Events |
Task |
Venue |
Date |
تحكيم العروض الختامية لطالبات برنامج التدريب الخارجي – قسم المهارات القانونية بكلية القانون-جامعة قطر |
Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Qatar University |
28/3/2022 |
المشاركة كمتحدث رئيسي ببحث بعنوان” المساعدة القانونية في تنفيذ الالتزامات المدنية وقضايا التعويض الناشئ عن أفعال جرمية”، ضمن أعمال المؤتمر السنوي الدولي بعنوان ” المساعدة القانونية: السبل والتحديات” – كلية القانون – جامعة قطر بتاريخ 21 مارس 2022. |
متحدث |
كلية القانون بجامعة قطر |
21/3/2022 |
تقديم الورشة التعليمية: دور الطالب في تنفيذ محاور التميز في التعليم: تفاعلية الدور و فعالية المشاركة” بالتعاون مع قسم دعم التعلم الطلابي بكلية القانون بجامعة قطر (للطالبات) |
مدرب ومتحدث |
منصة بلاكبورد |
24/1/2022 |
المشاركة كخبير في أعمال ورشة العمل الإقليمية بعنوان ” المجموعة غير الحكومية في الشبكة العربية لتعزيز النزاهة ومكافحة الفساد: آفاق التعاون في ضوء التجارب السابقة”، بدعم من برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي، والتي عقدت بتاريخ 9 و 10 ديسمبر / كانون الأول 2021 |
Expert |
الاردن – عمان
عن بعد |
9-10/12/2021 |
تحكيم العروض الختامية لطالبات برنامج التدريب الخارجي – قسم المهارات القانونية بكلية القانون-جامعة قطر |
Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Qatar University |
10/11/2021 |
الملتقى الدولي للحقوق والحريات الدستورية في ظل التطور التكنولوجي |
عضو اللجنة الاستشارية |
جامعة خنشلة الجزائر- عن بعد |
20-21/10/2021 |
مدرب ومتحدث في البرنامج التدريبي المعنون” التشريعات القطرية المدنية لغير القانونيين “، حيث تم تقديم 15 ساعة تدريبة خلال هذا البرنامج الذي نظمه مركز خدمة المجتمع والتعليم المستمر بجامعة قطر وحضره متدربون من مختلف الجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية بدولة قطر |
Speaker & Trainer |
منصة مايكروسوفت تيمز |
20/9/2021- 23/9/2021 |
متحدث في الندوة التعليمية الأولى لكلية القانون بجامعة قطر في فصل خريف 2021 بعنوان ” البرامج الأكاديمية بكلية القانون من منظور تنفيذ إطار التميز في التعليم وإطار المؤهلات بجامعة قطر”، وقد عقدت الندوة ضمن إطار الندوات التي يقدمها مكتب الشؤون الاكاديمية بالكلية. |
متحدث |
منصة مايكروسوفت تيمز |
20/9/2021 |
تقديم ورقة بحثية بعنوان: استرداد الأموال كمحور أساسي من محاور الاتفاقيتين الأممية والعربية لمكافحة الفساد: المحددات والوسائل المدنية وغير المدنية للاسترداد، ورقة بحثية قدمت (عن بعد) ضمن أعمال المؤتمر الدولي لاسترداد الأموال المنهوبة الذي عقدته وزارة العدل بالعراق بالتعاون مع جامعة الدول العربية، بغداد 15-16/9/2021. |
متحدث رئيسي |
المؤتمر في بغداد بالعراق وتمت المشاركة عن بعد |
15/9/2021 |
تقديم ورقة عمل بعنوان المؤسسات الرقابية في السودان: الرقابة المالية والوظيفية، ورقة خيارات، أعدت بتكليف من المنظّمة العربيّة للقانون الدستوري بالتعاون مع المؤسّسة الدّوليّة للدّيمقراطية والانتخابات كجزء من مشروع مموّل من قبل الاتحاد الأوروبي. وقدمت الورقة خلال لقاء تشاوري عقد في السودان وتمت المشاركة به عن بعد بتنظيم من المنظّمة العربيّة للقانون الدستوري. |
خبير رئيس |
منصة بلوجينز |
7/6/2021 |
تحكيم العروض الختامية لطالبات برنامج التدريب الخارجي – قسم المهارات القانونية بكلية القانون-جامعة قطر |
Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
