Dr. Mohamed Slim Ben Mimoun is an Associate Professor of Marketing at College of Management and Economics, Qatar University. He holds a Ph.D. in Marketing form IAE of Lille, University of Lille and a master degree in Marketing from the ISG of Tunis, University of Tunis. He also graduated for the Habilitation Universitaire (habilitation to supervise doctoral research) in 2013 at University of Sousse.   Dr. Mohamed Slim Ben Mimoun current research examines online consumer behavior, embodied virtual agents, human-computer interaction issues, social networks, adoption of new technologies, smart retailing and shopper marketing, Sports Marketing, Luxury products consumption. He has published in International peer-reviewed academic journals (Information & Management, Journal of retailing and consumer services, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research …) and in international and national academic conferences proceedings (Advances in Consumer Research, Association Française de Marketing, EMAC, Academy of Marketing,  American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science…)