Scholarly Work |
Year |
Research studies & Papers |
1-Legal Aid in the Performance of Civil Obligations and Damages Cases that Result from Criminal Offence, Research Paper, Annual International Conference titled “Legal Aid: Means and Challenges” College of Law – Qatar University, 21-22 March 2022
2- Public-Private Partnership: A Legislative Model from the State of Qatar Global Journal of Comparative Law, Indexed in SCOPUS. Online ISSN: 2211-906X Print ISSN: 2211-9051 (Co-author).
doi: |
2022 |
3- The Influence of Islamic Sharia on Arab Constitutions and Civil, Commercial and Family Legislation: Comparative Arab Experiences, Journal of Constitutional Law in the Middle East and North Africa, Issue 02, December 2021, Pages 69-85,,
4- Assets recovery as a main axis of the international and Arab anti-corruption conventions , Research Paper , International Conference on Assets Recovery, The conference was organised by the Arab Center for Legal and Judicial Research, the Iraqi Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prime Minister of Iraq, 15 Sept 2021, Published in the Journal of Arab researcher, Arab Center for Legal and Judicial Research, Special Issue, 2021.–%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%88%D8%B1-%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%84
5- Legal Aspects of Regulating Remote Work: An Overview of Qatari and Selected Comparative Models, Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Volume 24, Special Issue 1, 2021. Allied Business Academies, London, U K. Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044, Indexed in SCOPUS. (Q2). Available at:
6- Construction on the property of Third-party in Qatar Civil law , published in the legal and judicial Journal by the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Ministry of Justice – Doha- Qatar, Vol 28- 2020, July 2021 (Co-author).
7-Qatari Civil Law & International Civil Law; The Prospects of Reconciling the provisions of the contract of sale, Journal of Kufa legal and political science, Kufa University Law Faculty, Kufa (Iraq)و 2021, Volume 1, Issue 48-1. |
2021 |
8- The Legal Impact of Islamic Law in the Identity and Provisions of Qatari Legal System: Conceptual Frame and Legislative Directions. Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, [S.l.], v. 58, n. 2, p. 451-482, Dec. 2020. ISSN 2338-557X. Available at: . Indexed in SCOPUS. (Q2).
9- Coronavirus Pandemic and Contractual Justice: Legal Solutions and Realistic Approaches. A study in Qatari Civil Law and Comparative Practices, Arab Law Quarterly, Brill, Netherlands,2020, Indexed in SCOPUS.
10- Legal guarantees for the protection of the creditor in the Civil Law of Qatar “Renewal of the mortgage registration as a mechanism enhancing the private guarantee of the creditor.” Research funded by the Qatar Foundation, Published in the Journal of Law and Political Science issued by the College of Law, political and administrative science – Lebanese University, Vol 27, Issue 2-April 2020, (Lebanon). |
2020 |
11- Suretyship in the Civil Law of Qatar: Personal Guarantee for the protection of the rights of the creditor, International Review of Law and Business, Hassan I University (Morocco), V. 25 – December 2019 |
2019 |
12- The Impact of Techno-Legal Changes on the Formation of Contract, A Study on the Law of Qatar and Model Electronic Contracts, to be published, Kuwait International Law School Journal, Ser.No. 23 , Vol 6 , issue 3, September 2018, ISSN 24102237.
13- The Impact of Unified GCC civil law on provisions of construction contract in the Qatari Civil Law, published in the legal and judicial Journal by the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Ministry of Justice – Doha- Qatar, Vol 1- 2018.
14- Civil liability for acts of corruption – a study in the light of the Qatari and Comparative Civil Law and the regional and international standards for combating corruption, Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences – Kufa University Law Faculty, Kufa (Iraq), Vol 35- April 2018 |
2018 |
15- Towards the Implementation of International Civil and Commercial Law, Paper presented at Congress , hosted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law to celebrate its 50th anniversary and explore new directions in cross-border commerce., to be published in “Modernizing International Trade Law to Support Innovation and Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the Congress of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Vienna, 4-6 July 2017”.
16- Civil Protection of the Sports Streaming Rights: Study in the Light of Qatari Law and International Standards of Intellectual Property, Kuwait International Law School Journal, Ser.No. 20 , Vol 5 , issue 4, December 2017, ISSN 24102237. |
2017 |
17- Legal protection for digital identity from the perspective of civil law, “an analytical study in some of the GCC and Lebanese laws”, Co-authored Research, International Scientific Conference – humanitarian pillar, (University Holy spirit – Kaslik) 14 to 15 April 2016 Beirut, Lebanon.
