- M. Alshahwani “A Wearable Non-invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring System”, Patent number US63/421-416, submitted November 2022.
- R. Imran and N. Zorba, “Method and Apparatus for Energy Efficiency Medium Access Control in a Wireless Broadband System”, Patent number JO146/2013, published March 2017.
- C. Verikoukis, N. Zorba, E. Kartsakli and L. Alonso, “Method and Apparatus for Medium Access Control in a Wireless Broadband System with Multiple-Input Multiple-Output or Multiple-Input Single-Output Technology with Multiuser Capabilities”, Patent numbers PCT/EP2009/057276, WO2010329119, published July 2014.
- N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Method for Efficient Channel Allocation in Wireless Systems”, Patent numbers PCT/EP2008/056760, WO2009135534, published November 2009.
- N. Zorba, M. Realp and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “A Low Complexity Precoding for the Satellite Communications”, Patent numbers PCT/EP2007/060971, WO2009036814, published March 2009.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Power Allocation Method in Multiantenna Systems Under Partial Channel Knowledge”, Patent numbers PCT/EP2007/056491, WO2009000329, published December 2008.
- N. Zorba, Ch. Skianis and C. Verikoukis, Cross Layer Designs in WLAN, by Troubador Publishing Ltd, Leicester, UK, ISBN: 9781848762275. November 2011.
- F. Bader and N. Zorba, OFDM/OFDMA Wireless Communication Systems, by Nova Publishers Ltd, Illinois, USA. June 2012.
Book chapters
- S. Azmy, R. Abu Sneineh, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Small Data in IoT: An MCS Perspective”, in the book Performability in the Internet of Things, edited by F. Al-Turjman, Springer, 2018.
- R. Imran, M. Odeh, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Cross-layer MIMO cognitive communications for QoS/QoE demanding applications”, in the book Multimedia Over Cognitive Radio Networks: Algorithms, Protocols, and Experiments, edited by F. Hu, Taylor & Francis LLC, CRC Press, 2014.
- E. Yaacoub, N. Zorba and Z. Dawy, “Distributed Antenna Systems for Enhanced Video Transmission in LTE Public Safety Networks”, in the book Theory, Application, and Experimentation of Broadband Wireless Access Networks for 4G, edited by V. Rangel, IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, 2013.
- E. Kartsakli, N. Zorba, L. Alonso and Ch.Verikoukis, “Multiuser MAC Schemes for High-Throughput IEEE 802.11n/ac WLANs”, in the book Recent Trends in Multiuser MIMO Communications, ISBN 980-953-307-459-2, Ed IN-TECH, 2013.
- N. Zorba, S. Pfletschinger and F. Bader, “Increasing the Performance of OFDM-OQAM Communication Systems through Smart Antenna Processing”, in the book Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems, edited by F. Granelli Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2009.
- N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Traffic Wireless Systems”, in the book Wireless Network Traffic and Quality of Service Support: Trends and Standards, edited by T. Lagkas, IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, 2009.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Performance Evaluation of MIMO Multiuser Opportunistic Schemes under QoS Requirements”, in the book 4G Mobile & Wireless Communications Technologies, edited by S.A. Kyriazakos and J. Soldatos, River publishers, Aalborg, Denmark, 2008.
- N. Zorba, “Different Views of Delay in Resource Allocation for Wireless Systems”, in the book Cross Layer Resource Allocation in Wireless Communication Systems, edited by M. Realp and A.I. Pérez-Neira, Elsevier publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008.
- R.F. El-Khatib, S.A. Elsayed, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Proactive Task Allocation in Extreme Edge Computing for Digital Twin Services”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, January 2025.
- M.R. Abedi, N. Mokari, M.R. Javan, H. Saeedi, E.A. Jorswieck and N. Zorba, “Low Complexity and Mobility-aware Robust Radio, Storage, Computing, and Cost Management for Cellular Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, October 2024.
- O. Naserallah, S.B. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Novel Distribution-Aware and Learning-Based Dynamic Scheme for Efficient User Incentivization in Edge Sensing Systems”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, August 2024.
- Z. Wu, K. Umebayashi, J. Lehtomäki and N. Zorba, “Experimental Delay Tests in Causal THz Channel Model”, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, June 2024.
- N. Zorba, “QU-GM: An IoT Based Glucose Monitoring System from Photoplethysmography, Blood Pressure and Demographic Data using Machine Learning”, IEEE Access, May 2024.
- K. Aboeleneen, N. Zorba and A. Massoud, “Reinforcement Learning-Based E-Scooter Energy Minimization Using Optimized Speed-Route Selection”, IEEE Access, April 2024.
