Douier, K., Renno, J. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2024, Reconstructing Road Roughness Profiles using ANNs and Dynamic Vehicle Accelerations, 2024, Infrastructures, 9(11):198.
Shamayleh, H.Y.A. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2024, Investigating the effects of in-track countermeasures to reduce ground-borne vibration from underground railways. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, 14613484241244625.
Colaco, A., Alves Costa, P., Hussein, M.F.M., 2024, The influence of rail unevenness profile on the generation of ground vibrations by railway traffic. Applied Sciences, 14, 20, 9312.
Alsharo, A., Douier, K., Hussein, M. F.M., Renno, J., 2024, Investigating the effect of using softer rail-pads on ground-borne vibration from underground railways. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 12, 5, 803-826.
Lamprea-Pineda, A.C., Connolly, D.P., Castanheira-Pint, A., Alves-Costa, P., Hussein, M.F.M., Woodward, P.K., 2024, On railway track receptance, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 177, 108331.
Badri, Y., Alhams, A., Sassi, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Renno, J., 2023, Enhancing the Damping Effect of MRF Damper Using an External Magnetic Excitation System. Materials Research Express, 10, 9, 095703.
Hussein, M.F.M., Renno, J., Muthalif, A., 2023, Energy Harvesting from Railway Slab-Tracks with Continuous Slabs, Journal of Vibration and Control, 29, 3-4, 882-901.
Lamprea-Pineda, A.C., Connolly, D.P., Hussein, M.F.M., 2022, Beams on elastic foundations–a review of railway applications and solutions, Transportation Geotechnics, 33, 100696.
Avci, O., Alkhamis, K., Abdeljaber, O., Alsharo, A., Hussein, M.F.M., 2022, Operational modal analysis and finite element model updating of 230 m tall tower, Structures, 37, 154-167.
Badri, Y., Sassi, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Renno J., 2022, Experimental and numerical investigation of damping in a hybrid automotive damper combining viscous and multiple-impact mechanisms, Journal of Vibration and Control, 28, 23-24.
Alabbasi, Y., Hussein, M.F.M., 2021, Geomechanical Modelling of Railroad Ballast: A Review, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28, 3, 815-839
Badri, Y., Syam, T., Sassi, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Renno J., Ghani, S., 2021, Investigating the characteristics of a magnetorheological fluid damper through CFD modeling, Materials Research Express, 8, 5, 055701.
Avci, O., Abdeljaber, O., Kiranyaz, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Gabbouj, M., Inman, D., 2021, A Review of vibration-based damage detection in civil structures: from traditional methods to machine learning and deep learning applications, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 147, 107077.
Abdelatif, A.O, Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2020, A Novel Test Method for Tendon Re-anchorage in Bonded Post Tensioned Concrete using ESPI Full Field measurement, Materials and Structures, 53, 59.
Alabbasi, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Abdeljaber, O., Avci, O., 2020, A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Special Type of Floating-Slab Tracks, Engineering Structures, 215, 110734.
Abdeljaber, O., Hussein, M.F.M., Avci, O., Davis, D., Reynolds, P., 2020, A Novel Video-Vibration Monitoring System for Walking Pattern Identification on Floors, Advances in Engineering Software, 139, 102710.
Alabbasi, Y., Hussein, M.F.M., 2019, Large-Scale Triaxial and Box Testing on Railroad Ballast: A Review, SN Applied Sciences, 1, 1592.
Ntotsios, E., Thompson, D.J., Hussein, M.F.M., 2019, A comparison of ground vibration due to ballasted and slab tracks, Transportation Geotechnics, 21, 100256.
Muhammad, Z., Reynolds, P., Avci, O., Hussein, M.F.M., 2019, Review of Pedestrian Load Models for Vibration Serviceability Assessment of Floor Structures, Vibration, 2, 1, 1-24.
Avci, O., Abdeljaber, O., Kiranyaz, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Inman, D.J., 2018, Wireless and real-time structural damage detection: A novel decentralized method for wireless sensor networks, Journal of Sound and Vibration 424, 158-172.
