1. AH Alkhereibi, S Tahmasseby, S Mohammed, D Muley (2021), Blue collar laborers’ travel pattern recognition: Machine learning classifier approach – Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol 12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2021.100506
  2. Tahmasseby, S., & Reddipalayam Palaniappan Subramanian, P. (2021). Traffic Impact Assessment for the Stadiums Hosting FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar: A Case Study. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 1-12.
  3. Tahmasseby, S., Muley, D, and Bernd. W. (2021) Performance Evaluation of Vehicle Restraint Systems in the Context of Design and Installation, Civil Engineering Journal, Vol 7(3). PP449- 460. 10.28991/cej-2021-03091665
  4. Tahmasseby, S. (2021). Aerial Ropeway System Feasibility Study In Doha, Qatar, Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems. Vol.9. No2. PP.92-111. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/juvs-2020-0028
  5. Manuel, A., Kattan, L., Tahmasseby, S., & de Barros, A. (2018). Calibration of the Two-Fluid Model with Third-Party Crowdsourced Data-A Procedure and Evaluation, In the Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board (No. 18-05683).
  6. Tahmasseby, S. (2017). Travel Time Reliability Study in Calgary Using the Crowdsourcing Technique, In Proceedings of ITS World Congress, Montreal, Canada
  7. Tahmasseby, S., L. Kattan, and B. Barbour. (2015). Propensity To Participate In A Peer-To-Peer Social-Network-Based Carpooling System. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol 50(2), pp.240-254, https://doi.org/10.1002/atr.1326
  8. Tahmasseby, S. (2015). Traffic Data: Bluetooth Sensors vs. Crowdsourcing, A Comparative Study to Calculate Travel Time Reliability in Calgary, Canada, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering Vol. 3, pp.63-79,  doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2015.02.001
  9. Tahmasseby, S. and L. Kattan, (2015), Preliminary economic appraisal of personal rapid transit and urban gondola feeder systems serving a university campus and its surrounding major attractions. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol 42(1) , pp.66-79. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2013-0313
  10. Tahmasseby, S. (2014), Stationary Sensors Data Versus Floating Car Data, Measuring Travel Time Reliability Along Freight Transportation Corridors in The City Of Calgary, Alberta, A Comparative Study. In Proceedings of European Transport Conference, October 2014, Frankfurt , Germany
  11. Tahmasseby, S., and Kattan, L., (2014), Barbour B. Market Demand Study Of A Social-Network Based Dynamic Peer-To-Peer Real Time Ridesharing System At The University Of Calgary Main Campus. In proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 2014, Washington DC.
  12. Tahmasseby, S., and Kattan, L., de Barros, 2012, A. Investigating Impacts of Transit Accessibility and Teenage Social Activities on Young Drivers’ Licensing Decision In Alberta, Canada. TAC, Edmonton, Canada
  13. Tahmasseby, S., and Kattan, L. (2013). Investigating economic viability of a personal rapid transit system (PRT) in a university campus and its surroundings, Proceedings of 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 2013, Washington DC.
  14. Paikari, E., Kattan, L., Tahmasseby. S., and Far, B.H. (2013) Modeling and simulation of advisory speed and re-routing strategies in connected vehicles systems for crash risk and travel time reduction. Proceedings of the 2013 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  15. M., Sadeghpour. F., and Tahmasseby.S. (2013). The Impact of Route Optimization on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Construction Transportation. Proceedings of the 2013 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Montreal, Canada.
  16. S. (2011). Stochastic Perspective in Urban Rail Transit Assessment, Consequences for Transit Network Design. Proceedings of 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 2011, Washington DC, No. 11-0043. 2011.
  17. Tahmasseby, S., R. Van Nes (2010), Improving service reliability in urban transit networks,  In European Transport Conference, Association for European Transport (AET). 2010. https://aetransport.org/past-etc-papers/conference-papers-pre-2009/conference-papers-2010
  18. Tahmasseby, S. (2009). Reliability in Urban Public Transport Network Assessment and Design. Transport and Planning Department. Delft University of Technology. Ph.D. Thesis. TRAIL Thesis Series No. T2009/6 (the publication resulted from work done in the process of completing doctoral degree)
  19. Tahmasseby, S. & R. Van Nes. (2009). Improving service reliability in urban public transport networks. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. June 2009, Roma, Italy. (international; the publication resulted from work done in the process of completing doctoral degree)
  20. Tahmasseby, S., R. van Nes, & N.Van Oort. (2009). Reliability assessment of urban rail transit networks, Methodology & Case study, Proceedings of 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 2009, Washington DC. No. 09-0458.
  21. Tahmasseby, S., & R. van Nes. (2008). Impacts of infrastructure on reliability of urban rail public transport networks. Urban Transport 15 , pp. 85-194
  22. Tahmasseby, S., van Oort, N., & van Nes, R. (2008). The role of infrastructures on public transport service reliability. In 2008 First International Conference on Infrastructure Systems and Services: Building Networks for a Brighter Future (INFRA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/INFRA.2008.5439680
  23. Tahmasseby, S., & Van Nes, R. (2007). Robustness of urban public transport networks. WIT Transport Built Environment96, pp.337-346.
  24. Tahmasseby, S., van Nes, R., & van Oort, N. (2007). Public transport network design and reliability. In INSTR2007, The 3rd international symposium on transport network reliability, The Hague (pp. 1-8).
  25. de Jong, P., van Nes, R., & Tahmasseby, S. (2006). Robustness of transport service networks: effects of infrastructure availability. In Seminar infrastructure reliability, Delft (pp. 1-21). Delft University of Technology.
  26. Tahmasseby, S, and M. Kermanshah. (2002). Simultaneous and Recursive Mode-Destination Choice Models, Comparative Study, Proceedings 6th International Civil Engineering Conference- Isfahan University of Technology, 2, Isfahan, Iran.