18- Commentary on the draft of Arab model law on the protection of intellectual property 2016, “a working paper submitted within the work of the expert group meeting organized by the Arab Center for Legal and Judicial studies League of Arab States, 12 to 14 April 2016, Beirut-Lebanon
19- Reference Points for the Design and Delivery of Degree Programmes in Law, Reference Points are non-prescriptive indicators and general recommendations that aim to support the design, delivery and articulation of degree programmes in Law. Subject area group including experts from Middle East, North Africa and Europe has developed this document in consultation with different stakeholders (academics, employers, students and graduates). This publication has been prepared within Tuning Middle East and North Africa project 543948-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPCR. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Editor: Mohammad Hussein Bashayreh, Authors: Mohammad Hussein Bashayreh, Darina Saliba Abi, Chedid, Abdullah Abdulkarim Abdullah, & others”. Deusto University Press, Spain, 2016. ISBN: 978-84-16982-04-2, |
2016 |
20- Research on beneficial ownership legislation, Consultancy Tasks with Transparency International- Germany on Research Tasks, July, 2015.Report published 12 November 2015 Under title” JUST FOR SHOW- Reviewing G20 promises on beneficial ownership” on :
21- “Enforcement of the rules and ethics of scientific research and intellectual property rights …step towards the promotion of scientific integrity” published in the proceedings of Community Partnership Forum in the field of scientific research, “scientific integrity” and held by the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud in Riyadh Saudi Arabia 5 May 2015. |
2015 |
22- “Towards modern Lebanese law for Arbitration and Mediation”, the National Council for Scientific Research, (Co-authored Research Project) Lebanon, 2014 |
2014 |
23- “Towards effective frameworks to prevent impunity for perpetrators of corruption with impunity,” UNDP workshop on “Integrity in the relationship between the two sectors private and public “in the city of Casablanca, Morocco on 24 – 25 September 2013.
24- “Civil society’s role in the control of contracts between the public and private sectors through the right of access to information,” the International Conference organized by Transparency International, entitled “Egypt conference on research integrity” in collaboration with the American University in Cairo and Cairo University, in Cairo, Egypt, on 4-5 December / December 2013. the study has been accepted for publication, published and translated into English in the work of this international conference. (Co-authored Research) |
2013 |
25- The Scope of the Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) 1980 (Vienna Convention), presented in “Harmonization of the Law: The Hague Conference, UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL” 10-11 September 2012, Beirut 2012, BAU Faculty of Law and Political Science -Conference Proceeding. |
2012 |
26- Rules of judicial conducts and ethics, determinants of the role of the judge, Research the annual scientific conference of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the Beirut Arab University on the Role of the Judge in the Litigation: The Unity of Purpose and the Multiplicity of Roles.4-5 Feb. 2010 Beirut, Published in the Proceedings of the Conference, Al Halabi Law Publisher, Beirut |
2011 |
27- Investment Guarantees in the Arab States, Dar althakafa for publications, Amman, – Jordan, 2008 |
2010 |
28- Protection of Intellectual Property on the Internet, Dar Al Jamiaa Al Jadida for publication, Alexandria, 2008:First edition: 2008, Second edition: 2009.
29- Modernization of criminal Laws in some of Arab Countries, ( Regional Coordination for this Research Project) |
2009 |
30- Settlement of Disputes Relating to Copyright and Related Rights, a study published in a series of Specialized Studies, Vol5, ISBN: 978-9948-03-645-6, publications of the Police Academy in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2008
31- Settlement of Disputes Related to Foreign Investment: An Analysis of the Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes, a study published in a series of Strategic Studies, the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research ECSSR, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2008. (Serial No.: 134-ISSN: 1682-1203, ISBN (Paperback): 978-9948-00-965-8.
32- International and Arab Bodies for foreign investments Guarantees, (Co-authored study) a study on the Arab and international legal system of investment bodies, a publication in the Journal of the judiciary and jurisprudence, Vol 37, issued by the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice, League of Arab States, Cairo, April 2008,
33- Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Researchers in Islamic Economics, working paper presented during the Seventh World Conference of Islamic economics “Thirty years of scientific research in Islamic Economics”, held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1-3/4/2008, King Abdul-Aziz University publications, Jeddah – Saudi Arabia, 2008. |
2008 |
34- Translation and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, Research paper presented during the Second International Forum for Translation held by the Arab Thought Foundation in cooperation with the International Federation of Translators in Amman – Jordan on 27-28 April 2007, Publications of the Arab Thought Foundation, Beirut, 2007.