Brookes, D., Hamad, W.I., Talbot, J.P., Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., 2018, The dynamic interaction effects of railway tunnels: Crossrail and the Grand Central Recording Studios, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 1-18.
Ntotsios, E., Thompson, D.J., Hussein, M.F.M., 2017, The effect of track load correlation on ground-borne vibration from railways, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 402, 142-163.
Verachtert, R., Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., Degrande, G., 2017, Changes of perceived unevenness caused by in-track vibration countermeasures in slab track, European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 65, 40-58.
Younis, A., Avci, O., Hussein, M.F.M., Davis, B., Reynolds, P., 2017, Dynamic Forces Induced on Building Floors by a Single Pedestrian: A Literature Review, the Applied Mechanics Reviews, 69, 020802, 17 pages.
Abdelatif, A.O, Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2017, Modelling and parametric study of the re-anchorage of ruptured tendons in bonded post-tensioned concrete, Journal of Structural Engineering, 143 (12), art. no. 04017162.
Koroma, S.G., Thompson, D.J., Hussein, M.F.M., Ntotsios, E., 2017, A mixed space-time and wavenumber-frequency domain procedure for modelling ground vibration from surface railway tracks, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 400, 508-532
Kostovasilis, D., Thompson, D.J., Hussein, M.F.M., 2017, A semi-analytical beam model for the vibration of railway tracks, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 393, 321-337.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Costa. P.A., 2017, The effect of end bearings on the dynamic behavior of floating-slab tracks with discrete slab units, International Journal of Rail Transportation, 5, 1, 38-46
Thompson, D., Jiang, J., Toward, M.G.R, Hussein, M.F.M., Ntotsios, E., Dickmans, A., Coulier, P., Lombaert, G. and Degrande, G. 2016, Reducing railway-induced ground-borne vibration by using open trenches and soft-filled barriers, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 88, 45-59.
Abdelatif, A.O, Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2016, Rapid assessment of bonded post-tensioned concerete beams with ruptured tendons, Sudan Engineering Society Journal, 62 (2), 14-17.
Thompson, D.J., Jiang, J., Toward, M.G.R., Hussein, M.F.M., Dijckmans, A., Coulier, P., Degrande, G., Lombaert, G., 2015, Mitigation of railway-induced vibrations by using subgrade stiffening. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 79(part A), 89-103.
Koroma, S.G., Hussein, M.F.M., Owen, J.S., 2015, The effects of preload and nonlinearity on the vibration of railway tracks under a harmonic load, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 34, 3, 289–306.
Hamad, W.I., Owen, J.S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2015, Modelling the degradation of vibration characteristics of reinforced concrete beams due to flexural damage, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 22, 6, 939–967.
Abdelatif, A.O, Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2015, Modelling the prestress transfer in pre-tensioned concrete elements, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 94, 47–63.
Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., Kuo, K.A., Costa, P.A., and Barbosa, J., 2015, The use of sub-modelling technique to calculate vibration in buildings from underground railways, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 229,3, 303-314.
Hussein, M.F.M., Francois, S. , Schevenels, M., Hunt, H.E.M., Talbot, J.P., Degrande, G., 2014, The fictitious force method for efficient calculation of vibration from a tunnel embedded in a multi-layered half-space, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 25, 6996–7018.
Carroll, S.P., Owen, J.S. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2014, Experimental identification of the lateral human-structure interaction mechanism and assessment of the inverted-pendulum biomechanical model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 22, 5865–5884.
Koroma, S.G., Hussein, M.F.M., Owen, J.S., 2014, Vibration of a beam on continuous elastic foundation with nonhomogeneous stiffness and damping under a harmonically excited mass, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333,9, 2571–2587.
Yang, W., Hussein, M.F.M., Cox C., and Marshall A., 2013. Centrifuge and numerical modelling of ground-borne vibration from an underground tunnel, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 51, 23-34.
Hamad, W.I., Owen, J.S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2013, An efficient approach of modelling the flexural cracking behaviour of un-notched plain concrete prisms subject to monotonic and cyclic loading, Engineering Structures, 51, 36-50.
