I have strongly participated in the following research projects as Principle Investigator or Co-Principle Investigator, as indicated:

  1. Research Mentor in “Ultra-trace Determination of Strontium-90 in soil by Collision/Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry”, UREP 11– 005–1–001 (Award Completed) Funded by: Undergraduate Research Experience Program UREP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
  2. Research Mentor in “Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoparticles and their Applicability for Toxic Heavy Metal Removal from Contaminated Water”, UREP 12–091-2-037 (Award Completed) Funded by: Undergraduate Research Experience Program UREP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
  3. Research Mentor in “Development and Validation of Stability and Bioavailability Indicating LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Letrozole in Biological Fluids”, UREP 15–058–3–014 (Award Completed) Funded by: Undergraduate Research Experience Program UREP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
  4. Principle Investigator in “Synthesis of Novel and Sustainable Functionalized Linear and Cyclic Polymers via Olefin Metathesis”, NPRP X–095-1-024 (Award Active) Funded by: National Priorities Research Program NPRP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
  5. Lead Principle Investigator in “Novel Strategy for Utilizing Urea-Containing Wastewaters for Energy Generation Using Modified Fuel Cell”, NPRP 8-1344-1-246 (Awarded) Funded by: National Priorities Research Program NPRP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.

My research experience mainly focus on the following activities:

  1. Synthesis of different organic, inorganic, and organometallic in general, and explosive and nitro-compounds in particular as well as functional linear and cyclic polymers.
  2. Using different analytical techniques such as Gas Chromatographic techniques to analyse TNT, C4, C3, Nitro-halobenzene for quantitative and qualitative analyses as well as Ammonium Nitrates
  3. Experience in NMR techniques using vibrational and NMR spectroscopies and HPLC technique to as diagnostic techniques for explosives (TNT, C4, C3, Nitro-halobenzene);
  4. Experience in mass spectroscopic techniques in general for qualitative determination of different compounds.
  5. Studying the role of Zeolite as a catalyst in the synthesis of nitro-organic compounds.