1. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Zeitun, R. M. A., Eissa, M. M. A. (2021). Impact of global health crisis and oil price shocks on stock markets in the GCC. Finance Research Letters. (Applied) – Accepted
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 5.596, Web of Science = Q1
2. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. M. A., Zeitun, R. M. A. (2021). The dynamics of the relationship between real estate and stock markets in an energy-based economy: The case of Qatar. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 23(June), e00200. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1703494921000050 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B
3. Eissa, M. M. A., Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2019). Modelling the symmetric and asymmetric relationships between oil prices and those of corn, barley, and rapeseed oil. Resources Policy, 64, 101511. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030142071930460X?dgcid=author (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 5.634, Web of Science = Q1
4. Charfeddine, L., Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2019). Political tensions, stock market dependence and volatility spillover: Evidence from the recent intra-GCC crises. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 50(November). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1062940819300841 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 2.772, Web of Science = Q2
5. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Hassan, G. M. (2018). The impact of market-wide volatility on time-varying risk: Evidence from Qatar stock exchange. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 17(2S), S239-S258. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0972652718777083?journalCode=emfa (Applied)
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Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2
6. Eissa, M. M. A., Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2018). Mega sports events and the stock market returns: The case of the 2022 World Cup. Event Management, 22(3), 379-388. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cog/em/2018/00000022/00000003/art00006 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =A, AJG (ABS) = 2
7. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. M. A., Zeitun, R. M. A. (2017). Asymmetric volatility and conditional expected returns: Evidence from emerging market sectors. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 12(2), 335-351. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/IJoEM-12-2015-0255 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 1, Impact Factor = 1.022, Web of Science = Q4
8. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. M. A. (2017). The impact of FIFA’s official announcements on the stock market of Qatar: The case of 2022 World Cup. Research in International Business and Finance, 41(October), 347–353. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0275531916301957 (Applied)
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Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =B, AJG (ABS) = 2, Impact Factor = 1.801, Web of Science = Q2
9. Zeitun, R. M., Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2017). Capital structure, tax effect, financial crisis and default Risk: Evidence from emerging market. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 14(1), 104-113. http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJEBR.2017.085557 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C
10. Al Refai, H. M. S. A., Eissa, M. (2016). Testing the risk-return tradeoff in the emerging market of Jordan: What role for financial crises? Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(2), 183-198. http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/AAJFA.2016.077340 (Applied)
Ranking/Indexing: Scopus = Yes, ABDC =C
11. Hassan, G. M., Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2012). Can macroeconomic factors explain equity returns in the long run? The case of Jordan. Applied Financial Economics, 22(13), 1029-1041. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09603107.2011.637892?journalCode=rafe20 (Applied)
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12. Al Refai, H. M. S. A. (2011). The impact of the Iraq war on the country beta of MENA markets. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(2), 8–12. http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijef/article/view/7449 (Applied)
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