Carroll, S.P., Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2013. Reproduction of lateral ground reaction forces from visual marker data and analysis of balance response while walking on a laterally oscillating deck, Engineering Structures, Engineering Structures, 49, 1034-1047.
Carroll, S.P., Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2013. A coupled biomechanical/discrete element crowd model of crowd-bridge dynamic interaction & application to the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Engineering Structures, 49, 58–75.
Yang, W., Hussein, M.F.M., Marshall, A., and Cox, C., 2013. Centrifuge and numerical modelling of ground-borne vibration from surface sources, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 44, 78–89.
Jones, S., Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M., and Hunt, H.E.M., 2012. Prediction uncertainties and inaccuracies resulting from common assumptions in modelling vibration from underground railways, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transport, 226(5), 501-512.
Carroll, S.P., Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2012. Modelling crowd-bridge dynamic interaction with a discretely defined crowd, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(11), 2685-2709.
Kuo, K.A., Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2011. The effect of a twin tunnel on the propagation of ground-borne vibration from an underground railway, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330(25), 6203-6222.
Jones, S., Hussein, M.F.M., and Hunt, H.E.M., 2010. Use of PiP to investigate the effect of a free surface on ground vibration due to underground railways, Acoustics Australia, 38(1), 20-24.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2009. A numerical model for calculating vibration due to a harmonic moving load on a floating-slab track with discontinuous slabs in an underground railway tunnel, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 321(1-2), 363-374.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2007. A numerical model for calculating vibration from a railway tunnel embedded in a full-space. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 305(3), 401-431.
Gupta, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Degrande, G., Hunt, H.E.M. and Clouteau, D., 2007. A comparison of two numerical models for the prediction of vibrations from underground railway traffic. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27(7), 608-624.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2006. Modelling of Floating-Slab track with Discontinuous Slab Part I: Response to Oscillating Moving Loads. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 25(1), 23-40.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2006. Modelling of floating-slab track with discontinuous slab Part 2: response to moving trains. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 25(2), 111-118.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2006. Modelling of floating-slab tracks with continuous slabs under oscillating moving loads. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 297(1-2), 37-54.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2006. A power flow method for evaluating vibration from underground railways. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 293(3-5), 667-679.
Books and Book chapters
Alnahhal, W., Hussein, M.F.M., Al-Ansari, A., Al-Kuwari, M., Ahmed, E., Gunduz, M., Plevris, V., Khamidi, M., Ayari, M., 2023, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction (CIC 2023), Qatar University Press.
Sirin, O., Ebead, U., Eid, H., Gunduz, M., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2020, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction (CIC 2020), Qatar University Press.
Talbot, J.P., Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2019, Computational tools for predicting ground vibration from railways, A chapter in the book: Ground Vibrations from High-speed Railways: Prediction and mitigation, Editor: V. Krylov, ICE publishing, 77-95.
Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2007. Ground-borne vibration transmission from road and rail systems – Prediction and control. Chapter 123 in: Malcolm J. Crocker, ed. Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1458-1469.
Conference papers
Shamayleh, H., Renno, J., Hussein, M.F.M., 2024, Estimating the Parameters of a Structure by Using its Dynamic Response: a study based on a cantilever beam, the 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering (AMMSE), Incheon, South Korea, 13-15 December 2024.
Mustaf, A., Hussein, M.F.M., and Renno, J., 2024, Investigating the influence of a second tunnel and utility corridor on ground-borne vibration induced by underground railways, The 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV30), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 8-11 July.
Abdallah, O., Hussein, M.F.M., and Renno, J., 2024, Numerical simulation of ground-borne vibration transnission to planned third-party buildings from metro lines: integrating the Pipe-in-Pipe model and Finite Element in 2D calculations, The 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV30), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 8-11 July.
Colaco, A., Ramos, A., Alves Costa, P., Hussein, M.F.M., 2023, Prediction of ground-borne vibrations induced by railway traffic based on machine learning techniques, the 54th Spanish Congress of Acoustics -TECNIACÚSTICA 2023, Cuenca, Spain, 18-20 October.
