1. Awwad, A. S., Ababneh, O. M. A., Karasneh, M. (2022). The Mediating Impact of IT Capabilities on the Association between Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Agility: The Case of the Jordanian IT Sector. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 23, 315–330. (Applied)
The Mediating Impact of IT Capabilities on the Association-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2
2. Mardini, G. H. G., Alkurdi, A., Karasneh, M. M. H. (2022). Ownership structure and intellectual capital: empirical evidence for Jordanian listed firms. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 19(3), 217-235. https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJLIC.2022.122581 (Applied)
2022 Mardini et al (2022)-2.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, AJG (ABS) = 1, Impact Factor = 2.2, Web of Science = Q3
3. Al kwifi, O. S., Ongsakul, V., Abu Farha, A. K., Zafar, A., Karasneh, M. M. H. (2021). Impact of product innovativeness on technology switching in global market. EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(1), 25-38. (Applied)
Impact of product innovativeness on technology switching F-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C, AJG (ABS) = 1, Web of Science = Q2
4. El Omari, S., Karasneh, M. M. H. (2021). Social Health Insurance in the Philippines: Do the Poor Really Benefit? Journal of Economics and Finance, 30. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12197-020-09525-5 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, AJG (ABS) = 1, Impact Factor = 2.2, Web of Science = Q3
3. Al kwifi, O. S., Ongsakul, V., Abu Farha, A. K., Zafar, A., Karasneh, M. M. H. (2021). Impact of product innovativeness on technology switching in global market. EuroMed Journal of Business, 16(1), 25-38. (Applied)
Impact of product innovativeness on technology switching F-1.pdf
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C, AJG (ABS) = 1, Web of Science = Q2
4. El Omari, S., Karasneh, M. M. H. (2021). Social Health Insurance in the Philippines: Do the Poor Really Benefit? Journal of Economics and Finance, 30. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12197-020-09525-5 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B