No Title of Research Granting Body Grant Amount ( US $) Role Project Duration
1 Toward Designing Quieter Pavements NPRP 7-110-2-056 Qatar National Research Fund $ 737,055 Lead PI

3 years (2015/2018)

2 Comprehensive Evaluation of Aging of Asphalt Mixtures in Qatar NPRP 6-773-2-320 Qatar National Research Fund $ 994,000 Lead PI 3 years


3 Construction of Road Bases and Subbases from 100% Waste Materials Generated in Qatar UREP 12-014-2-003 Qatar National Research Fund $ 50,000 PI 1 year


4 Beneficial Utilization of Steel Slag and Gravel in Construction QUEX-CENG-SAP-12/13-1

Slag Aggregate Producer Company

$ 54,794 PI

6 months


5 Innovative Use of Recycled Materials in Construction NPRP 4-188-2-061 Qatar National Research Fund $ 764,000 Co-PI

3 years


6 Multi-Scale Computational Models for Predicting Performance of Asphalt Pavements Under Realistic Loading Conditions NPRP 08-310-2-110 Qatar National Research Fund $ 970,000 Co-PI

3 years