- S.B. Azmy, N. Zorba and H.S. Hassanein, “Incentive-Vacation Queueing in Extreme Edge Computing: An Analytical Reward-based Framework“, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, March 2024.
- M.T. Dabiri, M. Hasna, N. Zorba and T. Khattab, “Enabling Flexible Arial Backhaul Links for Post Disasters: A Design using UAV Swarms and Distributed Charging Stations”, IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, February 2024.
- M. Shehab, M. Elsayed, A. Almohamad, A. Badawy, T. Khattab, N. Zorba, M. Hasna and D. Trinchero, “Terahertz Multiple Access: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Controlled Multihop IRS Topology“, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, January 2024.
- S.B. Azmy, N. Zorba and H.S. Hassanein, “Incentive-Vacation Queueing for Edge Crowd Computing”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, January 2024.
- M.T. Dabiri, M. Hasna, N. Zorba and T. Khattab, “Optimal Trajectory and Positioning of UAVs for Small Cell HetNets: Geometrical Analysis and Reinforcement Learning Approach”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 3, December 2023.
- R. Liu, N. Zorba, T. Mao, G. Karabulut Kurt, M. Di Renzo and P. Popovski, “Advancements for 6G”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, October 2023.
- M. Aboualola, K. Abualsaud, T. Khattab, N. Zorba and H.S. Hassanein, “Edge Technologies for Disaster Management: A Survey of Social Media and Artificial Intelligence Integration”, IEEE Access, October 2023.
- M.T. Dabiri, M. Hasna, N. Zorba, T. Khattab and K. Qaraqe, “Enabling long mmWave aerial backhaul links via fixed-wing UAVs: Performance and design”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, October 2023.
- D. He, K. Guan, D. Yan, H. Yi, Z. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Zhong and N. Zorba, “Physics and AI-based Digital Twin of Multi-spectrum Propagation Characteristics for Communication and Sensing in 6G and Beyond”, IEEE JSAC, September 2023.
- S. Althunibat, H. Hassan, T. Khattab and N. Zorba, “A New NOMA-Based Two-Way Relaying Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, June 2023.
- N. Goyal “An Anchor-Based Localization in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Oil Pipeline Monitoring”, IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 51, January 2023.
- Z. Wu, K. Umebayashi, J. Lehtomaki and N. Zorba, “Device-to-Device Communications at the TeraHertz band: Open Challenges for Realistic Implementation”, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, December 2022.
- A.W. Shaban, M. Seif, T. Khattab, A. El-Keyi, M. Nafie and N. Zorba, “On the DoF of X-Networks With Synergistic Alternating CSIT: A Step Towards Integrated Communication and Sensing”, IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 45, November 2022.
- M.T. Dabiri, M. Hasna, N. Zorba, T. Khattab and K.A. Qaraqe, “A general model for pointing error of high frequency directional antennas”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 3, October 2022.
- A.Z. Abyaneh, N. Zorba and B. Hamdaoui, “Empowering Next-Generation IoT WLANs Through Blockchain and 802.11 ax Technologies”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, August 2022.
- A. Khandakar, M.E.H. Chowdhury, M. Khalid and N. Zorba, “Case Study of Multi-Course Project-Based Learning and Online Assessment in Electrical Engineering Courses during COVID-19 Pandemic”, Sustainability, vol. 14, June 2022.
- A. Almohamad, M. Hasna, N. Zorba and T. Khattab, “Performance of THz Communications over Cascaded RISs: A Practical Solution to the Over-determined Formulation”, IEEE Communications Letters, January 2022.
- K. Tsujimura, K. Umebayashi and N. Zorba, “Adaptive threshold setting for OOK modulation with a prefix code in THz band”, IEICE Communications Express, December 2021.
- M. Alzard, S. Althunibat, K. Umebayashi and N. Zorba, “Performance Analysis of Resource Allocation in THz-based Subcarrier Index Modulation Systems for Mobile Users”, IEEE Access, September 2021.
- H. Ebisawa, Z. Wu, K. Umebayashi, J. Lehtomaki and N. Zorba, “A Study of Delay Characteristics of Time Domain Channel Model for Terahertz Band”, IEICE Technical Reports, vol. 121, August 2021.
- A. Elbery, H. Hassanein, N. Zorba and H. Rakha, “IoT-Based Crowd Management Framework for Departure Control and Navigation”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, January 2021.
