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educational disruption amidst pandemic. Teacher and Teacher Education. 108. 103522. (SSCI & SCOPUS, IF:
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- Gail Zellman, Gery Ryan, Rita Karam, Louay Constant, Hanine Salem, Gabriella C. Gonzalez, Charles A.
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- Gail Zellman, Gery Ryan, Rita Karam, Louay Constant, Hanine Salem, Gabriella C. Gonzalez, Nathan Orr,
Charles A. Goldman, Hessa Al-Thani, Kholode Al-Obaidli. Qatar’s K-12 Education Reform Has Achieved
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- Gail Zellman, Gery Ryan, Louay Constant, Hanine Salem, Gabriella C. Gonzalez, Rita Karam, Nate Orr,
Charles A. Goldman, Hessa Al-Thani, Kholode Al-Obaidli. The Evolution of Qatar’s K-12 Education Reform
over Its First Three Years. RAND DRR-4325. 2007
- Bernard Rostker, Charles Robert Roll, Hanine Salem, Hessa Al-Thani. Strengthening the Structure and
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