منصة بلاكبورد |
7/4/2021 |
رئاسة لجنة تحكيم مناظرة علمية في برنامج ماجستير القانون الخاص بعنوان “التأمين من المسؤولية المهنية: إلزام أم تخيير” بتنظيم من مكتب الدراسات العليا بكلية القانون بجامعة قطر |
رئاسة لجنة التحكيم |
منصة مايكروسوفت تيمز |
6/4/2021 |
مدرب ومتحدث: البرنامج التدريبي “عقود الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص”، حيث تم تقديم 6 ساعات تدريبة خلال هذا البرنامج الذي نظمه مركز خدمة المجتمع والتعليم المستمر بجامعة قطر وحضره متدربون من مختلف الجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية بدولة قطر |
Speaker & Trainer |
منصة مايكروسوفت تيمز |
28/3/2021- 1/4/2021 |
تقديم الورشة التعليمية: حل الإشكاليات العملية في قضايا التعويض بالتعاون مع قسم دعم التعلم الطلابي بكلية القانون بجامعة قطر (للطالبات) |
مدرب ومتحدث |
منصة بلاكبورد |
31/3/2021 |
تقديم الورشة التعليمية: حل الإشكاليات العملية في قضايا التعويض بالتعاون مع قسم دعم التعلم الطلابي بكلية القانون بجامعة قطر (للطلاب) |
مدرب ومتحدث |
منصة بلاكبورد |
24/3/2021 |
مدرب ومتحدث :البرنامج التدريبي “علاقات العمل في القانون القطري”، حيث تم تقديم 15 ساعة تدريبة خلال هذا البرنامج الذي نظمه مركز التعليم المستمر بجامعة قطر وحضره متدربون من مختلف الجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية بدولة قطر |
Speaker & Trainer |
Microsoft Teams |
29/11/2020- 10/12/2020 |
مدرب ومتحدث: تقديم ورشة عمل تدريبية مكثفة لدعم التعلم الطلابي حول أسس القانون المدني – طلاب |
Speaker |
Blackboard |
15/11/2020 |
مدرب ومتحدث: تقديم ورشة عمل تدريبية مكثفة لدعم التعلم الطلابي حول أسس القانون المدني – طالبات |
Speaker |
Blackboard |
8/11/2020 |
متحدث : مداخلة حول ” العمل عن بعد” ضمن ندوة بحثية من تنظيم كلية القانون بجامعة قطر بعنوان: قضايا عمالية في ضوء التطورات التشريعية والمستجدات الواقعية |
Speaker |
Microsoft Teams |
14/10/2020 |
متحدث: تقديم ندوة تعليمية من تنظيم مكتب الشؤون الأكاديمية بكلية القانون بجامعة قطر بعنوان: فلسفة التدريس في المقررات القانونية : التحديات المعاصرة وضرورات التطوير المستمر |
Speaker |
Microsoft Teams |
12/10/2020 |
ورشة عمل تدريبية في (أصول البحث القانوني) ، مخصصة لطلاب برنامج البكالوريوس في القانون – برنامج التأهيل القانوني – قسم دعم الطلاب بكلية القانون – جامعة قطر |
Speaker & Trainer |
Blackboard |
7/10/2020 |
متحدث: مداخلة بعنوان ” عقود الشراكة بين القطاعين الحكومي والخاص بدولة قطر: شفافية التعاقد ومقتضيات العدالة العقدية” ضمن أعمال المؤتمر الأول لتطوير الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص، تحت رعاية وزير التجارة والصناعة بدولة قطر ورئيس غرفة تجارة وصناعة قطر |
Speaker |
Microsoft Teams |
7/7/2020 |
مداخلة بعنوان (تنفيذ العقود المبرمة ضمن اطار القطاع الخاص في ظل جائحة كورونا: الإشكاليات والحلول في العقود عموما وعقود العمل بشكل خاص) ضمن حلقة نقاشية حول التداعيات المالية والقانونية لجائحة كورونا والإجراءات الاحترازية (عن بعد) نظمتها كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد، بالتعاون مع كلية القانون بجامعة قطر |
Speaker |
WebEx |
16/5/2020 |
Event title: Teaching Practice Day – Spring 2020″, organized by Qatar University College of Law, titled “Towards Developing the Learning outcomes for the LLM Program.
