Published Intellectual Contributions
Elsayed, N., Hassan, M. K. (2024). Audit simulation and learning styles: Enhancing students’ experiential learning and performance at a MENA university. International Journal of Auditing, 1-20.
Elsayed, N., Hassanein, A. (2023). Is Voluntary Risk Disclosure Informative? The Role of UK Firm-Level Governance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Elsayed, N., Ismail, H., Saadullah, S. (2023). Enhancing Students’ Understanding and Performance in a Distance-Learning Setting: Evidence from an Audit Simulation at a GCC University. Accounting Research Journal, 36(1), 1-20.
Elsayed, N. (2023). Belief perseverance in students’ perceptions of accounting in a distance-learning environment: evidence from a GCC university. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 13(5), 849-869.
Elsayed, N. (2022). Changes in Governance of Corporate Risks: Evidence from British Petroleum’s Response to the Deepwater Horizon Incident through Narrative Reporting. In Marzouk, M. and Hussainey, K. (Eds). Corporate Narrative Reporting: Beyond the Numbers. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, UK, 301-319.
Elsayed, N. (2022). Examining the Directors’ Remuneration Reports: The case of Thomas Cook. In Marzouk, M. and Hussainey, K. (Eds). Corporate Narrative Reporting: Beyond the Numbers. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, UK, 320-342.
Hassanein, A., Elsayed, N. (2021). Voluntary risk disclosure and values of FTSE350 firms: the role of an industry-based litigation risk. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. 13(2), 100-132.
Elsayed, N., Ammar, S., Mardini, G. (2021). Impact of ERP Utilisation and Segmental Reporting on Corporate Performance in the UK context. Enterprise Information Systems. 15(1), 61-86.
Saadullah, S., Elsayed, N. (2020). An Audit Simulation of the Substantive Procedures in the Revenue Process incorporating Bloom’s Taxonomy – A Teaching Case. Journal of Accounting Education, 52.
Elsayed, N., Ammar, S. (2020). Sustainability Governance and Legitimisation Processes: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal, 11(1), 253-278.
Elsayed, N., Elbardan, H. (2018). Investigating the associations between Executive Compensation and Firm Performance: Agency Theory or Tournament Theory. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 19(2), 245-270.
Elsayed, N., Elbardan, H. (2016). Executive Compensation, Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance: Evidence from the UK. Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation, 3(2), 31-49.
El-Sayed N., Gwilliam, D. (2013), BP Boardroom Compensation 2001 – 2010 – a Case Study, The Business and Management Review, 3(2), 118-146.
Conferences & Seminars:
Elsayed, N. (Author & Presenter), Kamal, M. (Co-Author), DSI 2023 Annual Conference, “Understanding Students’ Learning Style Transformation through Audit Simulation: A MENA Region University Case”, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (November 19, 2023).
Monjed, H. (Author), Elsayed, N. (Co-Author & Presenter), Kamel, H. (Co-Author), DSI 2023 Annual Conference, “Earnings Management and COVID-19 Disclosure: The Role of Internal and External Monitoring Mechanisms”, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (November 18, 2023).
Elsayed, N. (Author & Presenter), Kamal, M. (Co-Author), the 6th International Conference on Entrepreneurship for Sustainability & Impact (ESI), “Understanding Students’ Learning Style Transformation through Audit Simulation: A MENA Region University Case”, Doha, Qatar. (October 19, 2023).
Hassanein, A. (Co-Author & Presenter), Elsayed, N. (Co-Author), the 6th International Conference on Entrepreneurship for Sustainability & Impact (ESI), “Corporate Sustainability Reporting, Corporate Stock Liquidity, and Gender Diversity”, Doha, Qatar. (October 19, 2023).
Elsayed, N. (Author), Hassanein, A. (Co-Author & Presenter), the 8th Paris Financial Management Annual Conference (PFMC 2022), “Voluntary Risk Disclosure, Firm-level Governance, and Firm Value: Evidence from the UK”, Paris, France. (December 19-21, 2022).
Elsayed, N. (Author & Presenter), DSI 2022 Annual Conference, “How and Why Students’ Perceptions of Accounting were formed: Evidence from a GCC University”, Houston, Texas, USA. (November 21, 2022).
Elsayed, N. (Author & Presenter), Mandikiana, B. (Co-Author), DSI 2022 Annual Conference, “Does Corruption influence Performance more or does Performance influence Corruption more? The Role of Country-level Governance”, Houston, Texas, USA. (November 20, 2022).
Elsayed, N. (Author & Presenter), APMAA 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual), “An Examination of the Directors’ Remuneration Reports of Thomas Cook”, Universitas Trisakti; Universitas Udayana, Indonesia. (November 9-11, 2021).
Elsayed, N. (Author & Presenter), Knowledge Dissemination Workshop at The CBE-Faculty Development Committee, “Towards Enhancing Faculty Pedagogical Knowledge”; QU, Doha, Qatar. (November 3, 2021).
