Khaled Qutb is an Egyptian Philosopher of Science and Epistemology. He graduated from Cairo University. College of Arts. Department of Philosophy in 1990. Currently, he is working at Qatar University, College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Humanities. Philosophy program.  He has worked as an associate professor in UAEU, College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Department of Philosophy (al-Ain City. Abu Dhabi). He also worked in Egypt at EELU, Cairo University. Fayoum University. He has a visiting professor at Bristol University, Department of Philosophy in the UK.

Research interests

I have broad philosophical interests, though most of my research falls into two main areas: First: philosophy of Science and Epistemology; and second; the Arab Scientific Rationality. Within Philosophy of Science, I am especially interested in foundational and conceptual questions surrounding the overlapping between facts and values in science. For many years, my research focused on the theories of scientific progress and related issues of Epistemological Break and rationality of science. I am interested in topics including scientific methods, probability in science, and the Left Movement in Positivism or Vienna Circle. Within the Arab Scientific Rationality, I am interested in identifying the contributions made by the Arab Scientific Mind in applied and human sciences where they became their achievements later the first building block upon which the science the West in modern times.