1. Barrane, F. Z., Ndubisi, N. O. (2020). Building trust in multi-stakeholder collaborations for new product development in the digital transformation era. Benchmarking: An International Journal. Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 1, Web of Science = Q2
2. Ndubisi, N. O., Barrane, F. Z. (2020). New product development and sustainable performance of Chinese SMMEs: The role of dynamic capability and intra-national environmental forces. International Journal of Production Economics. Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 3, Impact Factor = 7.885, Web of Science = Q1
3. Minhas, O., Ndubisi, N. O., Barrane, F. Z. (2020). Corporate Environmental Management: A Review and Integration of Green Human Resource Management and Green Logistics. Management of Environmental Quality. Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C, AJG (ABS) = 1, Web of Science = Q2
4. Barrane, F. Z. (2018). Technology Adoption and Diffusion: A New Application of the UTAUT Model. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 15(6/1), 19. Scopus = Yes, AJG (ABS) = 1
5. Barrane, F. Z. (2012). Export destination : an empirical investigation. Journal of International Management Studies, 12(4) : 121-135. Journal of International Management Studies, 12(4), 121-135. (Basic)