• Published Intellectual Contributions

    Mardini, G. H. G., Wadi, R. S., Mahd, O. A. L. E. (in press). Empirical Evidence of the Suitability of IFRS in Emerging Markets. Accounting Research Journal

  • Other  Researches
  1. Best practices of teaching Business Studies at secondary schools in Qatar, May 2009.
  2. Students Motivation and support of doing the Qatari National Exams , Qatar 2010.
  3. A comparison between IFRS and GAAP, PPE , international accounting course , Fall 2011.
  4. The Corporate Social Responsibility in relation to Corporate Governance in Qatar, Fall 2012.
  5. Assessment of Compliance with the Top 20 Critical Information Security Controls , A study case of 5 corporate companies of the Qatari market , Spring 2013.
  6. Cost analysis for the case of nokia
  7. Case analysis the case of lehman brothers
  8. Analysis of the AIS of company X
  9. Corporate finace the case of the Saudi market .
  10. Economic Diversification And Future Employment Supply in Qatar , Consulting for KPMG , Qatar.