Malik, S. (2009). Gendered Spaces and Defiant Voices: A Postcolonial Ethnographic Perspective on Sudanese Women’s Performance, Communication, and Popular Culture, Verlag VDM.
Chapters in Books
- Malik, S. (2023). The Korean Wave Hallyu in Qatar and fans’ multiple affinities. A chapter in Eltayeb, H. and Erskine-Loftus, P. The World is Watching Musalsalat, The Media Majlis, Northwestern University in Qatar, Akkadia Press, UK.
- Malik, S. (2021). An Islamic perspective on media ethics: Revisiting Western journalism ethics. In Trifonova Price, L., Sanders, K., & Wyatt, W.N. (Eds.). The Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Malik, S. (2013). “Analysis of Qatari Women Opinion and Attitudes towards Women’s Satellite Programs.” In Geneviève A. Bonin, Yorgo Pasadeos (Eds.) (2013). Media Research: Learning from the Past, Strategies for the Future, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece.
- Malik, S. (2009). “Women Performance in Sudan: Negotiating Gender, Identity, and Body Image,” in Falola, Toyin and Ngom, Fallou, (Eds.) Oral and Written Expressions of African Cultures. North Carolina Academic Press.
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
- Malik, S.; Boudhane, Y.; Mohsen Alafranji, M. and Makki, A. (2023). Awareness of Trauma- Focused Education and Attitudes Toward Incorporating Trauma- Focused Education in Curricula Among MENA Journalism Educators. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 79(1), 38-58
- Malik, S. (2022) Sudan’s December revolution of 2018: the Ecology of Youth Connective and Collective Activism. Information, Communication & Society, 25:10, 1495-1510, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2022.2072754
- Malik, S. (2019). The Korean Wave (Hallyu) and its Cultural Translation by Fans in Qatar. International Journal of Communication Vol. 13, 5734–5751
- Malik, S. (2019). التجارب الذاتية والمهنية للصحفيات السودانيات في الصحافة والإعلام, الحكمة للدراسات الإعلامية والاتصالية، العدد السابع عشر، ص. ٣٢-٥٥
- Malik, S. (2017). Identity, citizenship and ‘home’ through the transnational perspective(s) of second -generation Sudanese migrants in Qatar. Diaspora Studies. 10 (2). pp 175-192. Taylor & Francis.
- Malik, S. (2015).Islamic and Western Perspectives on Applied Media Ethics. Intellectual Discourse, 23:2. pp. 255-274, the International Islamic University, Malaysia.
- Malik, S. (2012). Writing from Inside Out: Accounts of Sudanese Women Working In the Media. Journal of Arts & Humanities.1 (2). pp. 68-83. MIR Center for Socio-Economic Research, MD, USA.
- Malik, S. (2011). Inside the Lives of three Performers: Negotiating Gender, Culture, and the Media, Media, Culture and Society Journal, Vol 33 (1), Sage Publications.
- Malik, S. (2003). Displacement as Discourse, Irinkerindo: A Journal of African Migration. Issue 2
Articles in Encyclopedia:
- Malik, S. & El-Hassan, K. “Bahrain”, In Riggs, T. (Ed.), 2014, Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices, Second Ed. Vol 1, Gale, Cengage Learning, California, USA, 116-122
- Malik, S & EL-Hassan, K (2004). Shi’a Religious practices in Bahrain, in the Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices Volume 4 (“Religions of the World”), published by the Gale Group Publishers, 2004.
Forthcoming and Accepted Scholarly Work
A chapter in Routledge Companion to Journalism Education, Titled: Beyond knowledge exchange: bridging the divide between journalism education and practice. By Lada T. Price, Olatunji Ogunyemi, Desiree Hill, Archana Kumari, Saadia Malik, Marijana Markovikj, Dele Odunlami, Matthew Pearson, Paula Melani Rocha and Alexandra Wake.