- B. Hamdaoui, M. Alkalbani, A. Rayes, and N. Zorba, “IoTShare: A Blockchain-Enabled IoT Resource Sharing On-Demand Protocol for Smart City Situation-Awareness Applications”, IEEE IoT Journal, November 2020.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Quality Estimation for Scarce Scenarios within Mobile Crowd Sensing Systems”, IEEE IoT Journal, September 2020.
- B. Hamdaoui, B. Khalfi and N. Zorba, “Dynamic Spectrum Sharing in the Age of Millimeter Wave Spectrum Access”, IEEE Network, July 2020.
- R. ElKhatib, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Rapid sensing-based emergency detection: A sequential approach”, Elsevier Computer Communications, June 2020.
- B. Hamdaoui, A. Rayes, N. Zorba, L. Song and C. Verikoukis, “Blockchains for Scalable IoT Management, Access, and Accountability”, IEEE Network, issue 34, February 2020.
- A. El-Wakeel, A. Osman, N. Zorba, H. Hassanein and A. Noureldin, “Robust Positioning for Road Information Services in Challenging Environments”, IEEE Sensors Journal, December 2019.
- H. Hassanein, N. Zorba, S. Han, S.S. Kanhere and M. Shukair, “Crowd management”, IEEE Communications Magazine, issue 57, April 2019.
- B. Hamdaoui, N. Zorba and A. Rayes, “Participatory IoT Networks-on-Demand for Safe, Reliable and Responsive Urban Cities”, IEEE Blockchain Technical Briefs, January 2019.
- J. Vardakas, I. Zenginis, N. Zorba, C. Echave, M. Morato and C. Verikoukis, “Electrical Energy Savings through Efficient Cooperation of Urban Buildings: The Smart Community Case of Superblocks’ in Barcelona”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, November 2018.
- I. Zenginis, J. Vardakas, N. Zorba, and C. Verikoukis, “Performance Evaluation of a Multi-standard Fast Charging Station for Electric Vehicles”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, September 2018.
- B. Khalfi, B. Hamdaoui, M. Guizani and N. Zorba, “Efficient Spectrum Availability Information Recovery for Wideband DSA Networks: A Weighted Compressive Sampling Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, April 2018.
- A. El-Wakeel, J. Li, A. Noureldin, H. Hassanein and N. Zorba, “Towards a Practical Crowdsensing System for Road Surface Conditions Monitoring”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, March 2018.
- E. Datsika, A. Antonopoulos, N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis, “Software Defined Network Service Chaining for OTT Service Providers in 5G Networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, November 2017.
- S. Alanazi, M. Dabbagh, B. Hamdaoui, M. Guizani and N. Zorba, “Reducing Data Center Energy Consumption Through Peak Shaving and Locked-in Energy Avoidance”, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, August 2017.
- B. Khalfi, B. Hamdaoui, M. Ben-Ghorbel, M. Guizani, X. Zhang and N Zorba, “Optimizing Joint Data and Power Transfer in Energy Harvesting Multiuser Wireless Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, June 2017.
- E. Datsika, A. Antonopoulos, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Cross-Network Performance Analysis of Network Coding Aided Cooperative Outband D2D Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications vol. 16, May 2017.
- E. Datsika, A, Antonopoulus, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Green Cooperative Device to Device Communication: A Social Aware Perspective”, IEEE Access, vol.4, October 2016.
- I. Zenginis, J. Vardakas, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Analysis and quality of service evaluation of a fast charging station for electric vehicles”, Elsevier Energy, vol. 112, October 2016.
- J. Vardakas, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Power demand control scenarios for smart grid applications with finite number of appliances”, Elsevier Applied Energy, vol. 162, January 2016.
- N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Energy Optimization for Bidirectional Multimedia Communication in Unsynchronized TDD Systems”, IEEE Systems Journal, issue 99, November 2015.
- N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Optimized Handover Strategy with Hybrid Satisfaction Mechanisms”, Springer Telecommunication Systems, vol.11, May 2015.
- R. Imran, M. Shukair, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “An Energy Saving Strategy for LTE-A Multiantenna Systems”, Springer Mobile Networks and Aplications, April 2015.
- J. Vardakas, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “A Survey on Demand Response Programs in Smart Grids: Pricing Methods and Optimization Algorithms”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol.9, March 2015.
- J. Vardakas, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Performance Evaluation of Power Demand Scheduling Scenarios in a Smart Grid Environment”, Elsevier Applied Energy, vol. 142, March 2015.
- J. Vardakas, I. Moscholios, N. Zorba, M. Logothetis and C. Verikoukis, “Delay Analysis of Converged Optical-Wireless Networks with QoS Support”, IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol.7, July 2014.
