Committees Membership
a. University Of Qatar
- Organizing and managing a Symposia on Chemical pollutant in Local and imported food, 1993 (Member).
- Organizing a Symposium on Prevention and Treatment against Palm Tree Insects, 1993 (Member).
- Studies on Gulf Pollution Symposia, Organizing Committee member; 1993 (Member).
- Organizing a Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture Technology, 1994 (Member).
- Organizing a Symposium on Natural Gas in Qatar, 1994 (Member).
- Organizing a Symposium on Planet Earth and its Treasures, 1994 (Member).
- General Laboratory and Scientific Equipment Committee (1997 – 1999) (Member).
- Organizing Committee for a Symposium on the International UNESCO Conference on Higher Education between Reality and Application in Arab Gulf Countries (1999) (Member).
- Vice-Chair, of the 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications which was held at the University of Qatar during the period of 6-9 Dec. 2003.
- General Coordinator of the 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications which was held at the University of Qatar during the period of 6-9 Dec. 2003.
- Executive Committee of the Environmental Studies Center during the period from September, 2013 to December 2015) (Member).
- The Overseeing election appeals for the faculty board members Committee during the period of November, 17, 2013 to November 16, 2014 (Chair).
- Preparation of the Strategic Plan for Research on the Marine Environment Committee during the period of February, 23rd, 2014 to December 31st 2014 (Chair)
- September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).
- to June 2017) (Member).
- to June 2017) (Member).
- (September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).
b. College of Arts and Sciences
- The College of Science Board (1995-1998 as a member) and (2001-2004 as the Head of the chemistry Department) (Member).
- Human Resources for Technician in College of Science (Dec. 1995-Dec. 1996) (Member).
- Scientific Seminar Committee (Oct. 1993-Jan. 1994 and from Oct. 1996-Oct. 1997) (Member).
- Continuing Education and Community Services Committee (1995-1996) (Member).
- General and Students Activities Committee (1996-1997 (Member) and 1997-1998 (Chair).
- College of Science Report Committee (1997-1999) (Member).
- Organizing Committee for the Regional Conference on the Marine Environment of the Gulf (1997-1998) (Member).
- Master Degree in Environmental Sciences Committee (2000-2001) (Chair) .
- Academic Promotion in the Department of Health Sciences, (Spring 2010) (Member).
- Academic Position Qatarization follow-up Committee (Spring 2011) (Member).
- Promotion Committee during the period from Fall 2011 to Spring 2013 (Member).
- Promotion Committee during the period from Fall 2013 to Fall 2015 (Chair).
- Academic Committee during the period from Fall 2013 to Fall 2016 (Member).
- Proposal Writing Committee for Ph. D. in Nanoscience (Spring 2015) (Chair).
- College Council (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).
- Engagement and Activities Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Chair).
- Research Enabling Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Chair).
- Executive Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Member).
- Graduate Studies Committee (August 2016 September 2016 to June 2017) (Chair).
- (September 2019 -September 2020) (Vice-Chair).
c. Chemistry Department
- Departmental Chemical Society, (1995-1996) (Member).
- Training and Continuing Education, (1995-1996) (Member) and (1996-1999) (Chair).
- Curriculum Development (1995-1998 and 2000-2001) (Member).
- Academic Advising, (1995-1997) (Member).
- Schedule and Timetable, (1995-1996) (Member) and (1998-1999) (Chair).
- Training and Teaching Techniques, (1995-1996) (Member).
- Editing and Arabization, (1995-1996) (Member).
- Teaching Chemistry by using Computers (1995- 1996) (Member) and (1998-2001) (Chair).
- Student Affairs (1995-1997 and 2000-2001) (Member).
- Teaching Aids (1996-1997) (Member).
- Department Council Secretary (1997-1998).
- Coordination between Chemistry Departments in the GCC (1998-1999) (Chair).
- Examination Management (1998-2001) (Chair).
- General Laboratory and Scientific Equipment (1997-1999) (Member).
- New College of Science Building for Women Evaluating (2000-2001) (Member).
- Seminars, Workshops and Social (2004-2005) (Member).
- Investigation of Student Deranging from Specializing in Chemistry (2004-2005) (Member).
- Recruiting Distinguished Professors (2004-2005) (Member).
- Research Laboratory (2004-2005) (Member).
- Chemistry Laboratories Development and Renewal (2004-2007) (Chair).
- Advisory and follow up (2004-2010) (Member).
- Study Plans and Curriculum (2004-2007 and 2010-2011) (Member).
- Chemistry and Earth Sciences Strategy Editing (2005-2007) (Member).
- Graduation Research Evaluation (2007-2011) (Chair).
- Organic Chemistry (2007-2011) (Chair).
- Lab Upgrading and Modernization Committee (2008-2010) (Chair).
- Courses and Study Plans (2008-2011) (Member).
- Students Learning Outcomes Assessment System, SLOAS (2009-2010) (Chair).
- Academic Promotion (2009-2010) (Member).
- Capstone course (CHEM 462) Advisory, (Fall l2011) (Chair).
- Strategic Plan (2010-2011) (Chair).
- Faculty and Staff Recruitment (Spring 2011) (Member).
- Geology Program Self Study Report (Spring 2019) (Chair).
- Curriculum Committee (September 2019- August 2020) (Member).
- Faculty performance evaluation committee (January 2020) (Member).
- Department Council (2019-2021) (Member).
- Recruitment Committee (2020-2021) (Chair) .
- Coordinator of the Organic Chemistry Division (2020-2021) (Coordinator).