Dr. Deepalekshmi Ponnamma finished her PhD in Materials Engineering from the Deakin University, Australia, in 2015. Her Masters was in Chemistry, from the Kerala University, India, which awarded a top 2 position in the university. Dr. Ponnamma has joined Qatar University in the year 2015, as a post-doctoral fellow and achieved an outstanding record in her research profile. Over 120 publications with an h-index of 48, she was included in the top 2% scientists recognized by the Stanford University for the consecutive years of 2020, 2021 and 2022. The major research interests of Dr. Ponnamma include polymer science, nanotechnology and materials engineering for various functional applications. Though she has specific interests in energy and environmental related research, her background and current projects not only limited to those. Dr. Ponnamma was awarded a couple of research projects and was able to supervise some students in their research. As a passionate researcher, she also have active research collaborations both in the national and international level.

Dr Ponnamma is currently the Section Head of Research Quality in the Research Planning and Development Department, Qatar University.