Committees Membership

a. University Of Qatar

  1. Organizing and managing a Symposia on Chemical pollutant in Local and imported food, 1993 (Member).
  2. Organizing a Symposium on Prevention and Treatment against Palm Tree Insects, 1993 (Member).
  3. Studies on Gulf Pollution Symposia, Organizing Committee member; 1993 (Member).
  4. Organizing a Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture Technology, 1994 (Member).
  5. Organizing a Symposium on Natural Gas in Qatar, 1994 (Member).
  6. Organizing a Symposium on Planet Earth and its Treasures, 1994 (Member).
  7. General Laboratory and Scientific Equipment Committee (1997 – 1999) (Member).
  8. Organizing Committee for a Symposium on the International UNESCO Conference on Higher Education between Reality and Application in Arab Gulf Countries (1999) (Member).
  9. Vice-Chair, of the 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications which was held at the University of Qatar during the period of 6-9 Dec. 2003.
  10. General Coordinator of the 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications which was held at the University of Qatar during the period of 6-9 Dec. 2003.
  11. Executive Committee of the Environmental Studies Center during the period from September, 2013 to December 2015) (Member).
  12. The Overseeing election appeals for the faculty board members Committee during the period of November, 17, 2013 to November 16, 2014 (Chair).
  13. Preparation of the Strategic Plan for Research on the Marine Environment Committee during the period of February, 23rd, 2014 to December 31st 2014 (Chair)
  14. September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).
  15. to June 2017) (Member).
  16. to June 2017) (Member).
  • (September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).

b. College of Arts and Sciences

  1. The College of Science Board (1995-1998 as a member) and (2001-2004 as the Head of the chemistry Department) (Member).
  2. Human Resources for Technician in College of Science (Dec. 1995-Dec. 1996) (Member).
  3. Scientific Seminar Committee (Oct. 1993-Jan. 1994 and from Oct. 1996-Oct. 1997) (Member).
  4. Continuing Education and Community Services Committee (1995-1996) (Member).
  5. General and Students Activities Committee (1996-1997 (Member) and 1997-1998 (Chair).
  6. College of Science Report Committee (1997-1999) (Member).
  7. Organizing Committee for the Regional Conference on the Marine Environment of the Gulf (1997-1998) (Member).
  8. Master Degree in Environmental Sciences Committee (2000-2001) (Chair) .
  9. Academic Promotion in the Department of Health Sciences, (Spring 2010) (Member).
  10. Academic Position Qatarization follow-up Committee (Spring 2011) (Member).
  11. Promotion Committee during the period from Fall 2011 to Spring 2013 (Member).
  12. Promotion Committee during the period from Fall 2013 to Fall 2015 (Chair).
  13. Academic Committee during the period from Fall 2013 to Fall 2016 (Member).
  14. Proposal Writing Committee for Ph. D. in Nanoscience (Spring 2015) (Chair).
  15. College Council (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).
  16. Engagement and Activities Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Chair).
  17. Research Enabling Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Chair).
  18. Executive Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).
  1. Graduate Studies Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Chair).
  2. (September 2019 -September 2020) (Vice-Chair).

c. Chemistry Department

  1. Departmental Chemical Society, (1995-1996) (Member).
  2. Training and Continuing Education, (1995-1996) (Member) and (1996-1999) (Chair).
  3. Curriculum Development (1995-1998 and 2000-2001) (Member).
  4. Academic Advising, (1995-1997) (Member).
  5. Schedule and Timetable, (1995-1996) (Member) and (1998-1999) (Chair).
  6. Training and Teaching Techniques, (1995-1996) (Member).
  7. Editing and Arabization, (1995-1996) (Member).
  8. Teaching Chemistry by using Computers (1995- 1996) (Member) and (1998-2001) (Chair).
  9. Student Affairs (1995-1997 and 2000-2001) (Member).
  10. Teaching Aids (1996-1997) (Member).
  11. Department Council Secretary (1997-1998).
  12. Coordination between Chemistry Departments in the GCC (1998-1999) (Chair).
  13. Examination Management (1998-2001) (Chair).
  14. General Laboratory and Scientific Equipment (1997-1999) (Member).
  15. New College of Science Building for Women Evaluating (2000-2001) (Member).
  16. Seminars, Workshops and Social (2004-2005) (Member).
  17. Investigation of Student Deranging from Specializing in Chemistry (2004-2005) (Member).
  18. Recruiting Distinguished Professors (2004-2005) (Member).
  19. Research Laboratory (2004-2005) (Member).
  20. Chemistry Laboratories Development and Renewal (2004-2007) (Chair).
  21. Advisory and follow up (2004-2010) (Member).
  22. Study Plans and Curriculum (2004-2007 and 2010-2011) (Member).
  23. Chemistry and Earth Sciences Strategy Editing (2005-2007) (Member).
  24. Graduation Research Evaluation (2007-2011) (Chair).
  25. Organic Chemistry (2007-2011) (Chair).
  26. Lab Upgrading and Modernization Committee (2008-2010) (Chair).
  27. Courses and Study Plans (2008-2011) (Member).
  28. Students Learning Outcomes Assessment System, SLOAS (2009-2010) (Chair).
  29. Academic Promotion (2009-2010) (Member).
  30. Capstone course (CHEM 462) Advisory, (Fall l2011) (Chair).
  31. Strategic Plan (2010-2011) (Chair).
  32. Faculty and Staff Recruitment (Spring 2011) (Member).
  33. Geology Program Self Study Report (Spring 2019) (Chair).
  34. Curriculum Committee (September 2019- August 2020) (Member).
  35. Faculty performance evaluation committee (January 2020) (Member).
  36. Department Council (2019-2021) (Member).
  37. Recruitment Committee (2020-2021) (Chair) .
  38. Coordinator of the Organic Chemistry Division (2020-2021) (Coordinator).