Intervention: Developing Learning Outcomes in some of the Private law courses, “Selected Models |
Speaker & Coordinator |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
12/2/2020 |
Event title: Seminar on Key steps to Publishing Scientific Research, organized by Qatar University college of law – Research office
Intervention: Publishing scientific research and achieving research outputs in the Master program in Law. |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
4/2/2020 |
Event title: Seminar on Public-Private Partnership: Reality & Challenges in Qatar, organized by The Qatar International Center for Conciliation & Arbitration & Qatar Chamber in cooperation with the College of Law, Qatar University, The seminar is presented by the College of Law’s Research Team participating in the joint research project entitled “Toward Reforming the Economic Legislative Mechanisms for Achieving Legal Security in light of the National Policies of the State of Qatar “, which is funded by the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) – National Priorities Research Program NPRP – Cycle11– Qatar Foundation. The seminar is part of the project activities, including holding discussion sessions with partners and beneficiaries of its results such as chambers of commerce, businessmen and the private sector.
Intervention: Presentation on: “The importance of public-private partnership: the approach of international models”. |
Speaker & Coordinator |
Qatar Chamber – 2 Floor (Sheikh Nasser bin Khalid Hall,)
Doha – Qatar |
27/11/2019 |
Event title: Externship Program ; Female Student Final
Intervention: Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
20/11/2019 |
Event title: Externship Program ; Female Student Final
Intervention: Member of Faculty Panel |
Coordinator & Member of Faculty Panel |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
19/11/2019 |
Event title: Drafting, Formulation and negotiation of contracts between theory and practice, organized by Community Service and Continuing Education Center
Intervention: Training Sessions on Drafting and Negotiation of Construction Contracts, Insurance Contracts, Intellectual Property Contracts, National and International Contracts |
Speaker & Trainer |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
13-24/10/2019 |
ورشة عمل تدريبية في (أصول البحث القانوني) ، مخصصة لطلاب برنامج البكالوريوس في القانون – برنامج التأهيل القانوني بكلية القانون – جامعة قطر
عنوان الورشة: أصول البحث القانوني
Event title: Seminar on legal research for undergraduate students
Intervention: legal research skills and mechanisms |
Speaker & Trainer |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
19/9/2019 |
Event title: Partnership Programmes between the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime & the Ministry of Justice of the State of Qatar, Introductory training workshop for employees of the Ministry of Justice, Dates: 15-18 April 2019, Venue: Ministry of Justice, Doha, Qatar
Intervention: United Nations Convention against Corruption: general framework – national legislative harmonization – The Role of the Judge in implementing the principles of judicial conduct |
Speaker & Trainer |
Doha – Qatar
Ministry of Justice |
16/4/2019 |
Event title: workshop on Legal Writing skills for conducting Master thesis, the, organized by Qatar University College of Law – Graduate office
Intervention: The stages of master’s thesis: Preparation and conducting Thesis in ten steps |
Speaker & Trainer |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
10/4/2019 |
Event title: Externship Program; Female Student Final Presentations (for 12 students)
Intervention: Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
9/4/2019 |
Event title: Externship Program; Female Student Final Presentations (for 14 students)
Intervention: Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Guest Judge & Member of Faculty Panel |
Doha – Qatar
Qatar University |
4/11/2018 |
Event title: Teaching Practice Day – Fall 2018″, organized by Qatar University College of Law.
