Title of Research | Funding Agency |
Grant Amount
Project Duration (y) | Role in Research* |
1. Evaluating Current Paradigm Shift in Information Systems Research
Qatar University | $26,027 | 1 | Lead Principal investigator |
2. Gamification of Education | Qatar University | $30,567 | 1 | Lead Principal investigator
3. Using half a trillion tweet to analyze sentiments in the Arab World
QNRF | $863,970 | 3 | Principal investigator |
4. An Investigation of The Cultural Impact on Organizational Technology-Enabled Change Capability
Qatar University | $12,328 | 1 | Lead Principal investigator |
5. Predictive Modeling for IT Project Risk Management. |
Canada Research Chair in Strategic Management of IT
$60,000 | 6 | Co-LPI |
6. Performance Grant. | HEC Montreal | $2,500 | N/A |
* LPI: Lead Principal Investigator; CO-LPI: Co-Principle Investigator; PI: Principle Investigator; C: Consultant, Other: specify.