Colaco, A., Ramos, A., Alves Costa, P., Hussein, M.F.M., 2023, Prediction of vibrations induced by railway traffic using a surrogate model, XLIV Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Porto, Portugal, 13-16 November.
Shamayleh, H.Y.A. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2023, Investigating the dynamic effect of in-track vibration countermeasures, Techni Acustica he 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 July.
Alsharo, A., Douier, K., Hussein, M.F.M., and Renno, J., 2023, A measurement campaign to investigate the effect of using soft railpads on ground-borne vibration from underground railways, The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 July.
Douier, K., Hussein, M.F.M., and Renno, J., 2023, Modal Characterization and Road Roughness Reconstruction Using Dynamic Vehicle Accelerations and ANNs, the 9th International Conference on Computational methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Athens, Greece, 12-14 June.
Lamprea-Pineda, A., Castanheira-Pinto, A., Alves Costa, P., Woodward, P.K., Hussein, M.F.M., Connolly, D., 2023, Railway Track Structural Dynamics Via Periodic Approaches, the 9th International Conference on Computational methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Athens, Greece, 12-14 June.
Douier, K., Hussein, M.F.M., and Renno, J., 2023, Road Profile Estimation Using Full/Quarter-Car Model with Artificial Neural Networks, the 15th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP15), Doha, Qatar, 5-8 February.
Lamprea-Pineda, A, Connolly, D., Hussein, M.F.M., Alves Costa, P., and Woodward, P., Modelling the Critical Speed Amplification Effect on Railway Track-Ground Systems, 2022, The Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Montpellier, France, 22-25 August.
Shamayleh, H.Y.A. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2022, Investigating the effect of preload on the behavior of rail pads for railway tracks under quasi-static and dynamic loads, The 10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations (WMVC), Lisbon, Portugal, 4-6 July.
Douier, K., Hussein, M.F.M., and Renno, J., Reconstruction of Road Defects from Dynamic Vehicle Accelerations by using the Artificial Neural Networks, 2022, The 10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations (WMVC), Lisbon, Portugal, 4-6 July.
Douier, K., Hussein, M.F.M., and Renno, J., Predicting road roughness Profile using dynamic vehicle accelerations and Artificial Neural Networks, 2022, The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV), Singapore 24-28 July.
Lamprea-Pineda, A., Connolly, D., Woodward, P.K., Hussein, M.F.M., Alves Costa, P., 2022, Semi-analytical of train induced ground-borne vibrations effects, The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV), Singapore 24-28 July.
Avci, O., Alkhamis, K., Abdeljaber, O., Hussein, M.F.M., 2022, Operational Modal Analysis and Finite Element Model Updating of a 53-Story Building, the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 8-11 February.
Avci, O., Abdeljaber, O., Kiranyaz, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Gabbouj, M., and Inman, D., 2022, A New Benchmark Problem for Structural Damage Detection: Bolt Loosening Tests on a Large-Scale Laboratory Structure, the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 8-11 February.
Elshafei, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Renno, J., Muthalif, A., 2021, Energy harvesting from railway vibrations – A numerical study based on beam-on-elastic-foundation under quasi-state loading, the 8th International Conference on Computational methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Crete, Greece, 28-30 June.
Badri, Y., Syam, T., Sassi, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Renno, J., and Ghani, S., 2021, Numerical study on the damping characteristics of a shock absorber valve utilizing different velocities through CFD analysis, the 8th International Conference on Computational methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Crete, Greece, 28-30 June.
Edirisinghe, T.L., Talbot, J.P., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2020, Accounting for the influence of the free surface on the vibration response of underground railway tunnels: a new iterative method, ISMA 2020-International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 7-9 September.
Badri, Y., Hussein, M.F.M., Sassi, S., and Renno, J., 2020, Investigation of the Effect of the Force-Frequency on the Behaviour of a New Viscous Damper for Railway Applications, International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction (CIC 2020), Doha, Qatar, 2-5 February.