35- Intellectual Property Disputes Settlement within the framework of the Convention on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), the Lebanese Journal for Arab and International Arbitration, issue No. 43, 2007, Beirut, 2007, p. 45, |
2007 |
36- Foreign Investments Guarantees against Non-Commercial Risk, working paper presented within the legal conference of the Beirut Arab University, April 2006, Halabi legal publications, Beirut, 2007. Published in the Proceedings of the Forum. |
2006 |
Books: |
· الوجيز في التأمينات العينية والشخصية في القانون القطري، (فصل من كتاب مشترك)، مقبول للنشر لدى دار نشر جامعة قطر،2022. |
2022 |
· Encyclopedia of Arab Intellectual Property Laws, Including key international and regional conventions with a Primer on Intellectual Property Law, (Co-authored Book) 2011. |
2011 |
· Good Governance, specialized study funded by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, Dubai, All Publications Press, Beirut, 2009.
· Guide to the Arab Parliamentary to implement the UN Convention against Corruption, co-writer in collaboration with ARAPAC, the organization’s publications, Beirut, November 2009. |
2009 |
· Anti-money laundering on the Internet, Dar Al Jamiaa Al Jadida for publication, Alexandria, 2008: First edition: 2008, Second edition: 2009.
· Protection of Intellectual Property on the Internet, Dar Al Jamiaa Al Jadida for publication, Alexandria, 2008: First edition: 2008, Second edition: 2009.
· Legal Framework to Combat Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism Locally and Internationally, the Emirates Center for Research and Strategic Studies, Abu Dhabi, 2008. |
2008 |
· Technology Transfer Contracts, comparative legal study on the mechanisms of technology transfer and means of contracting, Sader legal publications, Beirut 2007. |
2007 |
Research Project |
Organization |
Year |
Principal Investigator for Funded Project” Toward Reforming the Economic Legislative Mechanisms for Achieving Legal Security in light of the National Policies of the State of Qatar (NPRP-S ID)NPRP11S-0101-180160 (Co-Research Project) |
Qatar Foundation |
2019-2022 |
Principal Investigator for Funded Project “Labor Disputes in the Qatari Legal System: A Model of Collaboration Between the Law Clinic and the Survey Clinic in Providing Legal Aid to the Vulnerable, High Impact Internal Grant, Qatar University Office of Research Support (QR 500.000) ( 2018- 2019) (Co-Research Project) |
Qatar University |
2018-2019 |
Research on beneficial ownership legislation, Consultancy Tasks with Transparency International- Germany on Research Tasks, July, 2015.Report published 12 November 2015 Under title” JUST FOR SHOW- Reviewing G20 promises on beneficial ownership” on : (Co-authored Research Project) Germany , 2015 |
Transparency International- Germany |
2015 |
Towards Modern Lebanese Law for Arbitration and Mediation”, the National Council for Scientific Research, (Co-authored Research Project) Lebanon, 2014 |
National Council for Scientific Research -Beirut – Lebanon |
2014 |
Consumer Protection in Arab Legislation between the fact and practice “The Lebanese law as a model” (Co-authored Research Study) |
League of Arab States Arab League’s Council of Ministries of Justice – Arab Center for legal & Judicial researches – Beirut – Lebanon |
2014 |
Towards effective frameworks to prevent impunity for perpetrators of corruption with impunity,” Research Study for UNDP, UNDP workshop on “Integrity in the relationship between the two sectors private and public ” Casablanca, Morocco on 24 – 25 September 2013. |
UNDP -Regional anti-corruption project & Arab Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network – Beirut – Lebanon |
2013-2014 |
Guide to the Arab Parliamentary to implement the UN Convention against Corruption, co-writer with several international experts in collaboration with ARAPAC, the organization’s publications, Beirut, November 2009. |
Arab Region Parliamentarians Against Corruption (ARPAC) – Beirut -Lebanon |
2009 |
Good Governance, specialized study funded by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, Dubai, All Publications Press, Beirut, 2009. |
Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation (MBRF)- Dubai- UAE |
2009 |
Settlement of Disputes Related to Foreign Investment: An Analysis of the Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes, a study published in a series of Strategic Studies, the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research ECSSR, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2008. (Serial No.: 134-ISSN: 1682-1203, ISBN (Paperback): 978-9948-00-965-8. |
Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR)- Abu Dhabi – UAE |
2008 |
Legal Framework to Combat Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism Locally and Internationally, the Emirates Center for Research and Strategic Studies, Abu Dhabi, 2008 |
Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) – Abu Dhabi – UAE |
2008 |
Settlement of Disputes Relating to Copyright and Related Rights, a study published in a series of Specialized Studies, Vol5, : ISBN: 978-9948-03-645-6 ,publications of the Police Academy in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2008 |
Dubai Police Academy – Research Centre – Dubai- UAE |
2008 |
International and Arab Bodies for foreign investments Guarantees, (Co-authored study) a study on the Arab and international legal system of investment bodies, a publication in the Journal of the judiciary and jurisprudence, Vol 37, issued by the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice, League of Arab States, Cairo, April 2008. |
Arab League’s Council of Ministries of Justice – Arab Journal of jurisprudence and the judiciary – Cairo- Egypt |
2008 |