- J. Vardakas, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Scheduling policies for two-state smart-home appliances in dynamic electricity pricing environments”, Elsevier Energy, vol. 69, May 2014.
- R. Imran, M. Odeh, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Spatial Opportunistic Transmission for Quality of Experience Satisfaction”, Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol.25, no.3, April 2014.
- R. Imran, M. Odeh, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Quality of Experience for Spatial Cognitive Systems within Multiple Antenna Scenarios”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no.8, August 2013.
- S. Althubaibat, N. Zorba, C. Skianis and C. Verikoukis, “Power Management in Multiuser Adaptive Modulation Transmission under QoS Requirements”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, October 2013.
- S. Althubaibat, N. Zorba, F. Granelli and C. Verikoukis, “Energy Optimization in Multiuser Quantized Feedback Systems”, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, April 2013.
- M. Odeh, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Power Consumption in Spatial Cognition”, Emerging Transactions on Telecommunications, December 2013.
- E. Kartsakli, N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis and L. Alonso, “A Threshold-Selective Multiuser Downlink MAC scheme for 802.11n Wireless Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, April 2011.
- N. Zorba and F. Bader, “Spatial Diversity Scheme to Efficiently Cancel ISI and ICI in OFDM-OQAM Systems”, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications, January 2011.
- N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “A QoS-based Dynamic Queue Length Scheduling Algorithm in Multiantenna Heterogeneous Systems”, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, April 2010.
- N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis, A.I. Pérez-Neira and A. Foglar, “Cross Layer QoS Guarantees in Multiuser WLAN Systems”, Springer Wireless Personal Communications, July 2009.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Opportunistic Grassmannian Beamforming for Multiuser and Multiantenna Downlink Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, no. 4, April 2008.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Robust Power Allocation Schemes for Multibeam Opportunistic Transmission Strategies Under Quality of Service Constraints”, IEEE JSAC special issue on MIMO for Next-Generation Wireless Networks, no.8, August 2008.
- Garcia-Mainar, V.M. Montuenga, and N. Zorba, “Work-Related Training: Determinants and Benefits”, EER Economics Journal, January 2009.
- N. Zorba and F. Zorba, “Determinants and Consequences of Training: Results Related to Spain and The United Kingdom”, CAE Economics Journal, February 2009.
- F. Gutierrez, N. Zorba and N. Freire “Localization Techniques for Mobile Communication Systems”, Spanish Electronics Journal, pp. 16-26, September 2004.
- B. Jafari, M. Hasna, H. Pishro-Nik, N. Zorba, T. Khattab and H. Saeedi, “Coverage Hole Avoidance Through Optimized UAV Path-planning”, IEEE Globecom, December 2024.
- S.B. Azmy, MHD Saria Allahham, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “MISE: Quantifying Incentive Impact on Service Availability at the Extreme Edge”, IEEE Globecom, December 2024.
- S.B. Azmy, R.F. El-Khatib, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Extreme Edge Computing Challenges on the Edge-Cloud Continuum”, IEEE CCECE, August 2024.
- R.F. El-Khatib, S. Elsayed, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Task Allocation in Extreme Edge Computing for Complex IoT Services”, IEEE CCECE, August 2024.
- A. Abunada, I. Pierce, T. Khattab, N. Zorba and E. Heggy, “Assessing VHF Band Interference in Qatar in Support of Radar Subsurface Probing of Aquifers”, IEEE ICCSPA, July 2024.
- O. Naserallah, S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Task Assignment in Extreme Edge Sensing: Balancing Response Time and Incentives”, IEEE ICC, May 2024.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Queueing Analysis of Incentive-based Extreme Edge Service Systems”, IEEE Globecom, December 2023.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Incentive-Vacation Queueing for Extreme Edge Computing Systems”, IEEE ICC, May 2023.
- M. Aboualola, K. Abualsaud, T. Khattab and N. Zorba, “Novel Task Allocation Method for Emergency Events under Delay-Cost Tradeoff”, IEEE Globecom, December 2022.
- A. Ramadan, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, ”Uplink Cluster-Based Radio Resource Scheduling for HetNet mMTC Scenarios”, IEEE Globecom, December 2022.
- O. Naserallah, S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Impact of Users’ Mobility on the Quality of Edge Sensing Systems”, IEEE Globecom, December 2022.
- M. Alzard, S. Althunibat and N. Zorba, “On The Performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Considering Random Waypoint Mobility Model”, IEEE ICC, May 2022.
- R.F. El Khatib, S.A. Elsayed, N. Zorba and H.S. Hassanein, “Optimal Proactive Resource Allocation at the Extreme Edge”, IEEE ICC, May 2022.
