At Qatar University
- Undergraduate Courses:
- GENG 111 (Engineering Graphics) [average class size: 39]
- MECH 241 (Thermofluids) [35]
- CVEN 212 (Fluid Mechanics) – Civil Engineering Department [39]
- IENG 260 (Thermodynamics) [32]
- MECH 342 (Thermodynamics II) [32]
- MECH 343 (Fluid Mechanics) [26]
- MECH 447 (Heat Engines) – Elective course [40]
- IENG 479 (Special Topics) – Elective course [31]
- MECH 480/490 (Senior Project I/II) [3]
- MECH 499 (Independent Study) [10]
- Graduate Courses:
- MECH 587 (Combustion and Emissions) [11]
- MECH 581 (Advanced Topics in Mech. Eng.) [4]
- MECH 652 (Advanced Special Topics II) [5]
- MECH 701 (Advanced Thermodynamics) [5]
Developing New Courses
- Participated in the establishment of the Master program in Mechanical Engineering at Qatar University (July 2012) by developing the thermofluids elective courses namely:
- MECH 585: Advanced Thermodynamics.
- MECH 586: Advanced Fluid Mechanics.
- MECH 587: Combustion and Emissions.
- MECH 588: Energy Conversion.
- MECH 589: Solar Energy Utilization.
- Developing a new MIE elective courses titled “MECH 4xx: Renewable Energy and MECH 4xx: Combustion”, Qatar University, Qatar, September 2012.
At KFUPM – Saudi Arabia
– ME203 (Thermodynamics I) [24]
– ME204 (Thermodynamics II) [21]
– ME210 (ME Drawing and Graphics) [20]
– ME432 (Internal Combustion Engines) – Elective course [31]
– ME537 (Combustion and Emissions) [5]
Developing a new ME elective course titled “ME433: Fundamentals of Combustion”, February 2010
At Cambridge University – UK
Supervising and demonstrating the following courses:
– 4A5 (Turbulence).
– 3A5 (Energy and power generation).
– 1A-2B (Thermofluids).
– 1A (Engineering Drawing).
At Helwan University – Egypt
- Undergraduate Courses
- Experience as a teaching assistant and a demonstrator, (1997-2003).
- Teaching the following courses: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Mechanical Measurements, Engineering Drawing (AutoCAD) and Combustion.