1. Cyber Psychological Security” Conference, Saturday, 6 Rabi’ al-Akhir 2144 AH, corresponding to November 21, 2020 AD, at King Abdulaziz University.
  2. Workshop on psychological support for children recruited and affected by the war in Yemen, King Salman Relief Center, Riyadh, 2019.
  3. Workshop on Standards of Clinical Psychological Practice and Psychotherapy, King Khalid University in partnership with the Office of Medical Specialties in the Saudi Ministry of Health. September 25, 2017.
  4. The third international Conferenceof Childhood, Taiz University, 19-21/11/2007.
  5. The first international Conference at Minia University (Cultural Dialogue: Communication Channels among Nations, 3-5 November, 2008.
  6. The Second Workshop of Curriculum Development in the Faculty of Arts, Hodeidah University, 2008.
  7. The main lecturer in the seminar titled “Violence and abuse and their impacts on the future of children in Yemen” psychology Department, faculty of arts, Hodeidah University .22 / 12/2010