Service to Qatar University and community

I have served on numerous committees related to Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University, and State of Qatar Committees. Below are lists of these committees:

  • Service at Departmental level l

The below is a list of the most significant departmental committees:

  1. Department council members,member,10 Sept.,2020-Sept.2022
  2. Student Success and Activities, chair, 27Aug. 2020- Aug.2022.
  3. Promotion Committee Fall 2021 , member,1 Sept.,2021-1Dec.2021
  4. Outreach Committee, member, 20 Sept.,2018-Aug.2019
  5. Scientific Events Ad hoc Committee, member, 20 April, 2017-2022.
  6. Recruitment Committee, chair, Sept. 2016- Aug.2019.
  7. Research Committee, member, Sept. 2016- Sept.2017.
  8. Faculty Performance Review and Development System, member, Nov. 2014- present.
  9. Students Affairs Committee, member, 1991-2006 and chair, 2006-2015.
  10. Textbook, member, Sept. 2011-Sept. 2012.
  11. The development and modernization of the section students building library, member, (2005-2009)
  12. Academic schedules, chair, 2006-2016
  13. Plans and curricula of the Foreign Relations, member, (2005-2013)
  14. Study plans & Curricula, member, Oct. 2006-2014.
  15. Recruitment, member, Nov. 2012-2016.
  16. Textbook, member, Sept. 1994-Sept. 1996.
  17.  The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, Qatar University, member Doha, Qatar, Sept. 2002 – Dec. 2003. 6.
  18. Reception Committee, 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, member, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, Sept. 2002 – Dec. 2003. 6.
  19. Scientific secretary committee, 1st International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, member, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, Sept. 1993 – Dec. 1993. 16.
  20. Reception committee, 1st International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, member, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, Sept. 1993 – Dec. 1993
  •  Service at College of Arts and Sciences
  1. Collage Council, member, 2020-2022.
  2. Student Success and Activities, chair, 2020- 2022.
  3. Recruitment Committee, member, Sept. 2021-Sept. 2022
  4. Scientific events committee, member, Sept. 2017-Aug 2019.
  5. Recruitment Committee, member, Sept. 2016-Sept. 2017
  6. Program evaluation Over sight Committee member, 2005-2006.
  7. Collage Council, member, 2000-2003.
  8. World Water Day, member, Doha-Qatar,22-24March,2005 and 21-23 March,2006
  • Service to Qatar University
  1. Reviewer for several research grants, Qatar University.
  2. Academic advisor Chemistry Department, Qatar University, 1991-2022.
  3. Involved in the ABET accreditation for college of Engineering by offering my general chemistry course portfolios for the ABET committee in addition to group meetings and discussions.