1. Ben Lagha, N., El Omari, S. (2021). Connectedness of stock markets with gold and oil: New evidence from COVID-19 pandemic. Finance Research Letters. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1544612321003755 (Applied)
Finance research letters-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 5.596, Web of Science = Q1
2. Ben Lagha, N., El Omari, S. (2021). What determines the dependence between stock markets – crisis or financial and economic fundamentals? Applied Economics. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00036846.2021.1951443 (Applied)
Applied Economics-3.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 1.835, Web of Science = Q3
3. Ben Lagha, N., Hemrit, W. (2021). Does economic policy uncertainty matter to explain connectedness within the international sovereign bond yields? Journal of Economics and Finance. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12197-021-09554-8 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B
4. Ben Lagha, N., Hemrit, W. (2021). Does renewable energy index respond to the pandemic uncertainty? Renewable Energy, 177, 336-347. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960148121008132 (Applied)
Renewable energy-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, Impact Factor = 8.001, Web of Science = Q1
5. Ben Lagha, N., Nesteruk, I. (2021). Predictions of COVID-19 Pandemic Dynamics in Ukraine and Qatar Based on Generalized SIR Model. Innovative Biosystems and Bioengineering, 5(1), 37-46. http://ibb.kpi.ua/article/view/228605 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No
6. Ben Lagha, N. (2021). Does investment in insurance stocks reap diversification benefits? Static and time varying copula modeling. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 53, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2021.1884713 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, Impact Factor = 1.118, Web of Science = Q3
1. Ben Lagha, N., Charfeddine, L. (2021). Analysis Of The Effect Of The European Debt Crisis On The Saudi Arabian Economy. Studies in Business and Economics, 24(1), 61-81. (Applied) – Accepted
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No
2. Ben Lagha, N., Hemrit, W. (2020). Asymmetric Impacts of Insurance Premiums on the Non-Oil GDP: Some new empirical evidence. Applied Economics, 52(12), 1363-1376. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00036846.2019.1673300?scroll=top&needAccess=true (Applied)
Applied Economics-2.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 1.835, Web of Science = Q3
3. Ben Lagha, N. (2020). Stock market dependence in crisis periods: Evidence from oil price shocks and the Qatar blockade. Research in International Business and Finance, 54, 101285. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0275531918311115 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 4.091, Web of Science = Q1
4. Ben Lagha, N., Hemrit, W. (2020). Internet use and insurance growth: evidence from a panel of
OECD countries. Technology in Society, 62, 101289. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160791X1930363X (Applied)
Technology in society-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C, Impact Factor = 4.192, Web of Science = Q1
5. Ben Lagha, N., Charfeddine, L. (2020). Risk factors of road accident severity and the development of a new system for prevention: New insights from China. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2019.105411 (Applied)
Accident analysis and prevention2020-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A*, AJG (ABS) = 3, Impact Factor = 4.993, Web of Science = Q1
6. Charfeddine, L., Ben Lagha, N., Maouchi, Y. (2020). Investigating the dynamic relationship between cryptocurrencies and conventional assets: Implications for financial investors. Economic Modelling, 85, 198-217. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264999318310691 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 3.127, Web of Science = Q1
7. Ben Lagha, N., Mseddi, S. (2019). Return and volatility spillovers in presence of structural breaks: Evidence from GCC Islamic and conventional banks. Journal of Asset Management, 20(1), 72-90. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41260-018-00107-z (Applied)
journal of asset managment 2019-2.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2, Web of Science = Q4
8. Ben Lagha, N., Hemrit, w. (2018). The inter and intra discipline linkage between Economics, Business administration and Social sciences. Research in Social Sciences and Technology, 3(3), 92-115. http://www.ressat.org/index.php/ressat (Applied)
Research in Social Sciences and technology-2.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No
