The underlying collaborative project aims at developing the first Qatar Healthcare Collaborative Network (QHCN), a novel generalized mHealth architecture for reliable, scalable, and effective patient monitoring and medical data management, leveraging sensors and smartphone technologies for connecting patient networks with medical infrastructure to facilitate remote patient treatment. In contrast to previous efforts in this domain, including our previous research, QHCN will adopt a holistic approach by focusing on the scalable signal processing of multiple heterogeneous modalities representing patients’ vital signals, and the effective communication amongst multiple patient networks, leveraging social networking paradigm for optimized data transport. The goal is the delivery of patients’ medical data (and/or features extracted from the data) to the mHealth infrastructure cloud, where the detection and classification of patient’s adverse events are carried.
This project aims at designing a Green And Dense (GAD) wireless access network that leverage its multiple features (heterogeneity in coverage areas and data rates, cognitive radio capabilities, density) and translate the unquestionable complexity of the system into an opportunity for achieving optimality, or getting really close to it.
In order to face such a challenge, the GAD project takes the following actions:
In the first part of the project, the team has developed novel video encoding and network resource optimization mechanisms for fixed wireless battery-operated cameras deployed in strategic places onsite, hence provide the flexibility to move the cameras as the situation calls for it. The objective is to cover the site and address the limited energy capacity of the battery operated smart sensors, while providing real-time video delivery. This objective was achieved using the state-of-the-art in-network processing, which means, process the video information inside the network to minimize both the time spent in delivering the video and the energy consumed by all smart sensors. This will have the impact on maximizing the life-time of the sensors, hence reduce the human intervention (although not eliminate it) for maintaining such sensors through recharging.
In the second part of the project, the team started to look into mobile cameras systems, particularly unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which can potentially eliminate the deployment of sensors onsite completely through leveraging mission-based flying sensing platforms, which can be used on-demand. The team has designed the first indoor multi-UAV platform, in which the UAVs can fly autonomously to cover the area and provide a monitoring and tracking platform, before they fly back to the base. The UAV-based system uses sophisticated localization, navigation, and networking mechanisms to control the UAVs, providing the ultimate flexibility for surveillance of static and dynamic environments.
The underlying collaborative project aims at developing novel spectrum sensing mechanisms, resource management strategies, and network protocols that are tailored for opportunistic real-time (ORT) communications. In contrast to previous efforts in this domain, ours will focus on delay-sensitive, connection-oriented opportunistic communications. Key CR functions, including spectrum sensing, dynamic channel assignment, and channel migration, as well as networking protocols (MAC, routing, etc.) will need to be tailored to this type of traffic. Our research agenda comprises the following three major thrusts:
The overall goal of this project is to contribute to the development of the signal processing, protocol designs, cross-layer designs and sensor data processing techniques that will make WBASNs more efficient, reliable, and effective and thereby make their widespread deployment practical and commercially viable.
The joint Purdue-Qatar team proposes to develop a medium-scale mesh network testbed called QU-Mesh on the Qatar University campus, and investigate several fundamental research challenges in the wireless mesh networking technology. To achieve such long-term objective, the following specific aims will be sought: