Dr. Shaif Jarallah is an Associate Professor of Economics at the College of Business & Economics, Qatar University. He obtained both his MBA and PhD degrees from the Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Prior to his current position, Dr. Jarallah was an Associate Researcher at the Graduate School of Business and Management, Tohoku University where he was a member of the East Asia Sustainable Long Term Economic Growth Program. He was appointed as a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Financial Management (DeFiMS), SOAS, University of London. His main research interests focus on the area of corporate governance, capital structure, income shifting and transfer pricing behaviour of multinational corporations (tax avoidance). He joined the department of Finance and Economics at the College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, as an Assistant Professor in 2013 and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2019. He received several awards and grants, internal and external, including, ICCR, UREP, JSPS Kakenhi grant. He published in a variety of high international refereed journals including the International Journal of Finance and Economics, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, International Review of Economics, Journal of International logistics and Trade, Global Business and Finance Review, among others.
Assistant Professor
Qatar University