Jiin Baek, a landscape architect and urban designer with an architecture background, is a newly joined Teaching Assistant in Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. Jiin holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Sejong Univ. in Seoul, South Korea and master’s degree in Landscape Architecture from Univ. of Sheffield in UK.
As a landscape architect and urban design practitioner who has architectural background, she has participated in the several major projects in Gulf region (Middle East) for 7 years. She worked as a landscape architect and urban designer in UK firm’s Dubai office participating various scaled projects from landscape/street design to large masterplan design in diverse regions and countries. Recently, she was participated to develop the masterplan/landscape design (Design stage_DD) of Al Thumama FIFA World Cup Stadium in Doha, Qatar with one of distinguished Korean design company.
She had also performed as a research assistant for two years in Masdar Institute, UAE, focusing on sustainable communities in the concept of smart growth while examined the walkability of the city utilizing “Space Syntax” and GIS analysis. With balanced background in Academic and Professional fields, her main interests are in the sustainable urban design and dynamic building design.
Her aim is to help students develop an understanding of dynamic architectural space with the multiple scales (e.g. site/ building/ neighborhood) and context, both physical (e.g. urban/ rural) and non-physical (e.g. social/ economic/ cultural). In this way, she believes student’s creative ideas with holistic approach can make better cities, pleasant places, and fantastic spaces.