Al-Naemi, M; Lee, H-J; Reade, C. (2023) Language Advice Networks: Leveraging Language Asymmetry to Optimize Performance in Multinational Corporations [submitted]

Al-Naemi, M; Lee, H-J. (2023) Acculturation Strategies and Symbolic Boundaries: How Migrants, Expatriates, and Nationals Navigate a Cosmopolitan Organization [submitted].

Al-Naemi, M.; Al Kwifi, O (2023) Lingua Franca Fluency in the Local MNC: a Career Capital or Glass Ceiling? [Manuscript in preparation].

Al-Naemi, M. (on-going) Arab Women Entrepreneurs: Breaking a stereotype and paving a path for the future next generation in the Arab World [Manuscript in preparation].

Al-Naemi, M. (on-going) Arab Women Entrepreneurs: Breaking a stereotype and paving a path for the future generations in the Arab World[Manuscript in preparation].

Al-Naemi, M. (on-going) The Downside to Qatarization: A Focus on Marginalized Arab Migrants [Manuscript in preparation].