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Turbulent Flames in Enclosed Combustion Chambers: Characteristics and Visualization - a Review

Journal publication
4. A.M. Sadeq, A.K. Sleiti, S.F. Ahmed
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142(8), (2020) 080801-1


Investigating the effect of the Air Inlet Temperature on the Combustion Characteristics of a Spark Ignition Engine Fueled by Biogas

Journal publication
M.A. Bassiony, A.E. Ebrahemi, T.M. Syam and S.F. Ahmed
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology.0: (2020) 1–12.


Measurements of Laminar Flame Speeds of GTL-Diesel Fuel Blends.

Journal publication
S. Samim, A. M. Sadeq, S. F. Ahmed
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 138(5), (2016) 052213-8.

Emission Control Technologies in Spark Ignition Engines

Journal publication
Khaled Abouemara, S.F. Ahmed
Journal of Student Research, 9 (1), (2020) 1-35

Spreading of SARS-CoV-2 via heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems? An overview, energy perspective and potential solutions

Journal publication
A.K. Sleiti, S.F. Ahmed, S. Ghani
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (2021)- 080803-1.

Optimized Intake Manifold Designs and Their Effects on the Operation and Emissions of a Gas-to-Liquid Diesel Engine

International Conference Paper
1. Y.M. Abdellatif, A.T. Saker, A.M. Elbashir, S.F. Ahmed
28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering Joint with the ASME 2020 Power Conference, California, USA, August 2-6, 2020

Transient 3D Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Flames of Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) Fuel in a Fan-Stirred Combustion Vessel

Journal publication
A.M. Sadeq, S.F. Ahmed, A.K. Sleiti
Fuel 291 (2021) 120184.

Combustion and Emissions of a Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) Diesel Engine Utilizing Optimized Spiral-Helical Intake Manifold Designs

Journal publication
Y.M. Abdellatif, A.T. Saker, A.M. Elbashir, S.F. Ahmed
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (2021)- 062308-1

Direct-fired oxy-combustion supercritical-CO2 power cycle with novel preheating configurations -Thermodynamic and Exergoeconomic analyses

Journal publication
A.K. Sleiti, W. Al-Ammari, S.F. Ahmed, J. Kapat
Energy 226 (2021) 120441.

Dataset for Transient 3D Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Flames of Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) Fuel

Journal publication
A.M. Sadeq, S.F. Ahmed, A.K. Sleiti
Data in Brief (2021) 106956

Effect of Utilizing a Novel Intake Manifold Design on Smoke Emissions and Particulate Size Distributions of a Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) Diesel Engine

Journal publication
A.M. Elbashir, A.T. Saker, S.F. Ahmed
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (2021) - 022301-1

Investigating the Potential of Recycling Flare-Source Hydrocarbon Gases in an Industrial Burner

Journal publication
F. Mohamed, F. Eljack, S.F. Ahmed, S. Ghani
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (2021) - 022309-1

An experimental and numerical investigation of the effects of the diaphragm pressure ratio and its position on a heated shock-tube performance

Journal publication
Y. Badri, A.M. Elbashir, A.T. Saker, S.F. Ahmed
Energy Science and Engineering 10 (4), (2022) 1–12.

Development of an Air-Cooled Induction Manifold for Diesel Engines in Hot and Humid Climate

Journal publication
M.H. Elrentisy, Y.M. Abdellatif, A.M. Elbashir, S.F. Ahmed
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (2022) - 072303-1

Turbulence effects on the autoignition of DME in a turbulent co-flowing jet

Journal publication
Tarek Echekki, Samer F. Ahmed
Combustion and Flame 178 (2017) 70–81

Modelling of Multiple Biodiesel-Emitted Nitrogen Oxides Using ANN Approach

Journal publication
S. Sayyed , R. K. Das, S. F. Ahmed, K. Kulkarni, T. Alam, S. M. Eldin,
Alexandria Engineering Journal 79 (2023) 116 - 125.

Development of Machine Learning Models for Studying the Premixed Turbulent Combustion of Gas-To-Liquids (GTL) Fuel Blends

Journal publication
A. M. Sadeq; A. H. Moghaddam; A. K. Sleiti; S. F Ahmed
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 41 (2024) 479–494.