- M. Ahmed, S. Althunibat and N. Zorba, “Outage Analysis of Mobile users in Terahertz bands in the Presence of Relays”, IEEE ICC, May 2022.
- M.T. Dabiri, M.O. Hasna, N. Zorba and T. Khattab, “Long mmWave Backhaul Connectivity Using Fixed-Wing UAVs”, IEEE ICC, May 2022.
- M. Alzard, S. Althunibat, K. Umebayashi and N. Zorba, “Resource Allocation in THz-based Subcarrier Index Modulation Systems for Mobile Users”, IEEE Globecom, December 2021.
- H. Hassan, S. Althunibat, T. Khattab and N. Zorba, “Connectivity Analysis of THz-based UAV-BS Considering Mobile Users”, IEEE CAMAD, September 2021.
- S. Azmy, A. Abutaleb, S. Sorour, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Optimal Transport for UAV D2D Distributed Learning: Example using Federated Learning”, IEEE ICC, May 2021.
- Z. Wu, H. Ebisawa, J. Lehtomaki, K. Umebayashi and N. Zorba, “Time Domain Propagation Characteristics with Casual Channel Model for Terahertz Band”, IEEE ICC, May 2021.
- A. Abyaneh, N. Zorba and B. Hamdaoui, “IEEE 802.11ax based Medium Access Design for Wireless IoT-Blockchain Networks”, IEEE Globecom, December 2020.
- N. Al-Thani, A. Albuainain, F. Alnaimi and N. Zorba, “Drones for Sheep Livestock Monitoring”, IEEE MELECON, Palermo, Italy, July 2020.
- A. Ramadan, A. Elbery, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Traffic Forecasting using Temporal Line Graph Convolutional Network: Case Study”, IEEE ICC, Ireland, June 2020.
- A. Elbery, H. Hassanein and N. Zorba, “Vehicular Crowd Management: An IoT-Based Departure Control and Navigation System”, IEEE ICC, Ireland, June 2020.
- A. Elbery, H. Hassanein, N. Zorba and H. Rakha, “VANET-based Smart Navigation for Vehicle Crowds: FIFA World Cup 2022 Case Study”, IEEE Globecom, Hawaii, USA, December 2019.
- R. ElKhatib, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Crowdsensing based prompt emergency discovery: a sequential detection approach”, IEEE Globecom, Hawaii, USA, December 2019.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “CrowdDelegate: An MCS-based Approach for Improving Retail Labor Cost-Efficiency”, IEEE Globecom, Hawaii, USA, December 2019.
- M. Alkalbani, B. Hamdaoui, N. Zorba and A. Rayes, “A Blockchain-Based IoT Resource Sharing Protocol for Smart Cities: Towards Participatory IoT Networks-on-Demand”, IEEE Globecom, Hawaii, USA, December 2019.
- A. El-Wakeel, A. Noureldin, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “A Framework for Adaptive Resolution Geo-Referencing in Intelligent Vehicular Services”, IEEE VTC Fall, Hawaii, USA, September 2019.
- A. Elbery, H. Hassanein, N. Zorba and H. Rakha, “VANET-based Smart Navigation for Emergency Evacuation and Special Events”, IEEE CAMAD, Cyprus, September 2019.
- R. ElKhatib, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “A Reputation-aware Mobile Crowd Sensing Scheme for Emergency Detection”, IEEE ISCC, Barcelona, Spain, July 2019.
- A. Abyaneh, V. Fakhoury and N. Zorba, “Automatic Parking in Smart Cities”, IEEE GCC, Kuwait, April 2019.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Optimal Transport for Mobile Crowd Sensing Participants”, IEEE WCNC, Marrakesh, Morocco, April 2019.
- R. ElKhatib, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “A Fair Reputation-based Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Crowd Sensing”, IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
- A. El-Wakeel, A. Noureldin, H. Hassanein and N. Zorba, “iDriveSense: Dynamic Route Planning Involving Roads Quality Information”, IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Bootstrap-based Quality Metric for Scarce Sensing Systems”, IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Quality of Coverage: A Novel Approach to Coverage for Mobile Crowd Sensing Systems”, IEEE GIIS, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2018.
- R. ElKhatib, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Cost-efficient Multi-tasking in Coverage-aware Mobile Crowd Sensing”, IEEE IWCMC, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018.
- A. El-Wakeel, A. Noureldin, H. Hassanein and N. Zorba, “Utilization of Wavelet Packet Sensor De-noising for Accurate Positioning in Intelligent Road Services”, IEEE IWCMC, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018.