Elsayed, N., EAA 2021 Virtual Congress, “Students’ Perceived Benefits from Performing an Audit Simulation: A Case Study of a MENA Region University”, Brussels, Belgium. (May 26-28, 2021).
Elsayed, N., Research Workshop at The 12th CETL Day “Academic Integrity”, “Engaging students with an Experiential Learning Activity in the COVID-19 Distance Learning Environment”, QU, Qatar. (January 14, 2021).
Elsayed, N., The Management Accounting Research Group Conference, “BP Risk Governance following the Deepwater Horizon Incident”, Aston Business School, UK. (November 19-20, 2020).
Elsayed, N., Research Seminar, “An Audit Simulation of the Substantive Procedures in the Revenue Process incorporating Bloom’s Taxonomy — A Teaching Case”, QU, Qatar. (January 25, 2020).
Elsayed, N., APMAA Annual Conference, “An Institutional Logics Perspective on Risk Governance: The Deepwater Horizon Incident”, QU, Doha, Qatar. (November 3, 2019).
Elsayed, N., AFAANZ Annual Conference, “Impact of ERP Utilisation and Segmental Reporting on Corporate Performance in the UK context”, QU, Brisbane, Australia. (July 8, 2019).
Elsayed, N., AFAANZ Annual Conference, “An Institutional Logics Perspective on Risk Governance: The Deepwater Horizon Incident”, QU, Brisbane, Australia. (July 7, 2019).
Elsayed, N., Research Seminar, “An Institutional Logics Perspective on Risk Governance: The Deepwater Horizon Incident”, QU, Qatar. (April 8, 2019).
Elsayed, N., BAFA Annual Conference, “ERP Systems and Accounting Research Trends – Profiling Paper”, Other, London, United Kingdom. (April 9, 2018).
Elsayed, N., AFAANZ Annual Conference, “Does Pay influence Performance More, or Does Performance influence Pay More?”, QU, Adelaide, Australia. (July 4, 2017).
Elsayed, N., Research Seminar, “Pay-Performance Dual Associations: Evidence from the UK”, QU, Qatar. (December 28, 2016).
Elsayed, N., MBAcademy International Business Conference, “Pay-Performance Dual Associations: Evidence from the UK”, Other, London, United Kingdom. (August 15, 2016).
Elsayed, N., Research Seminar, “Does pay influence performance more or does performance influence pay more?”, AUM, Kuwait. (March 18, 2015).
Elsayed, N., Research Seminar, “An Examination of Executive Directors’ Remuneration in FTSE 350 Companies”, Minufiya University, Egypt. (May 15, 2014).
Elsayed, N., International Conference at Henley Centre for Governance, Accountability & Responsible Investment (GARI), “Pay-Performance and/or Performance-Pay – An Empirical Examination in FTSE 350 Companies”, UoE, Reading, United Kingdom. (September 23, 2013).
Elsayed, N., EAA Annual Conference, “BP Boardroom Compensation 2001 – 2010 – a Case Study”, Egyptian Government, Paris, France. (May 7, 2013).
Elsayed, N., Corporate Governance and Regulation (CGR) Conference, “BP Boardroom Compensation 2001 – 2010 – a Case Study”, UoE, Pisa, Italy. (September 18, 2012).
Elsayed, N., 1st PG Research Showcase, “Why 38% of BP Shareholders vote against the Remuneration Committee reporting at the AGM in April 2010”, UoE, Exeter, United Kingdom. (June 15, 2012).
Elsayed, N., BAFA Annual Conference, “An Examination of Executive Directors’ Remuneration in FTSE 350 Companies”, UoE, Brighton, United Kingdom. (April 7, 2012).
Professional Memberships:
A Member of Decision Science Institute (DSI), USA. (September 2022 – Present).
A Certified Management & Business Educator (CMBE), UK. (February 2021 – Present)
Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK. (December 2020 – Present).
A Member of Board of Directors, Scientific Accounting Association (SAA), Qatar (December 2019 – Present)
A Certified Control Specialist (CCS), Institute of Internal Control, USA (October 2019 – Present)
A Member of Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA), Japan. (July 2019 – Present).
A Member of Accounting and Finance Association in Australia and New Zeeland (AFAANZ), Australia. (June 2017 – Present).
Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), UK. (June 2013 – December 2020).
A Member of European Accounting Association (EAA), Belgium. (April 2013 – Present).
A Member of British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), United Kingdom. (January 2012 – Present).
Outstanding Teaching Award, Qatar University, Qatar. (August 2023)
Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Qatar. (June 2023)
Educational Excellency Badges in Digitally Enriched, Learner-Centric, Entrepreneurial and Experiential Learning (September 2021)
Best Paper Award, AFAANZ Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia. (July 2017).
Nominated (top-five) for the Best Teaching Award, AUM College of Business Administration, Kuwait. (February 2016).
Exeter Student Award, University of Exeter, UK. (March 2012).