Elbashir, M. How Does Top management Affect Firm Performance: An Exploratory Study. Asia Pacific management Accounting Association (APMAA) Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan. (29 October-3 January 2018).
Al-Mutairi, M. (Co-Author), Elbashir, M. Z. (Co-Author). “How Does Equity-Based Executive Compensation Affect Firm Performance: An Exploratory Study”. Asia Pacific management Accounting Association (APMAA) Annual Conference, Shanghai, China. (November 7, 2017).
Elbashir, M. (Co-Author), Research Seminar, “Using Business Intelligence to Enhance Management Control Systems and Business Process Performance in the Public Sector,” QU, Department of Accounting and information systems, Qatar. (May 21, 2017).
Elbashir, M. Z. (Co-Author), EAA 39TH ANNUAL CONGRESS, “Investigating the Relationships Between Formal and Informal Management Control Systems within MCS Package,” Other, MAASTRICHT, Netherlands. (May 2016).
Elbashir, M. Z. (Co-Author), American Accounting Association -IS section, “Using Business Intelligence to Enhance Management Control Systems and Business Process Performance in the Public Sector,” Other, Houston, Texas, United States. (January 2016).
Elbashir, M. Z. (Presenter), Beijing Institute of Technology, “Writing for Academic Publication: From idea to full paper,” Other, China. (January 2016).
Elbashir, M. Z. (Co-Author), 10th Annual London Business Research Conference, “Examining the Impact of Business Intelligence Systems on Business Process Performance in the Public Sector,” Other, London, United Kingdom. (August 2015).
Elbashir, M. Z. (Co-Author), 2nd International Conference on Business, Banking and Finance, “Examining the Impact of Business Intelligence Systems on Business Process Performance in the Public Sector,” Other, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. (August 2015).
Elbashir, M.-E. Z. E., 8th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference, “Creating Business Value from ERP systems: The effect of business process re-engineering and ERP capabilities,” Other, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (February 2015).
Elbashir, M.-E. Z. E., The 37th European accounting Association Conference (EAA), “The effect of ERP systems Competences on Business Process and Organizational Performance.” (May 2014).
Elbashir, M.-E. Z. E., AFAANZ Conference, “Unravelling the integrated information systems and management control paradox: the complementarity between business intelligence and IIS,” Other, Perth, Australia. (July 2013).
Elbashir, M.-E. Z. E., Research Seminar – Otto Beisheim School of Management at WHU, “Unravelling the Integrated Information Systems and Management Control Paradox: The Complementarity between Business Intelligence and IIS,” Other, Germany. (May 2013).
Elbashir, M.-E. Z. E. (Main Author), Copenhagen Business School, “Unraveling the ERP and Management Control Paradox: The Complementarity between Business Intelligence and ERP. Department of Accounting and Auditing,” Other, Copenhagen, Denmark. (July 2012).
Elbashir, M. (Co-Author), Research Seminar – UQ Business School, the University of Queensland, “Business Intelligence Systems Use To Leverage Enterprise-Wide Accounting Information In Shared Data Environments,” Other, Brisbane, Australia. (May 2010).
Elbashir, M.-E. Z. E., “Business Intelligence Systems Used to Leverage Enterprise-wide Accounting Information: An Empirical Investigation, The School of Accounting and Business Information Systems,” Other, Canberra, Australia. (June 2009).