- A. Hussain, S. Azmy, N. Zorba, “UAV-based Semi-Autonomous Data Acquisition and Classification”, IEEE IWCMC, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018.
- S. Azmy, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Robust Quality Metric for Scarce Mobile Crowd-Sensing Scenarios”, IEEE ICC, Kansas City, USA, May 2018.
- R. ElKhatib, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Multi-tasking for Cost-efficient Mobile Crowdsensing under Uniformity Constraints”, IEEE ICC, Kansas City, USA, May 2018.
- P. Trakas, F. Adelantado, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “A QoE-aware joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Globecom, Singapore, December 2017.
- P. Trakas, F. Adelantado, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “A quality of experience-aware association algorithm for 5G heterogeneous networks, IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May 2017.
- B. Khalfi, B. Hamdaoui, M. Guizani and N. Zorba, “Exploiting Wideband Spectrum Occupancy Heterogeneity for Weighted Compressive Spectrum Sensing”, IEEE Infocom, Atlanta, USA, May 2017.
- E. Datsika, A, Antonopoulus, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Matching Game Based Virtualization in Shared LTE–A Networks”, IEEE Globecom, Washington DC, USA, December 2016.
- S. Alanazi, M. Dabbagh, B. Hamdaoui, M. Guizani, and N. Zorba, “Joint Resource Scheduling and Peak Power Shaving for Cloud Data Centers with Distributed Uninterruptible Power Supply”, IEEE Globecom, Washington DC, USA, December 2016.
- N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Joint Uplink-Downlink Carrier Aggregation Scheme in LTE-A”, IEEE CAMAD, Toronto, Canada, October 2016.
- H. Al-Shamali, S. Hammouda, P. Yazdjerdi and N. Zorba, “Wireless car control over the cellular system”, QF-ARC conference, Doha, Qatar, January 2016.
- J. Vardakas, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Performance Analysis of M2M Communication Networks for QoS-differentiated Smart Grid Applications”, IEEE Globecom, San Diego, USA, December 2015.
- E. Datsika, A, Antonopoulus, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Adaptive Cooperative Network Coding Based MAC Protocol for Device-to-Device Communication”, IEEE ICC, London, UK, June 2015.
- H. Abou-Zeid, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Enhancing Mobile Video Streaming by Lookahead Rate Allocation in Wireless Networks”, IEEE CCNC, Las Vegas, USA, January 2014.
- N. Zorba, E. Yaacoub and C. Verikoukis, “Energy Optimization in Unsynchronized TDD Systems for Joint Uplink Downlink Scheduling”, IEEE-Globecom, Atlanta, USA, December 2013.
- N. Hassouneh, M. Odeh, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Enhanced Service Delivery for Cognitive Systems within Multiple Antenna Scenarios”, IEEE AEECT, Amman, Jordan, December 2013.
- H. Abou-Zeid, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Long-term Fairness in Multi-cell Networks Using Rate Predictions”, IEEE GCC, Doha, Qatar, November 2013.
- N. Zorba, E. Yaacoub, A. Alhajj, Z. Dawy and C. Verikoukis, “Opportunistic Bi-directional Scheduling under Quality of Experience Demands”, ACM-MSWiM, Barcelona, Spain, November 2013.
- N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Grassmannian Beamforming for Coordinated Multipoint Transmission in Multicell Systems”, IEEE-LCN, Sydney, Australia, October 2013.
- M. Khabazian, N. Zorba and H. Hassanein, “Can Dynamic Pricing Make Femto Users and Service Providers Happy?” IEEE-LCN, Sydney, Australia, October 2013.
- N. Zorba, H. Hassanein and C. Verikoukis, “Green Handover with a Hybrid Satisfaction Mechanism”, VDE-ISWCS, Ilmenau, Germany, August 2013.
- E. Yaacoub, N. Zorba, V. Sakarellos and C. Verikoukis, “Green Operation Techniques for Large Scale Deployments of Small Cell LTE Networks”, invited paper to DSP 2013, Santorini, Greece, July 2013.
- E. Yaacoub and N. Zorba, “Enhanced Connectivity in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks via V2V Communications”, IWCMC, Sardinia, Italy, July 2013.
- R. Imran, N. Zorba, E. Yaacoub, H. Hassanein and C. Verikoukis, “A New MAC design in LTE for MIMO Multiuser Schemes”, IEEE-ICCIT, Beirut, Lebanon, June 2013.
- E. Yaacoub and N. Zorba, “Enhancing the Quality of Experience of Video Streaming in LTE Networks Using Distributed Antenna Systems”, IEEE-ICCIT, Beirut, Lebanon, June 2013.
