Books Chapters:

In English and French

  • Ben Messaoud, M. (2022). Media Ethics and the Challenge of Democratic Transition in Tunisia: Global Media Ethics and the Digital Revolution Routledge Issue number 10, pp 173-185, Routledge EDT, United Kingdom.
  • Ben Messaoud, M. (2020). Social Media Networks and the Democratic Transition in Tunisia:From censorship to freedom, Routledge Handbook on Arab Media, Issue number 36, pp 461-472, Routledge EDT, United Kingdom.
  • Ben Messaoud, M. (2013). Médias et acteurs politiques dans une Tunisie en transition démocratique, Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l’Information, Université de la Manouba, Tunis, pp 19-46 (in French).

Journal Articles

In English and French