Organization of an oceanographic cruise on V.O. Janan in Qatar Exclusive Economic Zone with the undergraduate students of MARS 327 course between 11 and 12th October 2019. Participation to 3 multi-disciplinary oceanographic cruises in the framework of COZOMED and MERITE projects for physical oceanographic and contaminants measurements and plankton sampling and analysis in the Gulf of Gabès (South Eastern Mediterranean -Tunisia) in October 2016 and April and October 2017. Internships on Identification and Counting Methods for picoplankton and nanoplankton using Flow Cytometry on BD FacsCalibur at Montpellier 2 University – UMR 5119 (Grant BEST –IRD). Advisors: Professor BONNET D. and Engineer GOT P. July 7 to August 6, 2010; October 2010 and July 2011. Internship on zooplankton identification and counting using the Zooscan digital imaging system in France (Villefranche Oceanographic Laboratory). Advisor: Professor GORSKY G. From 15 to 22 July 2009. Participation to an International multi-disciplinary oceanographic cruise, CIESM-SUB2 (R/V URANIA) for oceanographic measurements and seawater and plankton sampling in the Thyrrenian Sea. 13-22 December 2005. Internship on Copepods Swimming and Mating Behavior at the Marine Station of Wimereux (University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille 1). Advisor: Professor Sami SOUISSI. From 13th to 20th December 2004. Training Workshop on Copepod Morphology and Systematics held at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (Kenting- Taiwan) from 14th to 20th July 2002. Internship in Taxonomy and Ecology of Mysiids at the Medical University of Vienna. Advisor: Professor Karl Wittmann. September 30 to October 8, 2001. Internships (4) at the Zoological Station of Villefranche Sur Mer (Villefranche Oceanographic Laboratory) in Plankton Taxonomy and Numerical Ecology of different zooplanktonic groups (Jellyfish, Copepods, Cladocerans, Chaetognaths, Siphonophores, Appendicularians, Doliolides, Thaliaceans, Ciliates Tintinnids). Advisors: Professors NIVAL P., CARRE C., GOY J., LAVAL-PEUTO M., BRACONNOT J.C., DALLOT S and GORSKY G. June 14 – July 1996; 1 – 30 November 1996; 5 – 24 September 1997; 20 – 30 Septembre 2001. Advanced Courses in Marine Ecology Data Analysis and Signals at the Villefranche Oceanographic Laboratory. Advisors: Professors NIVAL P., IBANEZ F., DALLOT S. and LABAT J.P. From June 25 to July 15, 1995. Advanced Courses in Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology (FAME) at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). Advisors: Professors DARO M.H. and POLK P. From November 17 to December 22, 1992. |