Intervention: Towards Development of Learning Inputs and Outputs in Teaching Civil Law: Effects of Obligations Course as a Model “ |
Speaker & Coordinator |
Doha – Qatar |
3/10/2018 |
Event title: Drafting, Formulation and negotiation of contracts between theory and practice, organized by Center of Community Service and Continuing Education
Intervention: Training Sessions on Drafting and Negotiation of Construction Contracts, Insurance Contracts, Intellectual Property Contracts, National and International Contracts |
Speaker & Trainer |
Doha – Qatar |
23/9/2018- 2/10/2018 |
Event title: Legal Writing skills for the College of law students, organized by Qatar University Career Services Center.
Intervention: How to prepare a legal research paper: Preparation and conducting in 10 steps |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
29/11/2017 |
Event title: The Second Faculty Research Seminar for the Academic Year 2017‐2018, organized by Qatar University College of Law.
Intervention: Domestic Work in Qatar: From the Labour Law to the Domestic Workers Law |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
22/11/2017 |
Event title: Teaching Practice Day – Fall 2017″, organized by Qatar University College of Law.
Intervention: Experiential Legal Studies in Civil Law Courses: International Standards and Comparative Models |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
23/10/2017 |
Event title: Modernizing International Trade Law to Support Innovation and Sustainable Development, A three-day Congress hosted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law to celebrate its 50th anniversary and explore new directions in cross-border commerce
Intervention: Towards the implementation of International Civil and Commercial Law: A call for Qatar to join the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) |
Expert & Author |
Vienna International Centre, Vienna |
4-6/7/2017 |
Event title: The Third Student Forum in Clinical Legal Studies “, organized by the Law Clinic at Qatar University College of Law.
Intervention: Impact of International Standards in the National Construction Contracts. |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
1/5/2017 |
Event title: The Scientific forum “Legal Responsibility: Elements of Stability and Development”, Organized by Qatar University College of Law in cooperation with the French Embassy and the French Institute in Qatar, sponsored by Ghada M Darwish Law Firm, on 19 April 2017, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
Intervention: Civil Liability for Corruption; A study in the light of Qatari and Comparative Civil Law and regional and international standards for combating corruption. |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
19/4/2017 |
Event title: A workshop entitled “Managing the civil lawsuit the experiences of the GCC countries” organized by – Center of Legal and Judicial Studies (CLJS)- Ministry of Justice. |
Representative of Qatar University College of Law |
Doha – Qatar |
10/4/2017 |
Event Title: The 4th Annual Arabic Moot Court Competition, organized by Kuwait International Law College. |
Trainer & Head of the Qatar University College of Law Team |
Kuwait |
2-5/4/2017 |
Event Title: the “International conference on Human rights- based approach to conflict situations in the Arab region” organized by the National Human Rights Committee and the High Commissioner for Human Rights organize, in Sheraton Doha Hotel, In collaboration with the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers and the Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions. |
Representative of Qatar University College of Law |
Doha – Qatar |
20-21/2/2017 |
Event Title: The International Conference on “Law and Sports: Contemporary Perspectives’ organized by College of Law, Qatar University in Collaboration with Qatar Olympic Committee.
Intervention: Civil Protection of Sports Broadcasting Rights, A Study in the Perspective of Civil Law, Intellectual Property Rights, and Internet’s Conventions. |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
19-20/2/2017 |
Event Title: the 4th Regional Conference of Law Clinics in the Arab World, organized by Law Clinic Qatar university College of Law, in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC
Intervention: Using applied methods in conducting the moot court. |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
14/12/2016 |
Event Title: Lecture in Postgraduate Programe of Private law, Qatar University College of Law.
Intervention Title: Conducting Research paper in Law: Preparing and writing, Experiential Approach in 10 steps |
Lecturer |
Doha – Qatar |
14/12/2016 |
Event Title: Launching Arab Human Development Report 2016
Intervention: Role of QU College of Law in Anti-corruption efforts and the role of youth in this field. |
Intervenor |
Beirut -Lebanon |
29-30/11/2016 |
Event Title: the 16th Annual Conference on Competitiveness “Opportunities and Challenges for the Arab Countries in the Next 10 Years” organized by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce in cooperation with the League of Arab States. |
Representative of Qatar University College of Law |
Doha – Qatar |
27-28/11/2016 |
Event Title: “the Drafting and Negotiation of Contracts Course” organized by Qatar University- Center of Continuing Education.
