection strategies for steel materials in the oil and gas industry”, Funding awarded by Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) through National Priority Research Program (NPRP No.: 9‐080-2-039), Total amount funded:0 USD, 01 Nov. (2016)- 01 Nov. (2019).
- LPI of the project “Development of High Performance Metastable Aluminium Composites Using Microwave Sintering Approach” Funding awarded by Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) through National Priority Research Program (NPRP No.: 7‐159‐2‐076), Total amount funded: 0 USD, (Feb. 2014-Jan. 2018).
- Co-LPI of the project “Mechanical Properties and Erosion‐Corrosion of High Strength Steels for Oil and Gas Transmission Pipelines in H2S Environment” Funding awarded by QNRF through (NPRP-6 027- 2‐010), Total amount funded; 953824 USD, (June 2014-May 2017).
- PI of the under graduate project, “Investigating corrosion performance of Q-Coat epoxy coated rebars in Gulf environments”, Funding awarded by Qatar Steel (M029), Total amount 6I6000.0 USD, 2014-2017.
- PI of the under graduate project, “Improve microstructure for proper Thermo-Mechanical Treatment of 6061 alloys”, Funding awarded by Qatalum/Hydro (M034), Total amount 27000.0 USD, Nov. 2014-Oct. 2015.
- LPI of the undergraduate research project, “Study on corrosion, welding and electrical properties of aluminum alloys”, Funding awarded by Qatalum/Hydro (M037), Total amount 27000.0 USD, Nov. 2015-Dec. 2016.