Elbanna S. & Fadol, Y., 2015. An Empirical Study of Intuition and its Context. Paper presented and appeared in the proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2015), 06-09 December, 2015, Singapore – http://www.ieem.org/public.asp?page=home.htm
Fadol, Y., 2015. Does Lack of Some Resources and Slack of Other Resources Play a Role in Motivating Firms in Emerging Economies to Form International Strategic Alliances? Evidence from Qatar and United Arab Emirates. Paper presented and appeared in the proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual International Conference of Global Business and Technology Association’s (GBATA), 07-11 July, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal – http://gbata.org/conference/
Fadol, Y., 2015. Strategic Motives for International Alliance Formation: Differences and Similarities in Perspectives of Companies from Developed Countries and Developing Countries. Paper presented and appeared in the proceedings of the 2015 Academy of International Business (AlB) US Midwest Conference, 21-23 March, 2015, Chicago, USA.
Fadol, Y., 2014. Culture, Trust, and Formation of International Strategic Alliances in the Developing Markets. Paper presented and appeared in the proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Vancouver Conference, 24-26 June, Â 2014, Vancouver, Canada – http://aib.msu.edu/events/2014/pdfs/AIB2014_Proceedings.pdf
Fadol, Y. 2014. Emerging Market Global Players: Home-Country Institutions and Corporate Governance, presented and appeared in the proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB), Vancouver Conference, June 24-26 2014, Vancouver, Canada – http://aib.msu.edu/events/2014/pdfs/AIB2014_Proceedings.pdf
Fadol, Y., & Elbanna, S. 2014. Comprehensiveness of strategic plan implementation in emerging economies: The case of the United Arab Emirates. Paper appeared in the proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, Vol. 35: 62. Muskoka, Ontario, Canada – http://www.asac.ca/conference.php?cat=past
Fadol, Y., and Elbanna, S. 2013. An analysis of the comprehensive implementation of strategic plan in emerging economies: Case study of the United Arab Emirates. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Lake Geneva Special Conference, Switzerland – http://strategicmanagement.net/.
Sandhu, M., Fadol, Y. 2012. The Effect of Trust on the Performance of International Joint Ventures: Evidence from the UAE. Paper presented at the 15th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, University of Pavia, Italy, http://economia.unipv.it/mcgill/userfiles/alessio/file/program.pdf.
Elbanna, S., Fadol Y. 2012. Strategic Plan Implementation: The Antecedents and Outcomes. Paper presented ate the British Academy of Management (BAM) 2012 Conference, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, UK, Contribution number 711
Sandhu, M. and Fadol, Y. 2011. The Effect of Trust on the Performance of Strategic Alliances in a Cross-Cultural Context: A Study of the UAE. Paper presented at the 11th Vaasa International Business Conference, Finland;
Fadol, Y. 2007. The Formation Process of Global Strategic Alliances in a Developing Context: The Case of the UAE. Paper presented and published in the proceedings of the 4th Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA) World Congress, 4 (1), 513-519, Malaysia;
Fadol, Y. 1997. The Obstacles Facing Privatization: The Case of Sudan. Paper presented and published in the proceedings of FES and OSSREA Conference, Sudan.