Title of Research | Funding Agency | Grant Amount
($) |
Project Duration (Years) | Role in Research* |
Exploring the State of Climate Change Reporting in Middle East Countries
Intellectual capital and performance by Islamic banks in GCC countries
“Financial Reporting and Auditing complying with International Financial Reporting Standards-a cultural perspective”,
Qatar University
CGA-Canada |
QR 19,000
(USD 5, 205)
(USD 10,500)
(USD3000) |
1 year (1 April 2013 – 31 March 2014)
1 year(15 December 2013-14-December 2014) 1Year(Dec2013-30 Nov 2014) |
* LPI: Lead Principal Investigator; CO-LPI: Co-Principle Investigator; PI: Principle Investigator; C: Consultant, Other: specify.