Nozzle Effects on Spray Combustion and Emissions in Compression Ignition Engines using Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis at Varying Injection Pressures

Journal publication
P. Yadav, S.F. Ahmed, R. Gautam, H. CALISKAN, N. Caliskan, H. Hong
IET Renewable Power Generation (2024) 1-20.

Measurements of Ignition Delay of Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) Fuel Blends

Journal publication
A.M. Elbashir, A.M. Sadeq, S.F. Ahmed
Results in Engineering 23 (2024) 102511.

A Novel Investigation on Single-loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Filling with Hybrid Nanofluids: Numerical and Experimental

Journal publication
P.S. Yadav; J. Sharma; M. Hussain; I.A. Khan; K. Goyal; R. Gautam; S.F. Ahmed
Heat and Mass Transfer (2024).

Development of Systematic Knowledge-Based and Constrained Bayesian Optimization Approaches for Propane Pre-Cooled Mixed Refrigerant LNG Process

Journal publication
R. Shady, S.F. Ahmed, A. K. Sleiti
Chemical Engineering Science 300 (2024) 120560.

LPG-Diesel Dual Fuel Emission Characteristics: A Review

Journal publication
T. Al-Amoodi, M. Khalafalla, S.F. Ahmed
Journal of Student Research 13(1) (2024) 1-24.

Experimental Study of Turbulent Premixed Flames of Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Fuel in a Fan-Stirred Combustion Bomb

Journal publication
A.M. Sadeq, A.K. Sleiti, S.F. Ahmed
Results in Engineering 24 (2024) 103074.

Evaluating the performance of a newly-developed carbon capture device for mobile emission sources

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed, M. Atilhan
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 139(6), (2017) 062101-062101-8.

Measurements of Laminar Flame Speeds of Alternative Liquid Fuel Blends

International Conference Paper
S. Samim, S.F. Ahmed
26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boston University, Boston, USA, 30 July – 4 August 2017.

Numerical Investigation of Flare Gas Combustion in Ethylene Cracking Furnaces

Journal publication
R. Alajmi, M. Al-Shaghdari, A. Sadeq, S.F. Ahmed, A. Almutari
Fuel 381 (2025) 133381.

Investigating the Effect of Utilizing New Induction Manifold Designs on the Combustion Characteristics and Emissions of a DI Diesel Engine

Journal publication
M.A. Bassiony. A.M. Sadiq. M.T. Gergawy. S.F. Ahmed, S. Ghani
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(12), (2018) 122202-17.

Transition in the Minimum Ignition Energy for the Localized Forced Ignition of Turbulent Homogenous Mixtures

International Conference Paper
C. Turquand d’Auzay, V. Papapostolou, S.F. Ahmed and N. Chakraborty
12th International ERCOFTAC symposium on engineering, turbulence, modelling and measurements, Montpellier, France, September 26-28, 2018.

On the Minimum Ignition Energy and its transition in the localised forced ignition of turbulent homogeneous mixtures

Journal publication
C. Turquand d'Auzaya, V. Papapostoloua, S.F. Ahmed, N. Chakraborty
Combustion and Flame 201 (2019) 104–117

Ignition and Flame Propagation in a Non-Premixed Biogas Planar Turbulent Jet

International Conference Paper
C. Turquand d’Auzay, S.F. Ahmed and N. Chakraborty
9th European Combustion Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, April 14-17, 2019

Effects of fuel composition on the minimum ignition energy and its transition for homogeneous biogas-air mixtures

International Conference Paper
V. Papapostolou, C. Turquand d’Auzay, S.F. Ahmed, N. Chakraborty
9th European Combustion Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, April 14-17, 2019.

Combustion Characteristics and Emissions of a DI Diesel Engine Utilizing Novel Intake Manifold Designs and Running on GTL Fuel Blends

International Conference Paper
A.M. Sadeq. M.A. Bassiony. S.F. Ahmed
11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Tenerife, Spain, 16-20 June 2019.

Effects of Biogas Composition on the Edge Flame Propagation in Igniting Turbulent Mixing Layers

International Conference Paper
C. Turquand d’Auzay, V. Papapostolou, S.F. Ahmed, N. Chakraborty
11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Tenerife, Spain, 16-20 June 2019.