Interventions: Training Sessions on Drafting and Negotiation of Construction Contracts, Insurance Contracts, Intellectual Property Contracts, National and International Contracts |
Trainer |
Doha – Qatar |
20-27/11/2016 |
Event Title: The Second Student Forum in Clinical Legal Studies “, organized by the Law Clinic at Qatar University College of Law.
Intervention: Drafting Contracts & Commentary on Judicial judgments in the field of construction and insurance contracts. |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
23/5/2016 |
Event Title: Impact of GCC Model Laws on the national laws, workshop organized by the Law Clinic at Qatar University College of Law
Intervention: The Impact of Unified GCC civil law on provisions of construction contract in the Qatari Civil Law. |
Speaker |
Doha – Qatar |
18/5/2016 |
Event Title: The 22nd International Scientific Conference, The Social Avenues of Research, organized by The Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science and the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik – Lebanon, in collaboration with The National Council for Scientific Research – Lebanon
Intervention: Legal protection for digital identity from the perspective of civil law, “an analytical study in some of the GCC and Lebanese laws”, Co-authored Research. |
Speaker |
Kaslik – Lebanon |
14-15/4/2016 |
Event Title: the expert group meeting on” The Arab Model law on intellectual property” organized by the Arab Center for Legal and Judicial studies League of Arab States, 12 to 14 April 2016, Beirut-Lebanon
Interventions: Commentary on the draft of Arab model law on the protection of intellectual property 2016. |
Regional Expert & Committee Member – Speaker |
Beirut – Lebanon |
12-14/4/2016 |
Participation as a representative of the Beirut Arab University in an international workshop on the development of university education (Law Group – Fourth Meeting), organized by the European Union TEMPUS project and Malta Univ., Malta. |
Speaker & Representative of BAU |
Malta |
27 Sept-1 Oct 2015 |
Attended the Bar Association seminar in Beirut on “Oil: contracts, legislation and employment”, Beirut, |
Participant & Representative of BAU |
Beirut -Lebanon |
31/3/2015 |
Participation in IRB for the Beirut Arab University, Beirut |
Participant & Representative of Faculty of Law -BAU |
Beirut -Lebanon |
24/2/2015 |
participated in a meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Faculty of Law and Political Science Beirut Arab University, Beirut, |
Participant & Member |
Beirut -Lebanon |
20/2 / 2015 |
Participation as a representative of the Beirut Arab University in an international workshop on the development of university education, organized by the European Union TEMPUS project and Cyprus Univ., Cyprus, |
Speaker & Representative of BAU |
Cyprus |
15-19 /2/2015 |
workshop on ” Workshop on the UNECE Water Convention: Key aspects and opportunities for Lebanon Beirut, |
Participant & representative of Faculty of law and political Science – BAU |
Beirut -Lebanon |
3-4 / 2/2015 |
Philadelphia University workshop on “anti-corruption efforts on the Arab and international level, focusing on UNCAC implementation “ |
Speaker |
Jerash -Jordan |
28/12/ 2014 |
Faculty of Law and Political Science BAU Workshop on “The Legal and Practical Frameworks towards Combating Corruption in the light of UNCAC implementation”, Beirut Arab University, |
Speaker & Organizer |
Beirut -Lebanon |
9/12/ 2014 |
Beirut Bar Association meeting to mark the release of a Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Indicators Handbook by the Beirut Bar Association, Beirut, |
Representative of BAU |
Beirut -Lebanon |
3O/10/ 2014 |
Tuning Middle East and North Africa-MEDA “First General Meeting, with Association of Arab Universities, development of university legal education |
Speaker & Representative of BAU |
Dead Sea – Jordan |
02-06 /5/ 2014 |
OECD Training Seminar „ Strengthening Integrity in the Public and Private Sector in the MENA Region: Reforming and enforcing anti-corruption legislation “Prepared by the MENA-OECD Investment Programme. |
International Expert & Trainer |
Kuwait |
7-10/4/2014 |
Transparency International Conference, American University in Cairo and Cairo University, Integrity Risks in the Public-Private relations, Egypt Research Conference on Integrity. |