Alabbasi, Y., Hussein, M.F.M., 2020, Comparison of the Mechanical Behavior of Railroad Ballast in a Box Test under Sinusoidal and Realistic Train Loadings Using Discrete Element Method, International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction (CIC 2020), Doha, Qatar, 2-5 February.
Alabbasi, Y., Hussein, M.F.M., 2019, Investigating the behavior of railroad ballast in a box test under sinusoidal and simulated train loading, the 7th International Conference on Computational methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Crete, Greece, 24-26 June.
Alabbasi, S., Hussein, M.F.M., Abdeljaber, O., Avci, O., 2019, Investigating the Dynamics of a special type of a floating-slab track, the 7th International Conference on Computational methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Crete, Greece, 24-26 June.
Abdeljaber, O., Hussein, M.F.M., Avci, O., 2018, In-service video-vibration monitoring for identification of walking patterns in an office floor, the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25), Hiroshima, Japan, 8-12 July.
Aldous, K., Hussein, M.F.M., Abdeljaber, O., 2018, Ground-borne vibration investigation by modelling the tunnel-soil interaction using a Finite Element Package, the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25), Hiroshima, Japan, 8-12 July.
Pinto, A., Costa, P.A., Colaco, A., Lopes, P., Hussein, M.F.M., 2017, Ground-borne vibrations due to railway traffic in urbanized areas: a numerical study about traffic in trench cross-sections, In: the 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June.
Evangelos, N., Thompson, D. J., Hussein, M.F.M., 2017, The effect of track unevenness correlation on railway induced ground vibration, In: the 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June.
Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., Hamad, W.I., 2017, the PiP model and progress in ground vibration from railways, Acoustics 2017, Perth, Australia, 19-22 November.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Costa. P.A., 2016, The effect of end bearings on the dynamic behavior of floating-slab tracks with discrete slab units, In ICSV23: 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Athens, Greece, 10 – 14 July.
Abdelatif, A.O, Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2016, Rapid assessment of bonded post-tensioned concrete beams, the 1st conference on civil engineering, Merowe, Sudan, 13th-15th Dec.
Tehrani, M.G., Hussein, M.F.M., 2015, Energy harvesting from moving loads on a beam with elastic foundation, In: International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV2015), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7-10 September.
Kostovasilis, D., Thompson, D.J., Hussein, M.F.M., 2015, The effect of vertical-lateral coupling of rails including initial curvature, In: the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22), Florence, Italy, 12 to 16 July.
Jin, Q., Thompson, D.J., Lurcock, D., Toward, M., Ntotsios, E., Koroma, S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2015, Experimental validation of a numerical model for the ground vibration from trains in tunnels, In: the 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (EuroNoise), Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 31st to June 3rd.
Hamad, W.I., Ntotsios, E., Hunt, H.E.M. Hussein, M.F.M., Thompson, D.J., and Talbot, J.P., 2015, Modelling the dynamic pile-soil-pile interaction in a multi-layered half-space, In: the 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (EuroNoise), Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 31st to June 3rd.
Ntotsios, E., Thompson, D.J., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2015, Effect of rail unevenness correlation on the prediction of ground-borne vibration from railways, In: the 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (EuroNoise), Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 31st to June 3rd.
Koroma, S.G., Thompson, D.J., Hussein, M.F.M., and Evangelos, N., 2015, A mixed space-time and wavenumber domain model for predicting vibration from railway tracks, In: the 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Crete Island, Greece, 25–27 May.
Ntotsios, E., Hamad, W.I., Thompson, D.J., Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., Talbot, J.P., 2015, Predictions of the dynamic response of piled foundations in a multi-layered halfspace due to inertial and railway induced loadings, In: the 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Crete Island, Greece, 25–27 May.
Hamad, W.I., Hunt, H.E.M., Talbot, J.P., Hussein, M.F.M., Thompson, D.J., 2015, The dynamic interaction of twin tunnels embedded in a homogeneous half-space, In: the 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Compdyn), Crete Island, Greece, 25–27 May.