Effects of turbulence intensity and biogas composition on the localised forced ignition of turbulent mixing layers

Journal publication
C. Turquand d'Auzaya, V. Papapostoloua, S.F. Ahmed, N. Chakraborty
Combustion Science and Technology 191 (2019) 868–897.

Ignition kernel development and subsequent flame propagation in a planar methane/air turbulent jet

International Conference Paper
C. Turquand d’Auzay, S.F. Ahmed, N. Chakraborty
27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, 28 July –2 August, 2019.

An Experimental Study of Spark Ignition of a Turbulent Biogas Fuel Jet

International Conference Paper
M.A. Bassiony, A.E. Ebrahemi, C. Turquand d'Auzay, S.F. Ahmed, N. Chakraborty
27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, 28 July –2 August, 2019.

Combustion and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Utilizing Novel Intake Manifold Designs and Running on Alternative Fuel

Journal publication
A.M. Sadeq, M.A. Bassiony, A.M. Elbashir, S.F. Ahmed, M. Khraisheh
Fuel 255 (2019) Article 115769

Spark ignition of a turbulent shear-less fuel-air mixing layer

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed, E. Mastorakos
Fuel 164 (2016) 297-304.

Autoignition of n-heptane in a turbulent co-flowing jet

Journal publication
T. Echekki and S.F. Ahmed
Combustion and Flames 162 (2015) 3829–3846.

Measurements of laminar flame speeds of alternative gaseous fuel mixtures

Journal publication
A.S. Ibrahim, S.F. Ahmed
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 137(3), (2015) 032209-1

The probabilistic nature of ignition in turbulent highly-strained lean premixed methane-air flames for low-emission engines

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed
Fuel 134 (2014) 97-106.

Scalar dissipation rate statistics in turbulent flows using planar laser induced fluorescence measurements

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 33 (2012) 220-231.

Computational fluid dynamic simulation of oxyfuel combustion in gas-fired

Journal publication
M.A. Habib, R.B. Mansor, H.M. Badr, S.F. Ahmed, A. Ghoniem
Computers and Fluids 56 (2012) 152-165

A review of recent developments in carbon capture utilizing oxy-fuel combustion in conventional and ion transport membrane systems

Journal publication
M.A. Habib, H.M. Badr, S.F. Ahmed, R.B. Mansor, S. Imashuku, G.J. la O, Y. Shao-Horn, N. Mancini, A. Mitsos, P. Kirchen, A. Ghoneim
International Journal of Energy Research 35 (2011) 741-764.

Correlation of spark ignition with the local instantaneous mixture fraction in a turbulent non-premixed methane jet

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed, E. Mastorakos
Combustion Science and Technology 182 (2010) 1-9.

Statistics of relative and absolute velocities of turbulent non-premixed edge flames following spark ignition

Journal publication
C. Kittler, B. Böhm , S.F. Ahmed , R. Gordon, I. Boxx , W. Meier , E. Mastorakos, A. Dreizler
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2957-2964

Ignition of turbulent swirling n-heptane spray flames using single and multiple sparks

Journal publication
T. Marchione, S.F. Ahmed, E. Mastorakos
Combustion and Flame 156 (2009) 166-180

Spark ignition of turbulent non-premixed bluff-body flames

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed, R. Balachandran, T. Marchione, E. Mastorakos
Combustion and Flame 151 (2007) 366-385.

Measurements of the ignition probability in turbulent counter-flow flames

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed, R. Balachandran, E. Mastorakos
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2007) 1507-1513.

Spark ignition of turbulent lifted jet flames

Journal publication
S.F. Ahmed, E. Mastorakos
Combustion and Flame 146 (2006) 215-231.

Thermal loading and emissions of a diesel engine fueled by jojoba methyl ester

Journal publication
M.S. Radwan, I.G. El-Gizawy, S.M.S. Elfeky, S.F. Ahmed
Engineering Research Journal 107 (2006) M1-M16.

Experimental Investigation of the Laminar Flame Speeds of GTL Fuel Blends

International Conference Paper
S. Samim, S.F. Ahmed
52nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 25 - 27 July 2016.

Combustion Characteristics and Emissions of a Direct-Injection Diesel Engine Fueled with GTL fuel blends

International Conference Paper
A. Sadeq, M. Elgergawi, M. Bassiony, S.F. Ahmed
Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings, Doha, Qatar, 22-23 March 2016.