A book contract Signed with Palgrave McMillan publishing, titled: Creative Means of Resistance in the Sudanese Revolution: The Quest for Freedom, Peace, and Justice. To be published in 2025
Research Grants
Principle Investigator: NPRP14Cproject titled:The Future of Digital Citizenship in Qatar: A Socio-Technical Approach. The four-year grant was awarded to Hamad Bin Khalifa University under QNRF’s National Priorities Research Program – Cluster (NPRP-C), (2022-2028) ($3.8 million)
Coordinator and Principle Investigator, Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Regional Research Hub, Journalism Education and Trauma Research Group (JETREG) , University of Lincoln, UK, sine January 2022
Principle Investigator: Women in Qatar and their Opinions on Women’s Television programs, funded by the Supreme Council for Family Affairs, 2009-2010 ($33,000)
Scholarly Presentations in Refereed and non-Referred
- Presenter, research paper titled: Examining Trauma Education Awareness Among MENA Journalism Educators and Attitudes Toward Incorporating Trauma Education into Journalism Curricula: The Cases of Algeria, Sudan, and Palestine. In international scientific conference titles: Living to tell the tale – building community resilience in journalism” symposium. JETREG Conference 2023, organized by Journalism Education and Trauma Research Group (JETREG), June 13-14, 2023, University of University of Sheffield, UK
- Moderator, Guest speaker session for the international conference on Social Media Networks and Ideological Polarization: Power Relations and Socio-Cultural Impact. Jointly organized by the Department of Mass Communication, Qatar University and Aljazeera Center for Research, 1-2 March 2023
- Panel Chair, Ideology, Politics Fake News, a forum organized by the Department of Mass Communication, Qatar University, October 29, 2018
- “The Negotiation of Identity, ‘Home’, and Citizenship by a Group of Second-Generation Sudanese Migrants in Qatar”. A research paper presented at the Annual Interdisciplinary Gulf Studies International Conference: Gulf Culture, Economic, Politics, and Society. Gulf Studies Center, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, December 10-12, 2017
- Panel Chair, Women and Media, the 20th Annual Arab-US Association for Communication Educators USACE, Global Trends and Prospects in Mass Communication, organized by the Department of Mass Communication, Qatar University, 25-26th, October 2015
- “Beyond Cultural Imperialism to Postcolonial Global Discourses: Korean Wave (Hallyu) and its Fans in Qatar”. A research paper accepted by the International Communication Division’s open paper competition to be presentation at the annual 2015 AEJMC conference in San Francisco.
- Conceptualizing Clashing Values in the Field of Media Ethics, ICCMS 2014: International Conference on Communication and Media Studies, Venice, Italy, November 13-14, 2014
- Writing from Inside Out: Accounts of Sudanese Women Working in the Media, Paper presented on AUSACE conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 16-19, 2012
- Analysis of Qatari Women Opinion and Attitudes towards Women’s Satellite Programs. A paper presented at the Annual International Conference of communication and mass media, Athens, Greece, May 14-17th, 2012
- Women and Arab TV programs. A paper presented at the ICTMC (International Conference on Trends of 21centruy Mass Communication), Department of Mass Communication, Qatar University, Doha, March 8-9, 2011
- Student Uses of the Media: Having Blogging and Tweeting Replaced Reading and Viewing: The Case of Media Uses by Qatar University students, presented at the AUSAC E conference in Cairo, November 7th-10th, 2009
- An Overview of North African Women representation in National and U.S. Print media. A paper presented in East and West: Women in Media’s eye, Reset DOC Doha Conference. Northwestern University, Education City, Doha, Qatar, April 19th, 2009.
- Multi-Cultural Reflections on Women’s Reception and Media Talks on Turkish TV Drams “delight” Nour (Gumus), International Conference on Central Eurasian Studies: Past, Present and Future, Center for Eurasian Studies, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 17-19, 2009.
- Mediated Realities: The Representation of Muslim African Women in U.S Newsmagazines (1950-1998). A paper presented at the International Conference on the Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Media, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2008.
- Bridging the Gap between the West and the East: An Intercultural Media Literacy Approach, a paper presented at the 2008 Women Action and the Media, March, 2008, Boston, MA
- Women’s performers in Central Sudan: Negotiating Gender, Identity, and Body Image, a paper presented at the 2007 Africa Conference “Popular Culture in Africa,” the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, March, 2007
- The Republican Brotherhood and Sufism in Sudan: Reflections on Performance, Rituals, and Theological Perceptions, a paper presented with Dr. Khalid El-Hassan for the “Sufi Arts, Rituals, and Performance in Africa” International Conference, February, 2007, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas.
- “Arab Culture and Music,” presented to the World Concert Series at the Lied Center of Kansas featuring Simon Shaheen and Dr. A. J. Racy of UCLA, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, October 21, 2006.
- The Influences of Westernization and Globalization on Popular Culture and Gender in Sudan and Egypt (Panellist). Girls’ Culture and Globalization, Cultural Environment Movement- Second Conference. Ohio University. March 1999.
- The Representation of Displaced Women in Sudanese newsmagazines (Panellist). Conference on Human Rights and Communication Development. Ohio University, September 1998.
- State, Gender, and Development in Africa (Discussant). Workshop on Gender and Development in Africa, CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal, July 1994.