Ongoing Projects

Project TitleProject numberRole
Evaluation of microalgae strains for their capacity to produce high biomass concentrations in scalable outdoor conditionsQUEX-CAS-TEEPG-23/24-1Lead PI
Enhancing shrimp production in Qatar by adopting a circular bioeconomyMME04-0514-230006Lead PI
Microalgal bioremediation of aquaculture wastewater and simultaneous production of high-value feed ingredient.GSRA8-L-2-0509-21037Lead PI
Sustainable and Cost-Effective Production of Microalgae-based Superior Fish Feed in QatarMME01-0910-190028Lead PI
Marine photosynthetic microbial mat extracts as a potential source for antimicrobial agents and soil fertilizersIRCC-537Lead PI
Advanced wastewater treatment process, CO2 bio-capturing and microalgae biomass production in a hybrid solar filter photo-bioreactor: Perspectives for future bio-energyIRCC -136PI
Promoting local poultry industry: pilot-scale cultivation of algae-enriched feed for broilers diet and omega3 eggs productionMME01-0924-190063PI
Microbe Facilitated Bioremediation of Produced WaterQUEX-CAS-EMRQ-20/21PI
Optimization of Algal Biomass Production under the Qatari climate conditions.QUEX-QFQAQU-18/19-IDCPI
Tertiary treatment of produced water for water reuse and clean energy recovery: towards a 10 ha microalgae plant design in Qatar desert                                           M-QJRC-2020-3PI

Completed Projects

Project TitleProject numberRole
Development of marine microalgal oil-based biolubricant – a biorefinery approach.UREP26-080-2-02Lead PI
Sustainable biocrude production using hydrothermal liquefaction of marine microalgaeNPRP8-646-2-272Lead PI
Energy and nutrients recovery from wet sludge of municipal wastewater treatment facilityUREP21-101-2-045Lead PI
EPS-rich Microalgal biomass production in industrial wastewater using nitrogen-rich waste fertilizer and flue gas for application as soil-additiveQUEX-CAS-QAFCO-20/21-1Lead PI
Harvesting of marine microalgae as a food source using a new electrocoagulation electrode configurationUREP25-075-2-026PI
Screening and selection of oleaginous microalgaeQUEX-CAS-TGL-18/19PI
Microalgae Culture to Produce Carbonate and BiomassQUEX-CAS-TRC-18/19PI
Development of algae products for long-term carbon sequestrationQUEX-CAS-QDVC-14/15-7PI