Employee engagement: Development of a new measure

Ababneh, O. M. A., LeFevre, M. & Bentley, T.
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management. DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2019.10018447

How do green HRM practices affect employees’ green behaviors? The role of employee engagement and personality attributes

Ababneh, O. M. A.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64(7), 1204-1226

The association between green human resources practices and employee engagement with environmental initiatives in hotels: The moderation effect of transformational leadership

Ababneh, O.M. A., Awwad, A. S. & Abu-Haija, A.
International Journal of human resources in Hospitality and Tourism. 20(3) 390-416

The impact of organizational culture archetypes on quality performance and total quality management: the role of employee engagement and individual values

Ababneh, O.M.A.
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 38(6), 1387-1408

The Meaning and Measurement of Employee Engagement: A Review of the Literature

Ababneh, O. M. A. & Macky, K
New Zealand Journal of Human Resources, 15(1), 1-35