Ntotsios, E., Koroma, S.G., Hamad, W.I., Thompson, D.J., Hunt, H. E.M., Talbot, J.P., Hussein, M.F.M., 2015, Modelling train induced vibration, In: IMechE Stephenson conference, London UK, 21-23 April.
Koroma, S.G., Hussein, M.F.M., Thompson, D.J., and Evangelos, N., 2014, The effect of non-linearity of railway tracks on ground-borne vibration. In ICSV21: 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Beijing China, 13 – 17 July.
Jiang, J. Toward, M., Dijckmans, A., Thompson, D.J., Degrande, G., Lombaert, G., Hussein, M.F.M., 2014, The influence of soil conditions on railway induced ground-borne vibration and relevant mitigation measures, In ICSV21: 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Beijing Shi, 13 – 17 July.
Verachtert R., Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., Degrande, G., 2014, Changes in railway unevenness after the installation of in-track vibration countermeasures, In: the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Porto, Portugal, 30th June-2nd July.
Hamad, W.I., Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., and Talbot, J.P., 2014, Tunnel-soil-pile interaction in the prediction of vibration from underground, In: the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Porto, Portugal, 30th June-2nd July.
Kostovasilis, D., Hussein, M.F.M., , Thompson, D.J., 2014, A holistic approach for the design and assessment of railway tracks, In: the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Porto, Portugal, 30th June-2nd July.
Ntotsios, E., Hussein, M.F.M., Thompson, D.J., 2014, A comparison between different approaches for calculating Power Spectral Densities of ground-borne vibration from railway trains, In: the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Porto, Portugal, 30th June-2nd July.
Toward, M.G.R., Jiang, J., Dijckmans, A., Coulier, P., Thompson, D.J., Degrande, G., Lombaert, G. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2014, Mitigation of railway induced vibrations by using subgrade stiffening and wave impeding blocks. In: the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Porto, Portugal, 30th June-2nd July.
Kuo, K.A., Hunt, H.E.M., Jones, S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2013. Recent developments in the Pipe-in-Pipe model for underground-railway vibration predictions. In: the 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise (IWRN), Uddevalla, Sweden, 9th-13th of September, Proceedings published in Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 126, 2015, 321-328.
Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., Kuo, K.A., Costa, P.A., Barbosa, J., 2013, A numerical model for calculating vibration in a building with pile foundation from underground railway trains, In: the 11th Biennial International Conference on Vibration Problems, Lisbon, Portugal, 9th-12th of September.
Kostovasilis, D., Koroma, S.G., Hussein, M.F.M., Owen, J.S., 2013, The effect of preload and nonlinearity on the vibration of railway tracks under harmonic load, In: the 11th Biennial International Conference on Vibration Problems, Lisbon, Portugal, 9th-12th of September.
Koroma, S.G., Hussein, M.F.M., Owen, J.S., the effects of railpad nonlinearity on the vibration of railway tracks under harmonic load, 2013, In: the 11th Biennial International Conference on Vibration Problems, Lisbon, Portugal, 9th-12th of September.
Koroma, S.G., Hussein, M.F.M., Owen, J.S., 2013, The effects of railpad nonlinearity on the dynamic behaviour of railway track. In the Institute of Acoustics conference, Nottingham, UK, 13th May.
Kostovasilis, D., Koroma, S.G., Hussein, M.F.M. and Owen, J.S., 2013, The effect of curvature on the dynamic behaviour of a railway track. In the Institute of Acoustics conference, Nottingham, UK, 13th May.
Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., Kuo, K.A., Costa, P.A., Barbosa, J., 2013, the dynamic effect of a piled-foundation building on an incident vibration field from underground railway tunnel, In: the 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Bangkok, Thailand, 7th-11th of July.
Abdelatif, A.O, Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2013, Re-anchorage of a Ruptured Tendon in Bonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams: Model validation, the 10th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), Dublin, Ireland, 8th-10th July, Proceedings published in Key Engineering Materials, 569-570, 302-309.
Hamad, W.I., Owen, J.S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2013, The sensitivity of vibration characteristics of reinforced concrete beams under incremental static and cyclic loading, the 10th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), Dublin, Ireland, 8th-10th July, Proceedings published in Key Engineering Materials, 569-570, 327-334.
