Smaoui, H. E., Mimouni, K, Ben Salah, I. Do Sukuk Spur Infrastructure Development? 2021, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 14 (4), 655-670.
Smaoui, H. E., Mimouni, K., Miniaoui, H., Temimi, A. Funding liquidity risk and banks’ risk-taking: Evidence from Islamic and conventional banks, 2020, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 64, 101436.
Smaoui, H., Ghouma, H. Sukuk market development and Islamic banks’ capital ratios, 2020, Research in International Business and Finance 51, 101064.
Smaoui, H., Ben Salah, I., Boubakar, D. The determinants of capital ratios in Islamic banking, 2020, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 77, 186-194.
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Smaoui, H., Grandes, M., Akintoye, A. The Determinants of Bond Market Development: Further Evidence from Emerging and Developed Countries, 2017, Emerging Markets Review, 32, 148-167.
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Smaoui, H., Boubakri, N., Cosset, J.-C. The Politics of Sovereign Credit Spreads, 2017, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 53(8), 1894-1922.
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Smaoui, H., Ben Salah, I. Profitability of Islamic Banks in the GCC Region, 2012, Global Economy and Finance Journal 5, 85-102.
Smaoui, H. Conditions for Success: The Importance of Legal Governance in the Privatization Process, 2010, Global Economy and Finance Journal 4, 247-270.
Boubakri, N., Smaoui,H., Zammiti, M., 2009. Privatization Dynamics and Economic Growth, Journal of Business and Policy Research 4, 16-44.
Boubakri, N., Cosset, J.-C., Smaoui, H. Credible Privatization and Market Sentiment : Evidence from Emerging Bond Markets, 2009, Journal of International Business Studies 40, 840-858.
Boubakri, N., Cosset, J.-C., Smaoui, H. Does Privatization Foster Changes in The Quality of Legal Institutions? 2009, Journal of Financial Research 32, 169-197.