- M.F.M. Hussein, (Lead-PI), J. Renno (PI), Use of vibration measurements for monitoring the condition of wheels and tracks: towards the development of smart infrastructure for underground railway tunnels, Industrial funding from Qatar Rail, value $318k, start 15/12/2024, end 14/12/ 2027, Grant Ref: QUEX-CENG-QR-24/25-1.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Primary Research Mentor), J. Renno (Research Mentor), Control of Environmental Noise from Road Traffic: a web-based user interface, Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP), value $30k, start 1/10/2024, end 30/09/2025, Grant Ref: UREP31-088-2-028.
- J. Renno (Lead-PI), M.F.M. Hussein (PI), Using Machine Learning for Building Digital Twins, Graduate Assistantship for PhD student, Qatar University, value QAR576k, start 20/8/2023, end 19/8/2027.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), J. Renno (PI), Prediction and Attenuation of Ground-borne noise and Vibration in Buildings, Industrial funding from Qatar Rail, value $204k, start 9/11/2022, end 8/11/2024, Grant Ref: QUEX-QatarRail-22/23-4.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), J. Renno (PI), Control of Ground-borne Noise and Vibration from Doha Metro, Industrial funding from Qatar Rail, value $192k, start 23/5/2021, end 22/11/2023, Grant Ref: QUEX-CENG-QR-21/22-1.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Framework for Railway Research, Industrial funding from Qatar Rail, value $180k, start 16/10/2017, end 30/04/2020, Grant Ref: QUEX-CENG-RAIL17/18.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Investigating the effects of soil inhomogeneity and tunnel cross-sections on vibration from underground railways, Qatar University Grant, value 66,000 QAR, start 08/01/2017, end 31/12/2018, Ref: QUUG-CENG-CAE-17\18-2.
- O. Avci (Lead-PI), M.F.M. Hussein (PI), A Unified Approach to Vibration Serviceability Assessment of Floors, QNRF 8th cycle, Value $800k, 10/02/2016-10/08//2019, Grant Ref: NPRP8-836-2-353.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Primary Research Mentor), O. Avci (Research Mentor), O. Abdeljaber (Research Mentor), Characterization of soil profile and properties by Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves, Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP), Value $30k, 1/11/2016-31/10/2017, Grant Ref: UREP19-042-2-016.
- O. Avci (Primary Research Mentor), M.F.M. Hussein (Research Mentor), Lateral Design Assessment of Low and Mid-Rise Reinforced Concrete Structures in Doha, Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP), Value $50k, 1/1/2016-6/1/2017, Grant Ref: UREP18-144-2-058.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Vibration of Civil Engineering Structures, Qatar University Students Grant, value 31,500 QAR, start 20/09/2015, end 19/09/2016, Grant Ref: QUST-CENG-SPR-14/15-22.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Modelling of Rotational Stiffness of pads and its influences on dynamics of railway tracks, Qatar University Start-up Grant, value 39,270 QAR, start 21/09/2015, end 31/03/2016, Grant Ref: QUSG-CENG-CAE-14\15-4.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Modelling Of Train Induced Vibration (MOTIV), EPSRC responsive mode, Value £262,000, start 1/9/2012, end: 28/2/2017, Grant Ref: EP/K005847/1.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Visiting Research Fellowship, Trinity College Cambridge University, Value £4,775, from July to December 2012, Ref: CM12.95.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), EPSRC CASE studentship on developing holistic approach for the design of railway infrastructure, Value £88k, 10/5/2011, end: April 2016, Grant Ref: EP/J500483/1.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Measurements of vibration from trams in Nottingham,the Nuffield Foundation for undergraduate student placement, 15/2/2011, Value £1,440, Grant Ref: URB/39498.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), equipment for dynamic testing in centrifuge environment, internal divisional funding, Value £7k, 8/5/2009.
- M.F.M. Hussein (Lead-PI), Research fellowship, KU Leuven, €2k, June 2005.