Carroll, S.P., Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2013, An Optically Based Assessment of Pedestrian Frontal-Plane Balance Behaviour While Walking on a Laterally Oscillating Treadmill, the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods on Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (CompDyn 2013) Kos Island, Greece, 12th-14th June.
Abdelatif, A.O., Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2012, Modeling the Re-anchoring of a Ruptured Tendon in Bonded Post-tensioned Concrete, In: BIC 2012 conference, Brescia, Italy, 17th-20th of June.
Hamad, W.I., Owen, J.S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2011, A flexural crack model for damage detection in reinforced concrete structures, In: the 9th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), Oxford, UK, 11th-13th of July, Proceedings published in Journal of Physics,Conference Series, 305(1), 6203-6222.
Yang, Yenbo., Hussein, M.F.M., Cox C., and Marshall A., 2011. Physical and numerical modelling of ground-borne vibration from a surface source. In: the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium, 4th-6th of July.
Carroll, S.P., Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2011. Crowd-bridge interaction by combining biomechanical and discrete element models. In: the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium, 4th-6th of July.
Hamad, W.I., Owen, J.S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2011, The use of fictitious crack model in modelling the vibration behaviour of cracked reinforced concrete beams, In: the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium, 4th-6th of July.
Jones, S., Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., 2011. Prediction inaccuracies and uncertainties associated with common assumptions in modelling vibration from underground railways. In: the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium, 4th-6th of July.
Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M., and Hunt, H.E.M., 2010. The effects of a second tunnel on the propagation of ground-borne vibration from an underground railway. In: The 10th International Workshop on Railway Noise and Vibration, Nagahama, Japan, 18th-22nd of October, Proceedings published in Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 118:307-314.
Hussein, M.F.M., 2010. Modelling vibration from surface and underground railways as an evolutionary random process. In: the International Conference on computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, 30th June-2nd July.
Osman, A.S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2010. Dynamic response of a laterally-loaded infinite rigid cylinder embedded in a saturated poroelastic medium. In: the International Conference on computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, 30th June-2nd July.
Hamad, W.I., Owen, J.S., Hussein, M.F.M., 2010. Modelling the nonlinear behaviour of a cracked reinforced concrete beam. In: the International Conference on computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham, 30th June-2nd July.
Carroll, S.P., Owen, J.S., and Hussein, M.F.M., 2010. Modelling crowd-bridge interaction with a discretely defined crowd. In: SECED Young Engineers Conference, London, UK, 4th of November.
Coulier, P., Beckers, M., Kuo, K.A., Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., Degrande, G. 2010. Vibrational discomfort in buildings. Transport Research Arena Conference. Brussels, Belgium, 7-11 June.
Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., Jones, S., Kuo, K.A., 2010. Ground-borne vibration from underground railways: some commonly-made modelling assumptions and their associated inaccuracies and uncertainties. In: Noise in the Built Environment, Ghent, 29th-30th April.
Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., 2009, A computationally efficient software application for calculating vibration from underground railways. The 7th International Conference On Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, Cambridge, UK, 8–10 September, Proceedings published in Journal of Physics, Conference series, 181(1), 012057.
Hussein, M.F.M., 2009. A comparison between the performance of floating-slab track with continuous and discontinuous slabs in reducing vibration from underground railway tunnels. In: the 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Krakow, Poland, 5th-9th of July.
Hussein, M.F.M., 2009. A numerical model of a moving wheel-set on a floating-slab track with discontinuous slab in an underground railway tunnel. In: NOVEM2009: Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods, Oxford, UK, 5th-8th of April.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2009. A software application for calculating vibration due to moving trains in underground railway tunnels. In: NOVEM2009: Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods, Oxford, UK, 5th-8th of April.
Kuo, K.A., Jones, S., Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2008. Applications of PiP: Vibration of embedded foundations near a railway tunnel. In: the 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Southampton, UK, 7th-9th of July.