Studying the Effect of H2, O2 and CO2/N2 Addition on the Laminar Flame Speed of CH4/LPG-Air Mixtures

International Conference Paper
A.S. Ibrahim, S.F. Ahmed
25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK, 2 – 7 August 2015.

New Induction Manifold Designs for High Performance and Low Emission Diesel Engine Running on Alternative Fuels

International Conference Paper
A. Sadeq, M. Elgergawi, M. Bassiony, S.F. Ahmed
51st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Orlando, FL, USA, 27-29 July 2015. Paper No. AIAA-2015-4017.

Investigation of Laminar Flame Speeds of Methane-LPG Air Mixtures

International Conference Paper
A.S. Ibrahim, M. A. Abdalwahab, O. S. Abulaban, S.F. Ahmed
Proceedings of the 4th International Gas Processing Symposium, Doha, Qatar, 26–27 October, 2014.

Measurements of laminar flame speeds of alternative gaseous fuel mixtures

International Conference Paper
A.S. Ibrahim, M. A. Abdalwahab, O. S. Abulaban, S.F. Ahmed
50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Ohio, USA, 28-30 Jul 2014. Paper No. AIAA-2014-3980.

Development of a carbon capture device for mobile emissions sources

International Conference Paper
I. Naser, S. Ali, S.F. Ahmed
2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAAE 2013), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2-4 July 2013.

Design and fabrication of a device for carbone capture in mobile emission sources

International Conference Paper
I. Naser, S. Ali, S.F. Ahmed
Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings, Doha, Qatar, 21-23 October 2012.

Ignition probability of lean premixed bluff-body flames

International Conference Paper
S.F. Ahmed, E. Mastorakos
23rd International Curriculum in Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Irvine CA, USA, 24-29 July 2011.

Spark ignition in a turbulent shearless fuel-air mixing layer: average flame growth rates

International Conference Paper
S.F. Ahmed, I.A. Bahena Ledezma and E. Mastorakos
47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando FL, USA, 5-8 January 2009. Paper No. AIAA-2009-0238.

Laser Diagnostics for Transient Combustion Phenomena

International Conference Paper
R. Gordon, C. Heeger, B. Böhm, S.F. Ahmed, I. Boxx, E. Mastorakos, W. Meier, A. Dreizler
Ninth International Workshop on Measurements and Computational of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames, Montreal, Canada, July 31- August 2, 2008.

Multidimensional laser diagnostics at high repetition rates: acquisition and analysis of transient combustion processes

International Conference Paper
C. Kittler, B. Böhm , I. Boxx , W. Meier , S.F. Ahmed , E. Mastorakos
ASME Turbo Expo, Berlin, Germany, 9-13 June 2008.

Ignition behavior of recirculating spray flames using multiple sparks

International Conference Paper
T. Marchione, S.F. Ahmed, E. Mastorakos
Fifth International Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Monastir, Tunisia, 9-13 September 2007.

Effectiveness of localized spark ignition in recirculating n-heptane spray flames

International Conference Paper
T. Marchione, S.F. Ahmed, R. Balachandran, E. Mastorakos
21st International Curriculum in Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Poitiers, France, 23-27 July 2007.

Experimental investigation of ignition in turbulent non-Premixed bluff-body flames

International Conference Paper
S.F. Ahmed, T. Marchione, E. Mastorakos
43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Cincinnati, USA, 9-11 July 2007.

Spark ignition of turbulent premixed and non-premixed opposed jet flames

International Conference Paper
S.F. Ahmed, R. Balachandran, Y.-Y. He, E. Mastorakos
42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, California, USA, 10-12 July 2006.

Measurements of the probability of ignition and subsequent flame propagation speed in turbulent non-premixed jets

International Conference Paper
S.F. Ahmed, E. Mastorakos
20th International Curriculum in Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Montreal, Canada, 31 July – 5 August 2005.

Gas-Face Metal Temperatures and Emissions of IDI Diesel Engine Running on a Bio-Fuel Extracted from Jojoba Oil

International Conference Paper
S.F. Ahmed
The Global Conference on Global Warming, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-12, 2012