1.       Collaboration between Schools and Further Education Colleges in North Staffordshire.


Journal of Education and practice Vol.9, No.8. 2018 Pp.162-172




  1. The Difficulties that the Nurseries are facing to meet the Ofsted criteria’s in UK

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.8, No.5. 2018 Pp.45-54




3. The satisfaction of non-English communities with educational opportunities offered to their children who speaks English as an additional language in state schools in UK


Global Science Research Journals Vol.6 (3), pp 462-469, May, 2018.




  1. Examining Primary Teachers’ Knowledge of Learning Assessment Methods and their Implementation to it in Teaching in United Kingdom. Global Science Research Journals Vol.6 (6), pp 803-815, 10th October 2018.



5.Work Stress on Social Studies Teachers in Qatar and its Resulting Problems .2019

  (under review )


       6-  مستوى الوعي التكنولوجي لدى طلبة الدراسات الاجتماعية في كلية التربية في جامعة وعلاقته بالأداء التدريسي لديهم.( قيد لبتنفيذ)