I have strongly participated in the following research projects as Principle Investigator or Co-Principle Investigator, as indicated:
- Research Mentor in “Ultra-trace Determination of Strontium-90 in soil by Collision/Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry”, UREP 11– 005–1–001 (Award Completed) Funded by: Undergraduate Research Experience Program UREP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
- Research Mentor in “Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoparticles and their Applicability for Toxic Heavy Metal Removal from Contaminated Water”, UREP 12–091-2-037 (Award Completed) Funded by: Undergraduate Research Experience Program UREP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
- Research Mentor in “Development and Validation of Stability and Bioavailability Indicating LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Letrozole in Biological Fluids”, UREP 15–058–3–014 (Award Completed) Funded by: Undergraduate Research Experience Program UREP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
- Principle Investigator in “Synthesis of Novel and Sustainable Functionalized Linear and Cyclic Polymers via Olefin Metathesis”, NPRP X–095-1-024 (Award Active) Funded by: National Priorities Research Program NPRP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
- Lead Principle Investigator in “Novel Strategy for Utilizing Urea-Containing Wastewaters for Energy Generation Using Modified Fuel Cell”, NPRP 8-1344-1-246 (Awarded) Funded by: National Priorities Research Program NPRP, Qatar National Research Fund QNRF, Qatar Foundation.
My research experience mainly focus on the following activities:
- Synthesis of different organic, inorganic, and organometallic in general, and explosive and nitro-compounds in particular as well as functional linear and cyclic polymers.
- Using different analytical techniques such as Gas Chromatographic techniques to analyse TNT, C4, C3, Nitro-halobenzene for quantitative and qualitative analyses as well as Ammonium Nitrates
- Experience in NMR techniques using vibrational and NMR spectroscopies and HPLC technique to as diagnostic techniques for explosives (TNT, C4, C3, Nitro-halobenzene);
- Experience in mass spectroscopic techniques in general for qualitative determination of different compounds.
- Studying the role of Zeolite as a catalyst in the synthesis of nitro-organic compounds.