9. Mseddi, S., Ben Lagha, N. (2018). An analysis of spillovers between Islamic and conventional stock bank returns: Evidence from the GCC countries. Multinational Finance Journal, 21(2), 21-132. http://www.mfsociety.org/page.php?pageID=175&searchByYear=true&searchYearFrom=2017&searchYearTo=2017 (Applied)
Multinational Finance Journal – 2017-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 1
10. Ben Lagha, N., Hemrit, w. (2018). The dynamic and dependence of stock return behaviours: Evidence from the insurance sector in Saudi Arabia. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 25(4), 285-323. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10690-018-9249-2 (Applied)
Asia pacifica financial markets-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C, AJG (ABS) = 2
11. Ben Lagha, N., w. H. (2018). The Impact Of Government Spending On Non-Oil-GDP In Saudi Arabia (Multiplier Analysis). International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 15(3), 350-372. https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticletoc.php?jcode=ijebr&year=2018&vol=15&issue=3 (Applied)
Int. J. Economics and Business Research-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C
12. Mseddi, s., Ben Lagha, N. (2017). The linkage between energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from Saudi Arabia. Empirical Economics Letters, 16(10), 1093-1101. http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-16-number-10.htm (Basic)
Empirical economics letters-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No, ABDC =C
13. Ben Lagha, N., karaa, I. (2017). Evidence of adverse selection in automobile insurance market: A seemingly unrelated probit modelling. Cogent Economics and Finance, 5(1), 1-15. http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/OAEF20/current (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 1
14. Ben Lagha, N., Chargui, S. (2017). Range-based and GARCH volatility estimation: Evidence from the French asset market. Global Finance Journal, 32, 149-165. (Basic)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2
15. Ben Lagha, N., Mseddi, S. (2016). The Macroeconomic and Financial Impacts of European Crisis on Saudi Arabia. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 16, 143-170. (Basic)
Applied Econometrics and international dev 2016-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C, AJG (ABS) = 2
16. Charfeddine, L., Ben Lagha, N. (2016). A Time-varying Copula Approach for Modelling Dependency: New Evidence from Commodity and S&P500 Markets. Journal of
Multinational Financial Management, 37–38, 168-189. (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2
17. I. K., Ben Lagha, N. (2015). Testing for Asymmetric Information in Tunisian Automobile Insurance Market. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 455-464. https://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/6428 (Basic)
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences-2.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes
18. Ben Lagha, N. (2014). Volatility Linkage of Nominal and Index-linked Bond Returns: A Multivariate BEKK-GARCH Approach. Review of Economics & Finance, 4(4), 49-60. http://www.bapress.ca/refissue.php?numberid=13 (Applied)
Review of Economics Finance 2014-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No, ABDC =B
19. Ben Lagha, N. (2014). Dependence structure between nominal and index-linked bond returns: a bivariate copula and DCC-GARCH approach. Applied Economics, 46(31), 3849-3860. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00036846.2014.943886 (Applied)
Applied economics 2014-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 0.586, Web of Science = Q3
20. Ben Lagha, N., I. K., Charfeddine, L. (2012). Modeling Accident Occurrence in Car Insurance Implementation on Tunisian Data. Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 12(2), 395-406. (Applied)
Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics _2012-1.pdf
21. Charfeddine, L., Ben Lagha, N., Karaa, I. (2012). Modelling accident occurrence in car insurance implementation on Tunisia data. Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 12(2), 395-406. (Applied)
22. Ben Lagha, N., O. V., M. G. R. (2009). Modelling Accident Frequencies in car Insurance. Bulletin Francais d actuariat, 9(18), 41-63. (Applied)
23. Ben Lagha, N. (2008). Adverse selection, accident and contract choice at young drivers: the pertinence of models. Risques, les cahiers de l’assurance, 75, 133-141. (Applied)
24. Ben Lagha, N., M. G. R. (2007). Contract choice and accident at young drivers. HEC Montreal, 74(3), 505-532. (Applied)
25. Ben Lagha, N., M. G. R., o. V. (2007). A local approach to manage High risk in car insurance. INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT, 75(3). (Applied)
Approche locale_2007_75_no3_Grun-1.pdf