Hussein, M.F.M., Hunt, H.E.M., Rikse, L., Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Talbot, J.P., Francois, S. and Schevenels, M., 2007. Using the PiP model for fast calculation of vibration from a railway tunnel in a multi-layered half-space. In: The 9th International Workshop on Railway Noise and Vibration, München, Germany, 4th-8th of September, Proceeding published in Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 99/2008, 136-142.
Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2007. Accuracy, and the prediction of ground vibration from underground railways. In: the 5th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Brisbane, Australia, 10th-12th of December.
Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2007. Vibration from railways: can we achieve better than +/-10dB prediction accuracy?. In: the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, 9th-12th of July.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2007. Modelling of floating-slab tracks with discontinuous slabs in underground railway tunnels. In: the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, 9th-12th of July.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2007. The PiP model, a software for calculating vibration from underground railways. In: the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, 9th-12th of July.
Rikse, L., Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M., Degrande, G. and Gupta, S., 2007. A model for calculating vibration from a railway tunnel buried in a full-space including rigid bedrock. In: the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, 9th-12th of July.
Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Chebli, H., Clouteau, D., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2006. A numerical model for prediction of vibration from underground railways. In: the 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Los Angeles, USA, 16th-22nd of July.
Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Othman, R., Clouteau, D., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2006. A coupled periodic FE-BE model for ground-borne vibrations from underground railways. In: the 3rd European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 5th-9th of June.
Gupta, S., Degrande, G., Clouteau, D., Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2006. A numerical model for prediction of vibration from underground railways. In: Euromech Colloquium 484, Delft, the Netherlands, 19th-22nd of September.
Gupta, S., Fiala, P., Hussein, M.F.M., Chebli, H., Degrande, G., Auguszinovicz, F., Hunt H.E.M. and Clouteau, D., 2006. A numerical model for ground-borne vibrations and reradiated noise in buildings from underground railways. In: ISMA International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 18th-20th of September.
Hussein, M.F.M., Gupta, S., Hunt, H.E.M., Degrande, G. and Talbot, J.P., 2006. An efficient model for calculating vibration from a railway tunnel buried in a half-space. In: the 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, Austria, 2nd-6th of July.
Gupta, S., Hussein, M.F.M., KLEIN, R., Degrande, G. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2005. A comparison of prediction models for vibrations from underground railway traffic. In: the 12th international congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisbon, Portugal, 11th-14th of July.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2004. A power flow method for evaluating vibration from underground railways. In: the 8th International Workshop on railway noise, Buxton, Derbyshire, UK, 8th-11th of September.
Talbot, J.P., Hunt, H.E.M. and Hussein, M.F.M., 2004. A prediction tool for the optimisation of maintenance activity to reduce disturbance due to ground-borne vibration from underground railways. In: the 8th International Workshop on railway noise, Buxton, Derbyshire, UK, 8th-11th of September.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2004. Dynamic effect of slab discontinuity on underground moving trains. In: the 11th international congress on Sound and Vibration, St.Petersburg, Russia, 5th-8th of July.
Hunt, H.E.M., Hussein, M.F.M. and Talbot, J.P., 2003. Insertion Loss Models for evaluating the performance of vibration counter-measures for underground railways. In: the tenth international congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, Sweden, 7th-10th of July.
Hussein, M.F.M. and Hunt, H.E.M., 2003. An Insertion Loss Model for evaluating the performance of floating-slab track for underground railway tunnels. In: the 10th international congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, Sweden, 7th-10th of July.
Conference publications related to Higher Education
Hussein, M.F.M., The use of flipped-class rooms for university engineering students, abstract and presentation, February 2021, Education, Engineering Education and Instruction Technology Conference (EEEITC 21), Doha, Qatar.
Hussein, M.F.M., Improving the student learning experience by using mobile and computer technology in delivering multiple choice questions, April 2017, Proceedings of the joint 8th IFEE2017 and 3rd TSDIC2017, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Hussein, M.F.M., Impact of entry qualifications on university performance of Civil Engineering students, abstract and presentation, Feb 2012, The 19th Learning & Teaching Conference, University of Nottingham.