Dr. John N. Hahladakis is a Chemical Engineer, graduated from University of Patras, Greece. He is a member of Technical Chamber of Greece, of the Panhellenic Association of Chemical Engineers and of the American Chemical Society (ACS). He, in turn, obtained 2 M.Scs in “Geotechnology and Environment” and in “Quality and Environmental control”, respectively, as well as a Ph.D in “Environmnetal and Sanitary Engineering”; all three degrees from Technical University of Crete (TUC), Greece. He later served as a post-doc Research Fellow at School of Civil Engineering, at University of Leeds, UK and at TUC for a total of 4 years.
He has co-supervised more than 15 undergraduate and postgraduate students’ theses, has participated in respective Research Programs, International Conferences and has published various articles in International peer-reviewed Scientific Journals. Finally, his academic skills include also membership in the organizing and scientific committee of CRETE International Conference Series, editing and submission of scientific proposals to attract external funding (EU and national projects), participation in Workshops and Seminars, R&D reports, etc. He serves as a regular referee in more than 40 peer-reviewed international scientific journals.
He is currently an Asst. Professor at the CSD, of CAS, at Qatar University. He has more than 20 years of experience in various research fields, operating in a cross-disciplinary research environment that spans the width of chemical engineering, electrochemistry, environmental chemistry and environmental engineering, specializing in solid waste management, circular economy and optimization methods for recycling and recovery of valuable resources from waste.