- N. Zorba, E. Yaacoub, A. Alhajj and Z. Dawy, “A Modified Joint Uplink-Downlink Opportunistic Scheduling for Quality of Service Guarantees”, IEEE-ICC, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- D. Gajic, E. Kartsakli, N. Zorba, C. Liß, L. Alonso and C. Verikoukis, “Energy Efficient Techniques for 802.11n Multiuser MAC WLANs”, IEEE-ICC, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- R. Imran, M. Shukair, N. Zorba, O. Kubbar and C. Verikoukis, “A Novel Energy Saving MIMO Mechanism in LTE Systems”, IEEE-ICC, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- R. Imran, N. Zorba, O. Kubbar and C. Verikoukis, “Energy Saving Mechanism in Multiantenna LTE Systems”, Qatar Foundation workshop, Al-Doha, Qatar, December 2012.
- J. Alonso-Zarate, J. Sanchez, N. Zorba, A. Perez-Neira, and C. Verikoukis, “Cooperative Communications: from Theory to Experimental Implementation”, IEEE Globecom, California, USA, December 2012.
- Z. Chong, N. Zorba and E. Jorswieck, “Energy-efficient Modulation Selection and Feedback Quantization”, IEEE CAMAD, Barcelona, Spain, September 2012.
- A. Antonopoulos, N. Zorba,, “Green-T: Enabling Techniques for Energy Efficient Mobile Terminals”, IEEE CAMAD, Barcelona, Spain, September 2012.
- R. Moshaourab, N. Zorba and E. Jorswieck, “Nash Equilibrium in Multiple Antennas Protected and Shared Bands”, IEEE ISWCS, Paris, France, August 2012.
- B. Magableh, N. Zorba and E. Jorswieck, “Goodput and Power Performance of the Spatial Cognitive Technique”, IEEE ISWCS, Paris, France, August 2012.
- R. Imran, M. Odeh, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Quality of Experience for Cognitive Multiple Antenna Systems”, IEEE-ICC, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.
- R. Imran, N. Hassouneh, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Goodput Performance of the Spatial Modulation Multiantenna Scheme in Multiuser Scenarios”, MIC-CNIT, Dubai, UAE, December 2011.
- M. Odeh, N. Zorba, and C. Verikoukis, “Power Consumption in Spatial Cognitive Scenarios”, IEEE-ICC, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- M. Shakil, N. Zorba, C. Adam and C. Verikoukis, “WLAN-WiMAX Vertical Handover Hybrid Satisfaction Mechanism”, IEEE-CAMAD, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- M. Odeh, N. Zorba, and C. Verikoukis, “Spatial Cognition for Enhanced Efficiency: Power Consumption Analysis”, WWRF, London, UK, November 2010.
- M. Odeh, N. Zorba, H. Skianis and C. Verikoukis, “QoS Performance in Spatial Cognitive Systems”, IEEE-CAMAD, Miami, USA, December 2010.
- S. ALthunaibat, N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis and H. Skianis, “Power Saving in Multiuser Adaptive Modulation Transmission”, IEEE-CAMAD, Miami, USA, December 2010.
- M. Odeh, N. Zorba and C. Verikoukis, “Spatial Cognitive Access in Zero Forcing Beamforming Scenarios”, IEEE-PIMRC, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010.
- S. ALthunaibat, N. Zorba, H.P. Loeb and C. Verikoukis, “Power Saving in Multiuser Adaptive Modulation Transmission with Quantized Feedback”, ICST-Mobimedia, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2010.
- E. Kartsakli, N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis and L. Alonso, “A Threshold-Selective Multiuser Downlink MAC scheme for 802.11n Wireless Networks”, IEEE-ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.
- N. Zorba and J. Alonso-Zarate, “Joint Optimization of a Dynamic Queue Scheduling Scheme for the Provision of QoS in WLAN”, ICST-Mobimedia, London, UK, September 2009.
- N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “QoS Scheduling in Heterogeneous Traffic Multiuser Multiantenna WLAN Systems”, IEEE-PIMRC, Tokio, Japan, September 2009.
- E. Kartsakli, N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis and L. Alonso, “Multiuser MAC Protocols for 802.11n Wireless Networks”, IEEE-ICC, Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
- N. Zorba, S. Pfletschinger and F. Bader, “Increasing the Performance of OFDM-OQAM Communication Systems through Smart Antenna Processing”, ICST-Mobilight, Athens, Greece, May 2009.
- E. Areizaga, L. Pérez, C. Verikoukis, N. Zorba, E. Jacob and P. Ödling, “A Road to Media-aware User-dependent Self-adaptive Networks”, IEEE-BMSB, Bilbao, Spain, May 2009.