Speaker |
Cairo- Egypt |
4-5/12/2013 |
Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) -USA and The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Conference on “Incorporating Aspects of Combating Human Trafficking in Educational Curricula in Arab Universities. |
Speaker |
Kuwait |
27-28/11/ 2013 |
UNDP Meeting on Integrity in relationship between Public and private sectors. |
Speaker |
Casablanca – Morocco |
24-25/9/2013 |
G8 Group, UK government Meeting, International Forum on the legal frame of Asset recovery. |
Expert |
London -UK |
3-4/9/ 2013 |
UNDP Regional Conference on Anti-corruption. |
Speaker |
Beirut – Lebanon |
14-16/4/ 2013 |
Conference on the Future role of GCC, University of Kuwait. |
Speaker |
Kuwait |
18-19/3/ 2013 |
Qatar University Meeting on Clinical Legal Education and access to justice in MENA Region. |
Speaker |
Doha -Qatar |
16-17 /3/2013 |
UNDP workshop on the role of civil society in UNCAC. |
Speaker |
Amman -Jordan |
21-22 /12/2012 |
Regional UNDP Conference on the role of civil society in accountability. |
Speaker |
Cairo-Egypt |
26-29/11/ 2012 |
Conference on Legal Education in the Arab region, organized by John Hopkins University. |
Speaker |
Amman- Jordan |
18-19 /11/2012 |
ARPAC Regional Conference on ACAC and UNCAC implementation. |
Speaker |
Amman-Jordan |
29-30 /9/ 2012 |
Meeting of UNDP & Tunisia Government, National Efforts in UNCAC implementation. |
Speaker |
Tunisia |
25-27 /9/ 2012 |
Conference of The Protection Project at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)-USA, opening the BAU Legal Clinic in Beirut as a system of continues training for the students on legal issues and a system to serve the community – |
Executive Member |
Beirut – Lebanon |
11 /9/2012 |
“Harmonization of the Law: The Hague Conference, Unidroit and UNCITRAL” organized by Faculty of Law and Political Science BAU with cooperation with The Protection Project at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)-USA, The Hague Conference, UNIDROIT, and UNCITRAL”, Beirut Arab University. |
Speaker |
Beirut – Lebanon |
10-11/9/ 2012 |
Combating Trafficking in Persons: Government and Civil Society Partnership organized by Faculty of Law and Political Science BAU with cooperation with The Protection Project at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)-USA, Beirut Arab University. |
Speaker |
Beirut – Lebanon |
3-4 /1/2011 |
Regional seminar in the field of drug control and exchange of information, organized by ministry Interior, KSA. |
Keynote Speaker |
Riyadh-Saudi Arabia |
27-29/4/2010 |
“Conference on the Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules In light of 30 of experience, A look into the future” organized by Faculty of Law and Political Science BAU and The Arab Association for International Arbitration with the support of Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal Group, Beirut Arab University. |
Participant |
Beirut – Lebanon |
15-17/4/ 2010 |
National Symposium on the harmonization of national legislation to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Shura Council of Bahrain. |
Keynote Speaker |
Manama- Bahrain |
9/4/2010 |
“The role of the judge in the litigation: Unity of purpose and the multiplicity of roles” organized by Faculty of Law and Political Science BAU, Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon. |
Speaker |
Beirut – Lebanon |
4 -5/2/ 2010 |
Regional event of Arab journalists and bloggers in the field of human rights held by the Information and Training Center in partnership with the Mediterranean Partnership Initiative. |
Expert |
Beirut – Lebanon |
12-16/12/2009 |
Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, held by UN |
Member of UNDP Team |
Doha -Qatar |
9-13/11/2009 |
Global Forum on Fighting Corruption, held by Qatari Public Prosecution. |
Member of UNDP Team |
Doha -Qatar |
7-8/11/2009 |
Scientific forum on “computer-related crimes,” organized by the Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution in Saudi Arabia and the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences. |
Keynote Speaker |
Riyadh-Saudi Arabia |
12-14/10/2009 |
UNDP workshop on developing criminal laws in Jordan. |
Chair and Moderator |
Amman-Jordan |
31/8/2008 |