Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Zeitun, R. M. A., Eissa, M. M. A. (2021). Impact of global health crisis and oil price shocks on stock markets in the GCC. Finance Research Letters. (Applied) – Accepted
2. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. M. A., Zeitun, R. M. A. (2021). The dynamics of the relationship between real estate and stock markets in an energy-based economy: The case of Qatar. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 23(June), e00200. (Applied)
3. Eissa, M. M. A., Elgammal, M. M. E. (2020). FDI Determinants in Oil Exporting Countries: Revisiting the Role of Natural Resources. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 19(1), 33-65. (Applied)
FDI Determinants in Oil Exporting Countries Revisiting the Role of Natural Resources-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2
4. Eissa, M. M. A., Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2019). Modelling the symmetric and asymmetric relationships between oil prices and those of corn, barley, and rapeseed oil. Resources Policy, 64, 101511. (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 3.986, Web of Science = Q1
5. Eissa, M. M. A., Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2018). Mega sports events and the stock market returns: The case of the 2022 World Cup. Event Management, 22(3), 379-388. (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2
6. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. M. A., Zeitun, R. M. A. (2017). Asymmetric volatility and conditional expected returns: Evidence from emerging market sectors. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 12(2), 335-351. (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 1, Impact Factor = 1.022, Web of Science = Q4
7. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. M. A. (2017). The impact of FIFA’s official announcements on the stock market of Qatar: The case of 2022 World Cup. Research in International Business and Finance, 41(October), 347–353. (Applied)
The Impact of FIFAs Official Announcements on the Stock Market of Qatar-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 1.801, Web of Science = Q2
8. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. (2016). Testing the risk-return tradeoff in the emerging market of Jordan: What role for financial crises? Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(2), 183-198. (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C
9. Elgammal, M. M. E., Eissa, M. M. A. (2016). Key determinants of inflation and monetary policy in the emerging markets: evidence from Vietnam. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(3), 210-223. (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C
10. Elgammal, M. M. E., Eissa, M. M. A. (2015). Do Momentum, Value, and Size Premia Predict Economic Growth? Global Economy and Finance Journal, 8(2), 41-62. (Applied)
4 310-Elgammal (paris Aug 2014)-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No, ABDC =C
11. Eissa, M. M. A., Elgammal, M. M. E. (2015). Do Developed Markets affect Emerging Markets? Evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council. Journal of Business and Policy Research, 10(1). (Applied)
Do Developed Markets affect Emerging Markets Evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = No, ABDC =C
12. Eissa, M. M. A. (2012). Switching to floating exchange rates, devaluations, and stock returns in MENA countries. International Review of Financial Analysis, 21, 119-127. (Applied)
13. Eissa, M. M. A. (2011). Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in the MENA countries: What role for oil? The Review of Development Economics. The Review of Development Economics, 15(4), 758–774. (Applied)
14. Eissa, M. M. A. (2010). stock returns and exchange rates volatility spillovers in the MENA Region. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 9(3), 257–284. (Applied)