- E. Kartsakli, N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis and L. Alonso, “Multiuser MAC Protocols for 802.11n Wireless Networks”, Newcom++ Acorn joint workshop, Barcelona, March 2009.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Adaptive Modulation for a Reduced Feedback Strategy in the Multibeam Opportunistic Schemes”, IEEE-WSA, Berlin, Germany, February 2009.
- N. Zorba, M. Realp, M.A. Lagunas and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Dual Polarization for MIMO Processing in Multibeam Satellite Systems”, European Space Agency-SPSC, Rhodes, Greece, October 2008.
- N. Zorba, M. Realp and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “An Improved Partial CSIT Random Beamforming for Multibeam Satellite Systems”, European Space Agency-SPSC, Rhodes, Greece, October 2008.
- N. Zorba, A. Pascual-Iserte and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Dynamic Bit Allocation and Differential Quantization in Feedback Link for Robust Power Allocation in Multiuser Systems”, IEEE-SPAWC, Recife, Brazil, July 2008.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Spatial Sharing for QoS Guarantees in cognitive Radio Scenarios”, ICT Mobilesummit 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “ARQ in Multibeam Opportunistic Beamforming under Outage – QoS Performance”, IEEE-ICC, Beijing, China, May 2008.
- N. Zorba, C. Verikoukis, A.I. Pérez-Neira and A. Foglar, “A Dynamic Queue Length Scheduling Algorithm for QoS Guarantee in Heterogeneous Traffic Indoor Systems”, IEEE-ISWPC, Santorini, Greece, May 2008.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “A Robust Power Allocation Scheme for Multibeam Opportunistic Strategies”, Mosharaka-MICCPE, Amman, Jordan, March 2008.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Spatial Optimization for Maximum Throughput in Multibeam Opportunistic Schemes”, IEEE-WSA, Darmstadt, Germany, February 2008.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “CAC for Multibeam Opportunistic Schemes in Heterogeneous WiMax Systems under QoS Constraints”, IEEE-GLOBECOM, Washington, USA, November 2007.
- N. Zorba, A.I. Pérez-Neira and M. Navarro, “Spatial Sharing for Multibeam Opportunistic Beamforming Techniques”, EuCAP 2007, Edinburgh, UK, November 2007.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Closed Form Expressions for Maximum Delay and Jitter in Multibeam Opportunistic Beamforming”, IEEE-PIMRC, Athens, Greece, September 2007.
- N. Zorba, A.I. Pérez-Neira and M.A. Lagunas, “The Performance of HSDPA-HDR in Delay-Constrained Applications: Closed Form Expressions”, WSEAS CSCC 2007, Crete, Greece, July 2007.
- A. del Coso, N. Zorba, C. Ibars and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Cooperative Round Robin Multiple Access Networks for Joint Rate and QoS Enhancement”, IEEE-SPAWC, Helsinki, Finland, June 2007.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Robust Multibeam Opportunistic Schemes Under Quality of Service Constraints”, IEEE-ICC, Glasgow, UK, June 2007.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Optimum Number of Beams in Multiuser Opportunistic Schemes Under QoS Constraints”, ITG-WSA, Vienna, Austria, February 2007.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Robust Multiuser Opportunistic Beamforming”, IEEE-CODEC, Kolkata, India, December 2006.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Multiuser Orthogonal Opportunistic Schemes: A Stability Target”, IEEE-MCWC, Amman, Jordan, September 2006.
- N. Zorba, A.I. Pérez-Neira and M.A. Lagunas, “A Reduced Complexity MIMO Broadcast Scheme: A Way Between Opportunistic and Dirty Paper Implementation”, invited paper to Eusipco 2006, Florence, Italy, September 2006.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Asymptotic Performance of Opportunistic Grassmannian Beamforming in MIMO Broadcast Scenarios”, URSI Conference, Oviedo, Spain, September 2006.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “A Multiple User Opportunistic Scheme: The Grassmannian Approach”, IEEE Zurich Seminars, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2006.
- A.I. Pérez-Neira and N. Zorba, “MIMO Multiuser Opportunistic Schemes using Grassmannian Beamforming”, Newcom Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, November 2005.
- N. Zorba and A.I. Pérez-Neira, “Scheduling in MIMO Systems Based on Partial Channel-State Information: Discussion on Cross-Layer Issues”, CIE-YC 2005, Jinan, China, September 2005.
- N. Zorba and F. Gutierrez, “Localization and Tracking in 3G-UMTS Mobile Systems”, URSI 2005, Valencia, Spain, September2005.